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About nattlebattle

  • Birthday 11/07/1989

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    Time travel, Finding Waldo

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  1. Ewwww mornings....

  2. Without fail I have to change my pants at least once every shift block. At least I made it to night three this time!

    1. Resqmedic


      I figure if my pants can't walk off by themselves they aren't dirty enough to change!

  3. Stuck in Fallon for a while today so I guess breakfast is in order.

  4. My caffeine combo just hit me. Worth getting rid of a headache but side effects are a little annoying. Woah

  5. Thank you mom for letting me know that it's never too early to start drinking with "company". Love you!

  6. I become considerably less productive when a James Bond movie is playing. I am catching up on the Daniel Craig versions.

  7. hey neighbors!!! It is not necessary to slam your doors repeatedly! Stop being lazy and catch it!

  8. I LOOOOOOOVE coffee!!!!!

  9. It's FRIDAY!!!!!!! Well kinda. Oh how I can't wait to be in my cozy bed!

  10. Smells like onion soup at my house!! Its ammmaaaaaazing

  11. Finally got my leather lounge chair warmed up and the apartment warmed up. It feels good to be home and relaxed!!!

  12. Friday for me!!! Then the beginning of birthday week! Kind of

  13. looney tunes makes any morning 100% better

  14. It's Friday night in the middle of the Nevada desert! Who is excited???? THIS GIRL!!!!!!

  15. Ceiling sounds like it may cave at any time. Not sure I'm comfortable where in at anymore.

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