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Everything posted by JTpaintball70

  1. I just moved to CO from out of state so I might be able to help a little. My answers in red. I have an interview with Pridemark next month, and Rural/Metro I never heard anythign back from, DG is one I'm keeping my eye out for BLS positions.
  2. If it's online, a lot of times I can leave it blank if it won't take 'Neg'
  3. Don't discount working a hospital floor either. I did that for 9 months in ABQ before I moved. Made better money than any basic in the area too. And I learned a hell of a lot. If you're willing to learn and are motivated they might be willing to float you to other floors to help out too. I think that last 4 months I was there I worked 1 of my 3 nights a week on the Oncology unit (my 'home' floor), 1 night in the ED, and 1 night in the Neuro IMC No they are not created equal, hence why AMR is sometimes known as the 'Evil Empire' Not that I would really know, AMR didn't really operate much in the parts of NM that I'm from, but they operate a lot up here in the Denver area
  4. One reason we can be quick to judge is when it seems like someone is trying to hide their background in a situation like this. Asking if we know of any service that don't do background checks just seems like you are trying to hide your past.
  5. From what I've heard, most BLS in NJ is volunteer, but not sure of that. And any respectable service would do background checks. Around here and in NM (where I'm from) any past drug conviction or conviction related to a drug charge is an automatic barring from being hired, if the state will even certify you.
  6. PT/OT, RRT, RN, PA, NP, MD. Those are the more common degree'd providers I ran into while working in the hospital.
  7. Welcome to the City! And annoying Dwayne is fine, all of us do it at one time or other I think. I just moved to CO a month or so ago actually and just started orientation with a service this week. What part of the state are you in?
  8. Hope it was a good day for ya!
  9. Give it time, once my roommate gets married in a few months and moves out of the area, then I might
  10. I get away with it by being 500 miles from the closest family. No sig other, no kids. I just don't have to bother telling anyone
  11. Ya know I never thought about it like that. I've always just figured I'll shoot ya till you stop coming towards me. And my CCW instructor in NM hammered that into us as well
  12. Yes I have taken someone on a date to a shooting range. It's not that far out of reality
  13. I'm sorry to hear that Anthony. If there's something any of us can do let us know. It sucks that they did this to you over something that trivial
  14. HE probably would have been fine if he hadn't had the firearm on airport property. I carry almost everywhere I go, but I know airports are offlimits
  15. Think about what a fast food worker makes, then subtract a few dollars an hour
  16. I did forget one of my favorite historical fantasy series. The Camulod series from Jack Whyte. Great re imagining of the Arthurian legends
  17. Wow... that rule is a bit harsh. Where I've worked, hitting a curb just meant that you bought ice cream for your crew But good luck with everything. Hope it goes well for ya
  18. I'm finishing up pretty much the entire Pern series from Anne Mcaffery. Great fantasy books right there Another good one in the fantasy realm is the Amber series by Roger Zelazny
  19. Ah yes, L.J. Tibbs
  20. Sounds like he got what he deserved
  21. On the Codeine thing, I guess it could be possible.Codeine is a narcotic so I'd assume it could slow respirations when too much is taken just like morphine or heroin. As for the rest of the episode... I'm undecided on what I thought about it.
  22. The hostility isn't towards ya'll personally. It's just that most of us believe the system in NJ is one of the most retarded ones in the country. IMHO it's even worse than CAs incredibly fragmented system.
  23. It does seem the medics screwed up. If they didn't want this to happen they should stage properly.
  24. Glad I'm not the only one who was a little lost on that
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