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  1. You are all going to like this one. Critics: H1N1 bill gives too much power Updated: Thursday, 08 Oct 2009, 4:40 PM EDT Published : Thursday, 08 Oct 2009, 4:40 PM EDT * Veronica Cintron * Matt Caron CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) - A bill that would give the state the power to isolate those infected by the H1N1 virus passed the House on Thursday. Public health officials would also be able to set up quarantines to contain an outbreak. In addition, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health would have the power to evacuate public buildings and even close access to contaminated areas. We caught up with House Speaker Robert DeLeo in Chicopee on Wednesday to ask him what the bill entails. "In terms of requirements for quarantine and what role hospitals and medical centers will play." Critics of the bill say it gives government too much power. The Senate approved an earlier version of the bill in April. Now, the bill heads to the Governors desk. Run for the hills.... Oh wait I'm already there.
  2. Seriously thunder? wow its too cold for a storm.

  3. Seriously thunder? wow its too cold for a storm.

  4. Seriously thunder? wow its too cold for a storm.

  5. Exactly now you know my train of thought.
  6. That is exactly what I mean they don't know how many are the regular flu and how many are the actual H1N1. I just can't stand them all saying that there is an estimate of so many people having the swine flu yet they are not actually sure. There is no facts to these statements they are sending out. Just to show you what I mean I will copy a article from the past week. Mass. estimates 20,000 swine flu cases First vaccine shipment set to arrive next week Updated: Thursday, 01 Oct 2009, 10:05 AM EDT Published : Thursday, 01 Oct 2009, 10:05 AM EDT WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - An estimated 20,000 Massachusetts residents have already contracted the swine flu and the number is likely to rise in coming months. Gov. Deval Patrick said during a swine flu conference held in Worcester on Wednesday that the state has already taken steps to help curb the spread, including ordering its first vaccine shipment, set to arrive next week. The initial number of vaccinations is small -- up to 50,000 doses meant for health care workers -- but additional batches should continue arriving weekly through the flu season. Public health officials say the 20,000 number is based on the fact that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated 1 million cases in the U.S. and Massachusetts is 2 percent of the national population. The state has stopped testing for the disease. and just so no one says anything here is the link wwlp Now don't get me wrong I am not disagreeing with you in anyway. I do see it as a waste of resources to test everyone with flu like symptoms. I just don't like that they are playing this out to be a huge pandemic yet they don't have the numbers to support such a finding. They are riding the numbers of the normal flu cases we have every year all year and making them all out to be what they want them to.
  7. You know what would be great but will never happen? If they actually tested the sick to find out if they had H1N1 and not just the flu. But like I said its not happening this state has stopped testing all flu like symptoms (except for the deadly ill) for the dreaded swine flu. So now everyone with flu like symptoms are being classified as having the horrid swine flu even when they don't. Welcome to the pandemic of the normal flu season. How many people knew that some states like Massachusetts and New Hampshire have stopped testing 99% of the suspected cases? Don't worry I am sure there are a hell of a lot more states out there that have also stopped testing and are just lumping everyone into the same category of sickness.
  8. so true but so damn fun to watch at times.
  9. Or gloves for that matter "Here Mom help me out and stick your dirty finger in your sons neck so I can treach him."
  10. Maybe for episode two we should have a drinking game while watching it. Ya know take a shot for each pt abandonment or chug for a misplaced ET tube. I'm sure we could come up with some very fun ways of getting trashed while watching the show. Then it might be fun to watch.
  11. No actually I am not that worried about what happened in 1918 it may have been a pandemic that killed that many people back the but it is now 2009 and our medical care is a lot better than it was back in 1918. But just remember we are the ones creating these super viruses and bacteria. I'm not saying no one should get the vaccine just saying that I will not be getting one. But hey if we have a repeat of 1918 again you can call me out on it. Don't worry its only my opinion.
  12. I don't believe that we should be mandated to get a vaccine for a virus that is just going to mutate over time and get stronger. Now I do believe that people who are at rick should get vaccinated but I do not believe that everyone should have to get it. I also think that this entire "pandemic" is over rated. My service has already had to go through training for the emergency dispensing site for the H1N1 vaccine. I will keep my opinion to myself about how I feel with that. I think everyone needs to remember just how many people a year die from the regular flu. It sure beats H1N1 but no body is freaking about that.
  13. Guinness you mean that dark stuff. Man your a puss not wanting to drink it! Its some good stuff.... hahaha Skirt... LOL
  14. He made it shes sane again.. Well Ok as sane as he ever was to begin with. Rid he had his Guinness at Cheers. But Ill tell ya nothing like standing in the ocean at 30 degrees now is there? Your welcome any time you know that. Ha my first post in months.. Go figure.... I think I'm getting sick or something.
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