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Everything posted by JTpaintball70

  1. Part of that might be the ads up top too. They used to be horizontal, now they're loading vertical and shoving everything else pretty far down
  2. I'm sorry Kate :( That's a very not fun feeling.

  3. I'm sorry Kate :( That's a very not fun feeling.

  4. I'm sorry Kate :( That's a very not fun feeling.

  5. BM used to be really the only thing that got me, but 9 months of working as a hospital tech made it so it doesn't bother me anymore
  6. I've never heard of that one. Might look to see if it's available anywhere to watch online...
  7. I enjoyed that movie the first few times I watched it. Shows burn out pretty damned well
  8. Unless the accident physically stopped me from proceding past it, nope wouldn't stop I don't carry anything that would make it safe for me to stop to help at an accident, and usually when I'm going somewhere I don't want to be late for whatever I'm doing. I've never lived in a state where I've been reqiured to stop for anything, and I kinda like it that way.
  9. I drove by 7 MVCs on the way home from CO Springs today. 3 of them happened right in front of me. The reason I didn't stop? It was pouring and visibility was nil. I was not about to get out of my truck with no jacket, no reflective vest, and no big red house marker blocking off lanes of traffic.
  10. Saw something on Facebook (NEMSAs page) that a newspaper in Reno is suing EMTCity for posting of one of their articles. I won't risk posting the article that says it, but has anyone else heard of this? EDIT: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/jun/05/8-more-websites-sued-over-r-j-copyrights-34-total/
  11. I found that ad a while back and was wondering the same thing
  12. Read it, agree with it. It's essentially the state enforcing federal immigration laws (about time someone did).
  13. Unless I know the person involved in the wreck I'm not stopping. I don't carry a kit or supplies to be used on other people, just me.
  14. Good thoughts to the family. RIP man
  15. Not to mention less drain on the batteries too
  16. All hail his noodley goodness. May his appendage touch us all
  17. I don't remember the exact day either I have to look it up too.
  18. I do it every year for talk like a pirate day
  19. What is that? And On topic... I walked in for my first 24 at the new company this morning and found an inflatable pool table and cue sticks sitting there
  20. Not for down there, and they just hired 9 EMTs and 3 medics for here in Denver... I don't know if they're looking at another class of orientees anytime soon Sorry
  21. I just pulled a shift down in Security (just south of COS)at the FD down there (My company does the contracted medic coverage for them) and I loved it. I might have to move down that way
  22. If you can find some old surgical tubing, stretching it out between the two front doors to the unit. And not just KY but I saw a medic do the door handles bit with Lido Jelly
  23. There is only one level of medic. There are four total with EMR, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic. I99s will have to do a transition to medic or get reduced in scope to AEMT
  24. As far as I can tell no. I've been looking into it since I have all the classroom medic courses done, and CO doesn't recognize I/85. I was hoping to challenge I/99 but no dice. And don't bother anyway as NREMT is getting rid of I/99 and making AEMT aprox the level of I/85
  25. Generally medics here that I've seen make more than medics in, say, Santa Fe. Which has a higher COL than it appears to up here in Denver
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