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Everything posted by snoop2468a

  1. However, it does wear out for many. Burnout can also happen with time. There are many articles on burnout. It is important to share your concerns with your EMS supervisors - if you have a call that is bothering you. Stopping at incidents when off duty should be personally decided - if you can be prepared/scene safety/and have the time for the full duration of the call. There are of course many other conditions/concerns. Note: If your vehicle is advertised with lightbars and other insignias - you may have a predeciding factor. After about my first five years of EMS Lic plates, etc - I decided not to "advertise". However, if there was an appearance of life threatening situation with no EMS units on the scene of an incident, I would always choose it as an obligation morally to stop and assist.
  2. Regular training sessions?
  3. I am a newbie here, just arrived. I have been in EMS since 1975. I found EMT city by a google search. Maybe some promotion of this site nationally?
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