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Everything posted by louise911

  1. Hiya..i'm coming over in a couple of weeks to see about a job up in Seattle..This visit wil be a holiday and a chance to see if i'll be happy there..I have a friend who has been talking to his bosses about me getting employment there and we will be going to see them when i'm there..So fingers crossed for me
  2. thanx you
  3. hahahaha,..of course lol..but thanx Aaron
  4. thanks...both of you...Spenac...have faith lol
  5. i've finally qualified!!!...USA here i come!!!!
  6. ha ha ha ha,the 'omgs' now thats funny..
  7. erm,im laughing..but i can assure you it is a joke..although i have been at some scenes where them vests would come in very useful at times!!!
  8. oh yes,more than once!!..but thats all im saying :oops:
  9. holy hell...im lost for words here..and its rare that happens!!!!!! :shock:
  10. hrmmmmm..im always a mile behind every1 in reading and posting,but!!!...where in the uk can you earn £40.000 as a paramedic???...i would love to know!!....would love to work there 1 day!
  11. lmao
  12. ..i think i'll stay in england then lol
  13. thanx for that k6..but if only it was that easy lol!!
  14. see i aint got that problem..newcastles got a fantastic nightlife..although i dont often get time to go out and party!!!....
  15. ha ha lmao
  16. i lmao all the way through the video..and agree with everything said..damm!!
  17. that may be true,but i have an excuse..i had just got up wheni read it lol
  18. wtf..how does that work then..im all confused now
  19. omg..im pretty new 2 all this aswell but i would request a new partner hun..she sounds like an accident waitin 2 happen!!!
  20. 2 hrs a week, ...typical man...2 minute wonder!!!
  21. i wanna job over ther not a husband lol..thanx 4 the advice anyway...
  22. could b down 2 otha meds she is takin
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