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EMT City Administrator

Root Admin
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Everything posted by EMT City Administrator

  1. The ethical part can be discussed in the non Funny Stuff area. Since this is the Funny Stuff area, and has a warning attached to this area, the OP is OK posting it here. Not all humor is for everyone.
  2. Please remember that there is a warning to this area of the site. Please view the above link with that in mind. Also remember that the views of the members does not reflect the views of the site or its staff.
  3. See http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...&highlight=
  4. If this topic gets back on topic, I will keep it open.. otherwise I will lock it.
  5. Closed like the rest of them.... I must have missed this one.
  6. http://www.palinaspresident.us/ Very funny, click all the stuff in the room... a couple of times even.
  7. Anti-volunteer threads are not allowed. Productive discussion of the pros and cons of each is. Members should hit the report button if they feel a thread has turned into a volunteer bashing thread. I will delete/edit the offending posts if necessary. Admin. (and discussion to this post should be restricted to PM and not lead to a hijacking of this thread)
  8. I did not see my logo on that banner y'all were in front of. Was it there? Perhaps next year we will take over emstock. :wink:
  9. EMT bashing of any level is not allowed here. LOCKED
  10. You can discuss anything here. Just put it in the right place (as you did). Politics are welcome as are all other Non-EMS related things. Most of us have a life outside of EMS and those discussions are welcome here.
  11. Little jimmy says no.. and "Boooooo"
  12. I propose that the speculation should be transformed into a question to the OP via PM as to his intentions. You could also give the OP time to return a reply that may shed some light.
  13. Then use the search feature, find a link to it, post it, and then hit the report button so the moderators can lock it. Or recognize that this can be a new topic and add something productive to it.
  14. This is what I use to keep things clean: http://www.download.com/Spybot-Search-Dest...4-10122137.html I highly recommend it.
  15. Thank you everyone for being good ambassadors for EMT City and welcoming the new person into this site. All the offending posts have been removed. I have moved this post to the non-ems area so it can be discussed. Please, if you have an issue with a post, HIT THE REPORT button. Myself and AK are here to do the moderating.
  16. Hmm.. I have no explanation. The only thing that may have happened is the poster deleted or had zero content in the post. Other than that I have better things to do than randomly feed the paranoia by deleting posts. :wink:
  17. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12714 Pls continue post here.
  18. The person who started this thread is spamming the entire internet so I have locked it so no one will give him any more attention.
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