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About CANUSAJenn

  • Birthday 03/19/1966

Previous Fields

  • Occupation
    Special Ed; EMT-B

Contact Methods

  • MSN
    Jennifer Lacks-Miller
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    Jenn Lacks-Miller

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gouverneur, NY
  • Interests
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Asperger Syndrome; EMS; cooking; reading;

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  1. If your area has a Community Players group, or the local middle/high school has a drama club, they may be very willing to provide actors for your scenes. You could also perform your scenarios at local schools during their science fairs or community awareness units. Good luck.
  2. As a special education teacher, I would have to say that a 13 year old unable to read is quite limited in his ability to understand the ramifications of this situation. If unable to read, it is very likely that his receptive comprehension in relatively low, as well as his expressive ability, so it would be very diffuclt to determine his ability to understand any of this. Even typical teenagers have very little understanding of the permanence of death ~ thus their very irresponsible behaviors such as driving too fast, suicide "attempts" for attention, etc ~ and their immature desire to "live for the moment".
  3. I certainly believe in the value of blended medicine (traditional & alternative) in many situations, and understand the limits of both. The obvious issues of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and parental rights can become very convoluted when dealing with this issue. However, the bottom line is the responsibility of advocating for the rights of the CHILD, not necessarily what the PARENTS believe in. It seems many missed the fact that this child is unable to read, and has learning disabilities. Therefore, his ability to understand his illness and the implications of treatment, or lack thereof, is severely limited. So the responsibility of the parents is to act in the best interest of the CHILD, not necessarily to assert their own religious/political agenda. Obviously their "wholesome" lifestyle choices have not prevented their child from becoming terminally ill, so why would they believe those methods could "cure" their child? I live near a rather large Amish community, so this issue has presented itself numerous times in my region. Most recently, two children were burned severely in a barn fire, and were hidden by the father before EMS arrived so they would not be treated. How any parent can assert that they believe that their "God" wants that for their children is beyond my level of comprehension.
  4. I'd be very interested in participating! wixworx@northnet.org
  5. I usually say, "I'm sorry you need me to be here but how can I help you?"
  6. Although in a rural isolated setting in the frozen north as well, I consider our volunteer organization fortunate to have a paramedic, and numerous ALS providers to continue to provide our region with skilled care and educational opportunites for the EMT-B providers.
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