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About emtlady76877

  • Birthday 11/10/1964

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  1. Welcome back did you bring ToTo with you?
  2. Nervous about my OR clinical on Monday

  3. Nervous about my OR clinical on Monday

  4. Nervous about my OR clinical on Monday

  5. Darren is a nice guy that will go that extra mile o be a good friend.

  6. Never get married on valentines day like I did. Don't get me wrong I'm not sorry I got married :I'm sorry I got married on valentines day. I will be celebrating my twentyfourth wedding anniversary on valentines day.
  7. EMTBASIC_911_911's Mother came in this morning and informed the ones that was in chat that she was a a wreck Friday January 16,2009. A truck side swiped her grand prix that she was driving. EMTBASIC_911_911 has been unconcous since the accident. EMTBASIC is in st francis in peoria hospital. Her mother told me she would keep me updated to EMTBASIC's condition.
  8. Congratulations he is a :angel13: to bad there will be no :sleepy2: for a while so here is the new Don :coffee: and Jess here you deserve this :icescream:
  9. take it i'm married to a mechanic he will fix it then sell it..... leave warm weather
  10. takes it......and uses it as a vacation i'l go to hawiii for a week leave my english books
  11. take it i'l start a city wide snow ball fight with it.......... leave a years supply of coffee and or hot chocolate.
  12. Happy Bithday
  13. I am thankful for my family & friends including my cyber friends
  14. Will take lone & let him off & give him 1 billion dollars....... I will leave a batch of cookies
  15. Take it ...... I'l throw it at somebody in the chat room...... ..... I'l leave a cup of hot chocolate
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