Now it is called EMT-Intermediate 99 which is the new standard.
EMT-I includes a lot more than just IV and intubation - It includes ACLS, cardiology, medication (no longer just assisting), and a much better understanding of EMS, events, traumas, etc. IMO Intermediate was very helpful to me, even though I am not recignised as an I.
Here in CO, Intermediates are not recognised by any services to my knowledge anymore, mabye a few VERY rural services. I know thatmany rural services rid of that, and no services in the city do.
Around here, being a basic without an IV certification, you won't find a job. Most if not all services require Basics to be IV certified.
All of the schools still offer the Intermediate courses (I-99) of which the first 2 weeks is the IV course. Thats how I got my IV certification. Or, many local schools offer a simple 2 week course for IV certification.
I do not agree that Basics should be able to intubate, however starting IVs is a crucial skill that all EMTs should have.