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  1. Bee Keeping and Metal Detecting
  2. We are able to do IN Fentanyl, Narcan, and Versed. Metro Indy area. All seemed to work well. Real nice with poor vein status and such. Gives time for some treatment, then work on access.
  3. I don't know all the Legal stuff about it. But, I did take and pass CCEMTP course. It teaches a lot of "advance" topics compared to Medic class. I found it very good and it was very interesting. There was what I thought to be a tough test at the end to gain the cert. I do know most of the Flight programs prefer this at a minimum. I personally feel proud to have completed this course. No matter what any governing bodies think, they cannot remove what I gained in my head. It also sheds a lot of light on different topics. At my full time job, it is not uncommon to transfer Pts to a "higher level facility" so this as you can imagine helps due to vents, different meds etc. I guess my point is... it's good stuff, and I personally feel proud of it.
  4. I suggest the Bob Page site also.... Awesome classess. I have been to a few.. Nuff Said.... Hope it helps
  5. we can.... with MD consult and great need
  6. I have seen Valium used for this working in E/R setting. Seems effective most of time. At least until a bigger cause can be found
  7. Just remember the Basics.... then take it from there. OHH, don't fall into the trap from some of the "know it all's" who really don't. Those people will drag you down. remember, not all people are "fakers". No matter how minor the run, this just may be THE worst thing the Pt has had, and has no other way to get help they can think of.. Good Luck.
  8. Just thinkin. Remember, I think even BLS class shows that BVM is great for Peds. Most kids that get good resp, and hopefully the problem identified/fixed, bounce right back. Still, nothing wrong with preparing equip just in case. If the Pt NEEDS it, do it, sometimes "less is more"
  9. I think after a good assessment, pain control is a good thing for your Pt. At least with my training, pain control does not hinder an MD eval. They still normally do all the tests anyhow. Of course the idea is not to "gork" them out, just take the edge off. This is just good care in my opinion. As far as Fentanyl goes, I was taught that the chance of side effects is less than MS. I don't know about cost, maybe that is it??. Like mentioned, some people are "seekers" but I guess that will never change. Seems that most services have a few. But I feel that we cannot with hold good care for people in need in light of a few that are abusing the "system" I guess I am lucky in my area's that I work. The Docs usually have no big problem with treating pain as long as good assessment and judgement is used before treatment. Good post and food for thought by author..
  10. I know what you are going through. And just like the others said, alot of RN's just don't do "real care". Alot of times, they don't do anything unless an MD instructs them too, they are not trained to think on their feet. Yet for some reason many EMSers are thought of as "below" these RN's ? Go figure. BUT just as any profession, there are good and bad..
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