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Everything posted by JTpaintball70

  1. Heh, looks like I'm making a trip to Pecos... The chief wants to show me around and talk to me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JTpaintball70


      He seems like it. Thanks again for telling me about them :) Their system sounds like my idea of heaven, rural and long transports.

    3. spenac


      If it works out and your happy you can send thanks in the form of cash. If it turns out you hate it I had nothing to do with it. lol

      Make sure you get a full understanding of the work hours and the required call time if they still have it.

    4. JTpaintball70


      lol, if I like it I'll buy ya a beer :P

      I was told they still require a certain amount of on-call time though. I'm heading out there on Tuesday.

  2. Elite Medical in Deming/El Paso is seeing if they will take my temp cert. If so it looks like I might interview for Deming, if not I might interview for EP. Fingers crossed again

    1. spenac


      Hope you find a great job.

    2. JTpaintball70


      At this point I'll settle with 'paying job' :P But I've still got a lot of places that I haven't heard from, so we'll see

  3. I hope this doesn't come to pass. I'd hate to see the UK EMS system dumbed down and become like the US EMS system is.
  4. Just thought of something. If you're a member of NAEMT, you can apply for a scholarship through them...
  5. That's a hell of a long float for you
  6. Check Sunstar too. I've heard decent things about them. Don't despair too much. Yea, it sucks that FL is mostly fire based, but there are some decent county services
  7. Phone interview w/ Guardian EMS TX just done. Lets hope they can find a FT 911 slot for me :)

  8. With your age and no experience (especially living in NYC if I saw your other post correctly) vollie is just about your only option. You could try to get on with a hospital as a tech (not just ER, but look at floor techs as well), but they usually also want experience. Sorry man, hope you get something. But the market for EMT-Bs is just oversaturated.
  9. Applied for two fire academies, 1 police academy, and the Border Patrol testing. Figured I'll keep my options open :)

  10. Scored 148/150 on the transition test :) Now I am schedule to take the NM EMT-I state test in December

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scubanurse
    3. JTpaintball70


      No unfortunately. It's the reciprocity process to gain full NM EMT-I cert. I'm out of CO, so I'm not really looking at I/99 anymore...

    4. JTpaintball70
  11. I've never seen Narcan used like that, but if you can give it IN, I don't see why neb wouldn't work. I'm curious about this now. Anyone use neb Narcan?
  12. Elite Medical in El Paso, and HC EMS in McAllen TX both asked for more information. Good sign?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JTpaintball70


      Nope, not concealing a thing :) It's been mainly asking for copies of stuff like DL that I didn't send in the initial packet, or an application when I sent in just a resume

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      I wouldn't sweat it too much. Obviously, they're doing their 'due dilligence' before they make an offer.

    4. spenac


      Good to hear you are getting some interest.

  13. No problem. Most companies make similar ones. Just look for 'ankle boots' or '6" boots'
  14. Something like these? http://www.511tactical.com/browse/Home/Fire-EMS/Boots/6-Boots/D/30000/P/1:100:20000:20500:20504
  15. No offense to the FF's on this board, but I'm glad Private EMS is around. Lets me do what I love to do without having to become a Firefighter, which is something I have exactly zero interest in doing.
  16. Have a local interview tomorrow. Should be interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JTpaintball70


      It went well... but they won't hire anyone with a temp state license. I need to kick the local EMS Academy in the ass to get my transition course finished

    3. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      How long do you have to wait for your 'permanent license'?

    4. JTpaintball70


      Gotta take the state test. I'm trying to call in a favor to take it on Oct 2nd, but the test site after that is not until December

  17. Not to start an argument, but I have to call BS on that last part. Please show me one dept or agency that requires their staff to have a scope like that. I have been applying all over the US lately and not seen a thing like that at all.
  18. Might have a chance to go work in Kuwait for a year. Fingers crossed :)

    1. spenac


      Make sure and PM Dwayne, DD and AK as they might be able to give some pointers.

  19. Sorry, meant CO My cert doesn't transfer well to the PNW
  20. As a medic you'll have an easier time than I've had looking for work up there Good luck either way man!
  21. When I was living in Denver we had a couple medics move to CO cause they couldn't find work as medics anywhere in the state. Hope you have better luck than them
  22. Although if you do wind up with a pair of boots with no zipper, they do make one that will lace into the front. They work ok
  23. ABQ, NM medics tend to use it a lot. Seizes is still primarily Valium, but for sedation and chemical restraints Versed it the first choice. And it's kept w/ Fent, Valium, and MS in a small pouch on the medic's person.
  24. Depends. When I worked on an ambulance it was: Shears, pens, penlight, pocket knife, wallet, gloves, phone (and at the time an iTouch with Epocrates). In my pack was a field guide, laptop, books, Zune, water, snacks, and a few other things. When I worked at the hospital: Shears, pens, penlight, Phone. In my pack was a Kindle, laptop, water, field guide (it just kinda lives in my bag), text books, knife, spare magazine for my pistol (which lived in the truck while I was in the hospital).
  25. I was an 8th grader home sick from school that day. I spent my morning playing video games until my mother called and told me to turn the news on. I turned it on just as the second plane hit the towers
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