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Everything posted by JTpaintball70

  1. I want one of these. But maybe with tracks up front too...
  2. THanks guys. I'll give a few colleges a call on Tuesday and see what they say. And I was looking over the application paperwork.... Looks like I'll apply as an Intermediate and see what happens. I'm hoping even if I'm a basic I'll get the IV cert at least. And Dawn, I might take you up on that. Neither me or the person I'm gonna be rooming with know too much about the area. Both of us are getting out of ABQ because we're ready for a change and a fresh start.
  3. My condolences on having to deal with AFD. Some are ok, but others... What do you mean that more are looking at Allied Health? I'm assuming that means the EMS and RRT programs will be pretty packed as well?
  4. CNMs was ok. But from what I've been told all the programs are not what they used to be. And the system of EMS in ABQ doesn't lend itself well to interns. I'm ok with going through school again... But I'm hoping to find a nursing school with no waitlist...
  5. None. Due to personal issues and issues with a preceptor I was unable to complete the last internship cycle here in ABQ. If I was staying I'd reapply to the program here while on a waiting list for RN (even though I'd be made to redo the entire program), but since I'm moving the college faculty were able to let me test for EMT-I... Now if NREMT would just accept my paramedic NR practical test instead of making me do the I85 practical
  6. Easy. Don't want to finish here plus family reasons for moving to CO. If a college up there will take all the didactic and just put me into internship I'd be more than happy. As it is I'm going to be talking to colleges up there when I go visit to get things set up in a few weeks. I'd be more than happy to become a medic.
  7. I wonder if there's a transition course? The only reason I'm having to test for I85 instead of I99 is NM schools only offer 85. The didactic paramedic courses I passed (all) would easily qualify for I99...
  8. I'm getting ready go get my NREMT license and planning a move to CO. Problem is I'll have an NREMTI/85 (although with the alphabet soup of PEPP, PALS, ACLS, CPR, PHTLS). I've read conflicting stuff that when applying I will be issued a CO EMT-B license instead of an I license. Any truth to that? I'm looking to move to the Denver/Lakewood/Aurora area and looking for work while reapplying for medic school and looking for nursing schools. Any help or advice would be appreciated. I would have just called to ask, but they were closed yesterday throuhg this coming monday.
  9. I'm at the hospital tonight... I might download it when I get home though and just see how bad it is
  10. Hey Kiwi, some of the things you posted as wrong actually are some differences between US and foreign EMS. The medics wearing headsets I'm assuming you're referring to in the rescue? Some rescues have those setup in them for all crew positions. And Adrenaline is commonly referred to as Epi here in the US. Just figured I'd do it this way, to save me the headache of going back later to edit my post.
  11. Welcome back And I'm glad to see another member from the land of entrapment... that is if you're reffering to NM...
  12. Paramedics is one show I've yet to be able to watch... is it really that bad?
  13. Albuquerque Ambulance is regarded highly by most people I've talked to, but the system that it's in is a little odd with potentially lots of medics on one scene. Other systems are Ruidoso EMS here in NM. You might find a few more progressives out west.
  14. Makes me glad I work in the hospital I do. They are giving us the option of whether we want it or not. I am declining both flu shots, as the two times I've gotten one I was sicker than I ever was during flu season without it.
  15. We have another refugee. Welcome man!
  16. Glad to see you over here. It's good most of us are finding new homes
  17. I can finally see the first few episodes... It's weird that NetFlix only lets you watch like every fourth episode online
  18. Lets see... class, work (work on a usually slow floor of a hospital as a tech), home, coffee shops... I don't know. most places with internet
  19. That's pretty good I also like one that a classmate of mine is putting out now. http://www.whytheycallitpractice.com
  20. Not a combination of buttons per se... If you have any windows CD (even an older 98 CD) that you can boot from (put it in the drive and then restart the computer, follow the on screen cues to hit a button to boot from CD), you should be able to install the new windows over the old one by hitting the format drive button... That will erase everything on the computer and allow you to start over
  21. If you're using Windows there is. There are several programs that you can use by putting it on a CD and booting with it that will let you change the password to get in. I've had to use them once or twice on new computers with different keyboards (touch type the pass and then realized that touch typing on the new keyboard gave me a password that wasn't right and I couldn't recreate the pass). I'll look see if I still have the name of it sitting around EDIT: EBCD is what I used. A DL Link is here: http://www.petri.co.il/forgot_administrator_password.htm#2
  22. I got my first two EJs on internship on traumas. As long as you can get the pt's neck turned and just hold slight pressure near the base of the neck on the EJ, it should be fairly steady and puff up a little more. At least that's how I did it. My only problem I ran into was both times I did it on the R side, and since I'm left handed it made the insertion a little tricky.
  23. Meh, ABQ can be both sides of this coin. I'm on internship and had 1 preceptor that wanted to transport right away on everything. My next preceptor was more than ok with me staying on scene to stabilize the patient and get some treatment done on scene. I tend to treat minor stuff on scene before I transport (and definately get some major stuff treated as we get the pt moved, like GSWs).
  24. I applaud what Calgary EMS did for that officer. Serving dogs should get proper treatment too
  25. My classmates have all been brainstorming ideas to approach NM EMS about a standardized AAS requirement for medics statewide. We also have been talking about how to increase professionalism in our chosen career paths. I know all of us would most likely be willing to help any way we could
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