If you plan on coming to Jersey, bring patience, and lots of it.
You need your NREMTP, and then you need a project to sponsor you. You get that, and since you are coming from Fla, they will place you in the MICU as a 3rd "Medic in Training", despite the face you already have Fla and NREMT-P. You will be doing a minimum of 100 hrs as a MIT, paid, but not to the full Medic level, and higher then EMT pay.
You then wait, and wait and wait for the State to get, process, and send back your paperwork. You then get assigned a "T" or Temp number. You have 6 month "Trial" period where you can work as a 2nd, but not do certain things, like RSI or work with another T#.
If your project wants to keep you, you drop the "T" before your number, and you are then MICP 3###.
The pay and experience are pretty damn good up here (STAY AWAY FROM MONOC UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!), but unless you work for UMDNJ, you will have crappy retirement and hospital benefits.
Why, might I ask, are you so set on coming up here?
I completed my Medic in Fla in Sept of 08, moved up here, and didn't even get approved to become a MIT until Dec of 08, and wasn't assigned my T# until Feb of 09.
I am now trying as hard as I can to get a FF/Medic job in Fla.
Look at the Carolinas, or anywhere that has their EMS squared away.
I am not going to even touch the BLS/ALS wars that happen, the idiocy of the furst grade counsil, the lack of MICUs, the restrictions placed on medics..... you get the point.
Do it for a year or two, get the best experince almost anywhere, and run.
Have and questions, feel to PM me, I am still in Hell.
Errr, Jersey.
AJ, NJ MICP #3247