BLS before ALS
you have to be an emt for a year atleast before you can start to be a medic.good emt skills is what makes a good medic.i dont give a damn if you are ALS is you cant to the basics then you are no good to me.think about how many ALS calls really go down on any given day,where i work(in manahttan) alot of calls get upgraded by the callers because they want an ambulance to get there faster but when you get there its bullshit.
yes ALS is hard,i was in medic school til i got hurt at work and had to drop out but so is emt work.medics need us and we need the medics.alot of places double as bls/als and are usually run by fire and thats the true issue imo. if you are a fire fighter then thats great but the system should be kept seperate.ems should be run by someone who has medical traning and not by a fire fighter.
getting back to which is better,neither is better,its what you know and how you do it.i can start a line,do the leads and push drugs better than some of these medics out here but i have seen als do better immoblization and basic bleeding control better than some of the techs who have been on the job for 20 years.
if you are an medic then you need to keep up your emt skills because all als protocols say BLS interventions first and just because we are on scene there to help you otu doesnt mean have us do all of that because you dont want to.learn the new tricks from your emts as for the techs learn the simple things from the medics like how to spike a bag or how to put the leads on the pt.
ems isnt going to go anywhere if we keep bashing eachother,als saves bls but its bls skills that saves als