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Everything posted by mandaorton

  1. The problem that I find is my husband doesn't understand that EMS is not a Monday thru Friday 9-5 job. It also leaves him home with our little one by himself a lot as well. I think that if he had a better understanding of our job then things would go much easier! But I've seen many EMS marriages survive, it just needs a little more work. My father was a firemedic and my parents were married for 16 yrs. It wasnt until my father left the field that the problems began and that was due t him and my mother spending to much time together because they were both use to the life style of an EMS family. I think that any marriage is difficult, but being married to someone that is in EMS can make things harder because of the lack of time spent together and things of that nature! Hang in there! Im sorry to hear of your troubles
  2. This is sooo sweet because i will be a this conference with a few members of the ems club from the college i attend! cant wait!
  3. their boots placed neatly by their beds
  4. i know im a lil late but congrats on passing
  5. Leave it I hate windows vista...... leaving 1 husband please please take him off my hands i will pay good money
  6. Im not to far from where this happened. Im saddened by the lost of the flight crew and the patient, my heart goes out to the families
  7. so maybe after reading some of your replies, i should say this yes i have take algebra however i am getting confused with the formulas, when to use what, but after sitting down for two hours last night doing nothing but drug calculations i think that i have found my own way of calculating drugs. i just hope that it will be acceptable for the instructor.
  8. Okay so as a new medic student, im having trouble grasping the whole drug calculation part.... I was wondering if anyone has any tricks or advise on how to learn to do the calculations
  9. Leave em there only good if they are not empty leaving a 16month old adorable little girl that is a hell raiser
  10. you are all in my thoughts, I pray for a full recovery> as Im sure all of us here at the city does. keep us posted. and def. get the little one checked out if you think he is getting worst. and like many have said dont forget to take care of yourself as well in this difficult time, you have to be well in order to take care of the children and cheeky Keep us posted and you all are in my thoughts amanda
  11. thanks for the support
  12. Okay so I finish school in may, took my practicals passed them all on the first try. and then the storm came I had to take sometime off due to my husbands back injury which delayed me from taking my nremt test well then we were effected by the flood in Illinois so we had to relocated and all of that good stuff. Sat I went to take my test and was there for about 20 min and walked out after the computer shut off at 30 questions I was so very upset I thought that i had failed because i only had 30 questions so today i checked the status of my application and my test results were in. I PASSED!!!!! So after two days of worrying and wondering I was never so excited in my life to see that I had passed. SO I am now a nationally certified emt basic and proud of it. lol so where am I going from here well aug. 21 is my first day of paramedic class so hopefully by this time next yr I will be writing to say that Im a certified paramedic lol hope all is well with everyone
  13. I posted a message to her I hope even tho its not much it brightens her day just a lil bit! Your family and alyssa are in my thoughts and prayers!
  14. DwayneEMTB, I thought the same thing as far as it being 4 days later!!! I thought that it is usually held within like 72 hours. I didnt second guess myself on the scene, however I was the first one to respond to the call it was like 3 miles from my home. and in this area we are all volunteers, so it isnt uncommon for us to respond in our own vehicles. I checked for a radial pulse and couldnt find one and as the fire dept, was doing the extrication I had to step back and regroup, but i havent really shown an unreasonable mental/physical effects, I think its just that with it being my very first one he wants to make sure that I deal with it in the best possible manner. I know that it isnt uncommon to exposed to a dead body on the job. I just think that maybe he is trying to make sure that I deal with it and can continue to do my job
  15. I had my first MVA sunday morning and I had a DOA. So now my director wants to put me through a CISD, due to the fact that it was my first mva and there was the doa he is afraid that the next mva i will second guess myself in the patient care aspect of the job is this normal
  16. Thanks for the help< to answer AMESEMT> Burlington Ia im attending Southeastern Community College
  17. Iam going to school for my emt-b in iowa! We are almost done however Im starting to get nervous about the practicals and the national test! Any advice on how to work through this. It seems like i am always forgetting patient assessment and the order that it goes in
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