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Everything posted by malukapi

  1. I say Hello from Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thats great!!!!
  3. Hi there! In Germany, I think it is sometimes a big problem, that a lot of people, who work in the "blue-light-milieu" drink alcohol...in administration of justice, police, rescue... I work in administration of justice...I work as a nurse here in Germany in a prison...and a lot of my colleague have a problem with the alcohol...and in my second job, the rescue also.... Do you know this in "your" states also????
  4. I work also right at this station in Munich-Germany....heyPhil...the world is very small....
  5. Hello irish...I send greetings from Germany!!!!
  6. I also pray here in Germany for you and your wife....I send you a big hug over the sea....
  7. Thanks kiwi for the link... Thanks Richard...but I don´t think, I have the time to ride with them (otherwise, perhapse I can do this once)...at this short time, I just would like to visit a department for one or two hours if this is possible...
  8. Hey there! Perhaps I am going from Germany from 29.11.2009 up to 5.12.2009 to New York City with my Dad.... Here in Germany I am a nurse in prison and on my second job I am EMT-B... I really would like to visit in New York City a Prison if this is possible...perhaps only for one or two hours....and I would like to visit a rescue team or paramedics... My Dad an I will stay in Manhattan.... Does anybody knows, where I can write before to check if it is possible?...exspacially för the prison...what papers from Germany do I need, to come in the prison?.... I would be very glad, if somebody here could help me....perhaps just only with emailadresses or contact persons.... I know, my english is not perfect, but I hope, some of you understood me.... Greetings from Munich!!!! Nicki Oh I forgot----or perhaps I could visit an emergency admisson somewhere...
  9. malukapi


    I am also on Twitter... http://twitter.com/malukapi But most of the time i write in German...
  10. Merry Christmas to all of you from Germany!!!
  11. ...I wish you good luck for the course...
  12. ...I found an english link in Wikipedia, which explains the German EMS good... Web Page Name
  13. ...this seat is for patients, when they can sit, or I sit on it, when I have a lying down patient, so that I can look at him...but this car is mostly only for handicapped patients...so it not always necessary to sit behind with the patient...is everything ok with him I will sit in the front with my driver...
  14. ...thanks itku... :oops:
  15. ...here I will start a thread about the German EMS... ...I am at a private Company here in Munich called "Aicher Ambulanz Union"... ...we do non emergency transports, emergency transports and medical services for concerts, big partys and so on... ...I am a "Rettungssanitäter"...I think this is a litte bit "higher" then an EMT-B...but I dont really know... ...first I will show you some pictures from Wednesday...it is me in our uniform...normaly we have also an orange jacket, but it was warm on this day... ...on this day we only transported handicap people...we have a special car for these transports, you will see it on the photos... ...I will put some new photos in here, when i work again at EMS...because I do it only part times...
  16. ... not good?...like me or like the jacket?... :oops: :wink:
  17. ...can you show fotos of these?...because I don´t know the german words for these things...
  18. @firedoc5...muhaha...it is called "Lederhosen"... :wink: ...yes, we are in the orange jackets...look like the garbage collection here in Germany.... :oops:
  19. ...really?...can you show us?... :wink:
  20. ...that is a nice idea... :wink:
  21. ...we do not carry tasers....
  22. ...the theme of "Forrest Gump"...
  23. ...I am sorry about these terms, but I only have a normal dictionary here....it is not easy for me to explain to you what I mean....
  24. ...we in Germany have a circulation trunk "Kreislaufkoffer" and a respiration trunk "Atmungskoffer"... ...in the the circulation trunk is everythink for circulation ( infusions, vein neadles[ do you call it like this?], dressingmaterial, blood sugar things and things so on)... ...in the respiration trunk is oxygen ( I think 10 liter) everthing for intubation, suck off pump ( I dont find the english word)...and everything else for oxygen... ....then we take the portable ECG with us.... ...for kids up to 8 years we have a special kids trunk...
  25. ...thank you spenac!.... ...from my private service I do not think, that we have things like this, but I will look around and perhaps I can trade with somebody... :wink:
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