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Everything posted by daveg

  1. and yes it was my first seizure
  2. well yes i guess i was pretty disoriented, but i was moving. i am from ontario. what bothered me most is i was completely exposed infront of my principal and school nurse. when i was rolled out i was covered, but only from about my belly button to my ankles. then in the ambulance the female paramedic, removed my covers and kept me fully naked for the entire ride. it was kind of humilating. when i got to the emergency room. she covered me up, but i was immediately exposed once i was rolled into the room.
  3. by pelvic i mean she felt everywhere around my genitals, not my actual genitals. im actually not aware of the difference between consciousness and a postictal state? sorry. and im im pretty sure they were paramedics but im not 100%
  4. (I have already posted this question on another forum so sorry for posting it again, just looking for different opinions) Hello, I am not a paramedic, so i apologize in advance for writing on your forum but it seemed like the only place to have my question answered accurately. I am a 17 year old high school student and feel as though I was mistreated and almost abused by paramedics, I'm just wondering if what they did to me is standard protocol or malpractice. here is my story... I was is class when I suddenly had a seizure. I ended up falling and cutting my head pretty bad and briefly losing consciousness. When I regained consciousness the school nurse and principal were treating me, minutes later paramedics arrived. The paramedics stethed my chest, then put both a neck brace and oxygen mask on me. They then began cutting off my clothing, they cut away my shirt, pants and uderwear. They even removed my shoes and socks. I uderstand that sometimes clothig needs to be removed, but I was fully conscious and able to move all my limbs, and to top it off my school nurse and principal were still in the room. They then strapped me to a backboard and didn't cover me up until they lifted me up onto the stretcher. Once i was in the ambulance, the paramedic removed my covers again she gave me a full pysical workup including a pelvic, is this at all needed? She didn't cover me up untill we arrived at the e.r. Im not an expert, from what I have read there was no need for all of that to be done, I'm hoping that some of you REAL paramedics can give me insight into whether or not this is proper procedure. NOTES: I was very woozy and experienced lots of back and neck pain. I don't remember the seizure but apparently i fell pretty hard, my cut needed 8 stitches. Thanks for your time. Please post back or e-mail me
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