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EMT City Administrator

Root Admin
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Everything posted by EMT City Administrator

  1. Great.. now that everyone has done their own background check on the new kid in the sandbox, can we keep it on topic?
  2. I know this will take a serious turn and productive discussion will result.. :wink:
  3. Check it out. http://www.ems.gov For some reason, we are not referenced anywhere on the site. If anyone knows anyone on this page, perhaps you could put a good word in for us. http://ems.gov/contact.html :wink:
  4. If you cant get this conversation back on track it will be locked. Take your personal business and attacks to PM.
  5. Still pinching pennies staying on a shared server with database errors.... You can still put in the paperwork though...
  6. We have been working behind the scenes to do an "Unofficial" EMT City Meeting at EMSStock. I guess the cat is out of the bag. :wink:
  7. Without reading the whole thing, what would you like it to be renamed?
  8. We have a policy as to who can go in and can't. If you are a member who has posted 3 posts, than you can enter. We have chat moderators who are there to help control things. If there is not a chat moderator in the room, and you don't like the crowd, we have a 2nd room you can enter. If that is not working for you, use the ignore feature in the chat. If that still does not do it, exit the chat room, browse the forums, post something great, and re-enter the chat when one of the mods is in there. I hope this helps. I do appreciate your concern and support for the site. Any other comments about site policy can be addressed to me via PM as outlined in the rules of the forum. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/siterules.php Thanks, Admin
  9. I agree.. forums do market themselves. It is all about the members. I am not sure if we are in trouble.. in fact, just the opposite.
  10. I appreciate everyones efforts to make this site grow. Everyone contributes in some fashion. Some more than others. If people can help by visiting our sponsors, donating or handing out our poster, that is great. Even the lurkers help by keeping the visitor count up. I keep this place going so we all have a common place to go and chat, banter and learn. This is not a money maker for me.... in fact... often the opposite, but I believe in this place and the power it has to make positive change. I appreciate the support. Admin Just a quick add on: Having our site link on your mypace page or other blog site definitely helps. Our address in your signature line while you are on other sites is a plus too.
  11. Now that everyone has tried to be moderator, this is in the funny stuff, so go with the flow. If you don't like it, or don't have anything to add, there is a lot more out there.
  12. As I have stated before, Bashing vollies or EMT Basics is not tolerated. For example" "vollies suck" would be removed. On the other hand I will not block discussion that involves the topic of vollies or EMT Basics. For example: If the discussion is in the spirit of looking at our profession and seeing the pro's and con's of it, it will be allowed. Again, if you find a post that you find offensive, please hit the report button and AK or myself will review it. If you feel passionate about your views, the best thing to do is to defend them with well thought out rebuttals and productive debates. I am going to lock this as this issue has been addressed.
  13. Not really, the word cloud is created from the words in posts.
  14. Seriously... if you guys want to duke it out, do it in PM. Posts beyond this one must be about the contest. Admin
  15. Last chance to keep this tread alive. Any deviation from the tread will cause it to be locked.
  16. Back on track please. No name calling. Not sure how to post? Read the rules. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/siterules.php Thanks Admin
  17. I hope our promo poster is in every station.. or attached to every paycheck. :wink:
  18. OK get with me and we your plans I let me think about how we can make it work. Perhaps with a temp new area.
  19. Let me know and I will send it out to all 18000+ members.
  20. When I teach CPR I am constantly correcting students that refer to the training aids as "CPR Dummies". They must be called Manikin Americans.
  21. Dust actually gave me the idea, and his latest post that I accidentally deleted got me off my duff to do it.
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