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Everything posted by stone13

  1. Congrats Doc!!!
  2. Ok, I couldn't stand it anymore so I looked it up on Snopes.com Here is the link http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/medicaladoptions.asp It is a hoax and they tell you where the phone numbers go and all that stuff.
  3. So what happens if these mystery shoppers are sent home with a prescription for medication? Do they fill it? Is it turned over to the company? And what about IV placement, and med administration while the "patient" is in the ED? Are there restrictions on what the "patient" can have done? The article said there were several scenarios, but were vague on the details. I don't think it would be a completely bad thing, but I think that the patient satisfaction surveys that are sent to darn near every ED patient would be able to spot any weakness without the hospital staff having to waste resources on fake patients. Wait times will always be a major complaint. The average patient just doesn't understand that the patient with a true respiratory emergency is going to go into a treatment area or room before the I've had a belly ache for 3 days patient. They almost all believe that it should be a first come first served basis. I worked triage for 3 years at a childrens hospital and this was always the biggest gripe from patients/parents, and I'm pretty sure we didn't need a "mystery shopper" to tell us that wait times were a problem.
  4. This really bothered me! I can't believe that you can adopt a person just so you can harvest their organs. I feel very disturbed by this, and the comments on the sidebar from people are equally strange. Such as: "Even though I'm in good health, I have a number of health risks and can't face the risks of long donor lists. My young son from Uzbekistan is smart, ambitious, loving, and young enough that I'm sure to be safe until he turns 18 in 2022."So does this mean he will just adopt another child in 2022 so he will be "safe" for a few more years?
  5. Thanks Dwayne!! Now I understand all of the blank stares I get from my husband!!
  6. I can't believe he's done this twice!!! I really like the part about him tellin' the Doc they could "split the bill"!!! 8)
  7. Hey Dwayne, I don't know I stumbled onto this thread but I am really glad that I did. It was great to learn about Alyssa and all that she is going thru, and that she still has such a great outlook on everything. I am glad that her treatment is going as the doc's hope. And huge kudos to you for all you have been contending with and still gettin' your degree! I signed her guest book for the first time today and will be back to check on her often. Cheers! Heidi
  8. I didn't see Ohio anywhere on the list so here it is First Responder EMT-B EMT-I (85 &99) However 85 card carriers had to take a bridge to the 99 level starting a few years back EMT-P Most First Responders work on fire departments and don't ride on ambulances. All levels are required to take NR written and practicals and meet CEU's to maintain cards. Our basics have intubation and AED training, however can only intubate if pulseless and apnic. Basics can also "assist the patient" with his own Epi Pen or Nitro. Intermediates can push an array of meds and do chest decompressions, and intubation doesn't have any restrictions other than patient need. The meds they can push are outlined in local protocol and vary from place to place. You ae not required to maintain NR certification but are required to achieve it in order to receive your first state certification. After that you are only required to maintain state cert with CEU's.
  9. The one we use is a Pedi Pac by Ferno, but it is geared more for like 2yrs & up. I did find this Medkids® Pedi-Sleeve by Ferno and it is for use with infants. Not sure how costly that would be for your department. www.ferno.com They have a peds immobilization page that lists the Medkids stuff.
  10. My real name brings up a bunch of sites and reviews for a singer. No idea if she can sing or not but you can buy my tour T-Shirt!! My screen name brings up videos of a guy doing tricks on rollerblades. As for the real me, I'm nowhere to be found.
  11. I love Goofy. It might be because I can relate to his lack of gracefulness. I can manage to fall down walking on a clear stretch just like him!
  12. Just my .02 but where I work the first one to call is the first one to be transported. If the parents came running up to the ambulance with a bleeding kid, sure we would have a look at him ( we run 3 to a truck here- 1 medic and 2 basics) but the Ped vs. car would get the transport, and we would call for a 2nd truck for the kid.
  13. Sorry, I should have clarified. We are looking for new ideas for next year. Doing the same thing again this year brought it into perspective. Thanks for the link.
  14. Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else, I looked and couldn't find it. Looking for new ideas to celebrate EMS Week. We seem to do the same old same old every year. We have the local council do the EMS Week proclamation and we participate in the National Moment of Silence. We do B/P checks and hand out the little cards to record the results on, but that is about it. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
  15. One that we use is the recognition of clandestine drug labs and treatment of patients injured in such labs. The local Sheriff's department helps put it on and shows all of the stuff that is used. Very informative and presents new situations for your students. They cover scene safety and what to do if you think you may have a patient in a home with a lab. IE: Called for chest pain but you recognize elements of a lab.
  16. stone13

    Mind Game

    I'm in the 2% Koala in Denmark eating an apple I always knew my mind worked differently!
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