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Everything posted by nattlebattle

  1. take the shoes... tree in the front yard needs decorating three boxes of random stuff from my closet
  2. take it... 30 year old feather cover my mother got in Germany when she was a kid...still warmer than ever
  3. Leave it..always seem to taste funny 75 mini packets of jelly
  4. Leave it....ouch 7 empty Amp energy drink cans
  5. No thats my job.
  6. Do you plan on furthering your EMT level?
  7. OR a couple to agrue about once you have "properly" installed the light bulb, where to place that "lamp" for maximum lighting.
  8. Online by Brad Paisley :violent2:
  9. I have bad luck with light bulbs. The last two I put in burned out within two days. I think I will come back in six months and "lurk" a little. Maybe learn a thing or two about light bulbs.
  10. at the moment its the bartender song by rehab! woo hoo
  11. Hey pinocchio where do you think you're going? haha oh wow
  12. Well you know that is what the front yard is for. Nevermind that is full of junk too.
  13. OMG there is an ambulance in my living room!!
  14. haha...yes I got to the end and realized that I had my thumb against my nose. One word...wow ](*,)
  15. Ummm. Well lets see the first time I read it I almost shot the milk shake I was drinkin out of my nose. Seriously who thinks this stuff up?
  16. I still cant get over the fact that it was the ambulance they crashed into. Its lucky that when there is an accident there happens to be medics close by but I think these girls took that luck a little too far.
  17. how many of you know the origin of the term redneck??? thats totally funny
  18. "gott ist ein popstar" by OOMPH
  19. what are the two sexiest animals on earth? brownchicken-browncow one of the TAs in my basic class said it... i laughed
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