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About Flasurfbum

  • Birthday 06/04/1987

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  • Occupation
    Firefighter/MICP, Paramedic

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  • Location
    Ocean City, NJ/Sat. Bch, Fla
  • Interests
    Surfing, jet skiing, shooting

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  1. Well, it certainly has been a while since I have been around. Ironically, the other day, as I was riding backwards on Engine 23, I thought about Rob, and how I haven't talked to him in quite some time, and how I needed to get in contact with him, let him know how I was, and find out about him. This kinda stings, because I never did. As one of the "firemonkeys" that often enraged him, I also learned from him, and am a better provider for it. Thanks buddy for lighting the fire (and then throwing gasoline on it to amuse yourself) under my ass to make me a better medic. I'll see ya on the otherside.
  2. Does the pt still have pain?
  3. is at the Clam Bar for the first, and probably last time this year. :-(

  4. is at the Clam Bar for the first, and probably last time this year. :-(

  5. is at the Clam Bar for the first, and probably last time this year. :-(

  6. Ding ding ding!! I love the ones the obey the 3ft rule... they ride 3 ft from a curb, and expect traffic to stay 3ft away from them, AND avoid getting in a head on collision. Whatever happened to natural selection?
  7. Thanks everyone! Although I am a Fireman, and working for a FD based EMS system, I don't forget why I do this, and I treat my pt, not the monitor, a protocol, or make decisions that are not in the best interest of my pt. AK, I think we have worked in the same areas, and may have crossed paths. Are you in Brevard atm? I'm in Satellite until Sunday.
  8. I drove in Jersey, Fla is a piece o cake!
  9. Right next to each other. Right now, no idea. 5 weeks of orienting at HCFR HQ on Hanna Ave, then onto a Rescue to be evaluated as a 3rd. I am hoping for Rescue 14 or 74, by USF, but we will see....
  10. Hillsborough. You still down here?
  11. Assess and secure airway via most appropriate device Establish IV access 20mg Lasix 0.4mg NTG SL q5min, up to 3 times. Call medical control. Often times we will get orders for 1in NTG paste, SL NTG PRN, PRN orders for Etomidate, Versed and intubation, PRN orders for CPAP if we haven't used it already, and occasionally 20mg more Lasix. God Bless NJ MICU.....
  12. After doing my time in Hell (aka NJ), I got hired with a County Fire Dept in Fla, starting June 21st. I know many look down upon Fla Fire Depts, and those that work for them, but this is a huge chance for me to actually be a medic, a fireman, and actually use my judgement during patient care, not a Dr many miles away, who I talk to over the phone.
  13. I might be a fireman, but I am also a pt advocate.
  14. Obviously, someone is lacking the skills needed in order to communicate with their pts.....
  15. How are you able to retain your certification in the State of NJ? Does NJ OEMS know of your conviction?
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