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  1. I'd have to go with Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons. What a timeless character. If you think about it long enough, you either remember the Ralph from your class or you were the Ralph in your class! Be safe -
  2. I'd have to go with Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons. What a timeless character. If you think about it long enough, you either remember the Ralph from your class or you were the Ralph in your class! Be safe -
  3. Sounds like a fairly decent experience for you first code so congrats on that. In response to your questions: 1. I do not know where you are in your classes but if you haven't already, you will learn in ACLS to treat SVT as stable vs. unstable. That is determined using blood pressure. If there BP stays low and they have an altered level of consciousness, then ongoing treatment of SVT is indicated. 2. I remember the lido drip dosages using a very simple system. Lido is dosed in 1, 2, 3, or 4 mg/min. If you imagine the face of a clock placing the 1 next to the 3, the 2 next to the 6, the 3 next to the 9, and the 4 next to the 12 you can calculate your drip factor. The 3 on the clock is 15 minutes past the hour so the drip rate for 1mg would be 15/min. The 6 represtents 30 past the hour or 30 drips/min. The 9 is 45 past or 45 drips/min. The 12 is 60 or 60 drips/minute. This of course is using a 60cc drip set with your IV infusion. Good luck in the rest of class and onward in your career. -Lasen
  4. Growing up old school, my love was always for Epi. Now that I've had some success with Vasopressin, it's difficult to decide. I agree that Epi has some great features (ease of dosing, shelf-life, and cost to say a few) but Vasopressin has been better to me over the last year.
  5. Naked Gun - Nice beaver! Thanks, I just had it stuffed.
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