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  1. Hey my fellow Corspman. I am an HMC now in the reserves. I am truely sorry for your LPO not getting the things done in a timely manner for you. Here are some quick questions first. 1) Are you National Reg.? 2) While on deployment did you do any type of training? 3) if so what? Besides hand to hand and weapons training....... 4) Where you able to keep up your basic stuff, cpr, acls, stuff like that.? 5) How many hours was the emt basic recert time...? Now here are some options contact the National Reg you can take the test which is now computer based. I don't know how long it has been since you certed. To recert. You can also when you talk to national reg. speak to the military spec. They are great. Welcome home SAILOR. Sorry you are having such a time if you need anything contact me @ fireflightmedic1@gmail.com HAROLD PEACE
  2. SZ pt light was a standard PD light unknown if led, xenon, or incandecent. From stories light was used for merly seconds. To establish an IV line. Veinascopes are great but are not standard on the 911 units that I know of in GA.
  3. Real quick guys. I have a really quick question. I have heard, been taught, seen and used flashlights as a useful tool in establishing an IV. Here is the question I pose. Is this a taught standard in is it in a book? Reason I ask is there seems to be discussion about this concerning a pediatric patient that received burns to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. I would like to read up on some lituature on this as this concerns me as a father and a paramedic. Any thoughts and help would be great.
  4. Send me a contact email I will send you some helpful links.
  5. Hey man sorry for your loss. Your nephew was a great guy and we should all look to him as a hero in our life. Standing out on the front line away from your friends and family to out your life on the line for people who you don't even know for our freedom. May I be th first to say thank you to you and your family for allowing him to serve but also let me say that I am deeply sorry for your loss. May he guard heavens gates with all our other brother and sisters who went before. May god bless you and your family in your time of sorrow. My wife and I are praying to give y'all stength and guidence. Harold Peace Ps need anything let me know will see what we can do.
  6. When you "jump up" without first sitting upright slowly your blodd tends to follow gravity which is down, which in turn causes the reduction in blood flow to the brain so lack of oxygen so brain gets mad and shuts the body down...
  7. How much and what size is it?
  8. Please express our love and sorrow for the loss. May justice come swift to those at fault. Love Harold and Melissa Peace
  9. Hey email me fireflightmedic1@gmail.com will see what we can do......
  10. Firest off congrats on the premotion. I am a current GA PMDC at Grady and my wife is a EMT and Disp supervisor let me run some stuff by her. She is the Kaiser compliance and QA perosn. See if I might be able to help. What state are you in it will make a difference.
  11. I have my strip book from school and am willing to print out my everyday encounters. Email me fireflightmedic1@gmail.com
  12. Hi and welcome. I am a current paramedic in Georgia at Grady. I have been in EMS for going on 16 years and have been in almost every aspect. I started out while in high school. I still love it. Some of us do burn out it happens. We see some of the worse of the worse and stupid of the stupid. At on minute we can be sitting still then screaming across town to a stubbed toe or worse yet a child in cardiac arrest. We have to remember that we got into this for the peolp. Oh and also we don't get paid that much. But seeing that one person who was dead literally then we walk thru the door and start our job and they turn around and start talking to us after treatment. Now about family life kinda depends on what your significant other does. I met my wife in EMS. So she understands the holdovers or early mornings. Soo its just having to understand that sometimes we don't want to talk or we want just to just scream. Now if you are still interested I have my cardiac strip books at home and I will be more tbhan happy to print some from my everyday encounters. Just email me fireflightmedic1@gmail.com
  13. Good luck. It is not as hard as you or your mind makes it out to be. Just remember your training. and if all else fails remember the basics BSI/PPE, SCENE SAFE... yada yaa yada. But in the statics remember your rules to determine your rhythm and be sure. the ones i had was v-tach with a pulse, aystole, brady, and wpw.. and they had put my statices in with my dynamic. don't over think you orals boards they are easy they really are, don't add anything into them. Use your differential diagnosis and remember to treat stuff pretty quick be fairly aggressive in treatments. Good luck let me know how you did.. fireflightmedic1@gmail.com Tony Peace
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