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Everything posted by MedicMal

  1. MedicMal

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    Now me!!!
  2. wow Dust, you look pretty young!!!!! MedicMal
  3. I'm from the north end of Peel Region, which is where I have grown up. I've just finished the Primary Care Paramedic program at Durham College A-EMCA Pending Still looking for a job unfortunately!! MedicMal
  4. ok new highscore again LOL 136 MedicMal
  5. my new highscore is 98 wooohooo LOL Yeah definately some cheating, the highest scores are in the millions!!! MedicMal
  6. This is addicting, I just started it! My best so far is 23, which is crappy LOL!!!! It's a challenge though.... http://www.mcsaatchi.webcentral.com.au/ten...ite_edited.html Enjoy, MedicMal
  7. that was funny MedicMal
  8. I know someone will give you a better answer then me!! I think it depends on the service's protocol. I know the Provincial Protocol is to always patch to give the drug. But, I'm positive that my preceptor gave it to a pt once without patching for it, during my preceptorship. I could be wrong....... Anyways I'm sure Lithium or vs-eh can give you a better answer on that one. MedicMal
  9. I'm with you Lithium, from what I've seen. I did my preceptorship in Durham Region so I know you're right there. MedicMal
  10. what is this? LOL :shock:
  11. well from the way you described each company to me it sounds like you've made your decision MedicMal
  12. ok I just have to ask the original poster............ you know that supine position is someone lying on their back and that prone position is someone lying on their stomach right? Some of the stuff that you have said would have made more sense (not much more though) had those 2 words been reversed. MedicMal
  13. :laughing3: :laughing6:
  14. Haha yeah I guess I do!!! And hammer, I agree with your whole post!!! MedicMal
  15. How many posts actually answered the original question?
  16. Congrats on getting into the program. I'm a newly graduated PCP- still looking for employment unfortunately. Anyways to answer your question, I know Toronto uses GPS for navigation. I'm pretty sure Peel doesn't though. Like you've been told, it's something to get used to. I'm from Peel region so I'm fairly familiar with the area, however I have like no experience driving in Toronto, and I was worried about the same thing. You're also right, the demand for PCPs is in a slump right now I was successful through the centralized process and had 6 interviews with GTA services, but I figure the interviews are what I messed up because I didn't get a job offer. I don't know if there is anything "extra" those services look for. Good luck with everything, MedicMal
  17. I agree with Lithium, maybe you're having a hard time accepting that ACPs can take longer on scene because you don't have ACP knowledge. MedicMal
  18. I agree!!! Come on people, lets get back to the original post please MedicMal
  19. okay I can see this getting more off topic and into an attack fest...... I agree with Lithium, I do think some scene times (not all) can take 25-30 minutes in non-emergent patients. It's one of those things where you want to make sure you assess everything you should so you don't miss something (the original topic of this post). Lithium, I don't think Akroeze was questioning your assessment skills/techniques, I just think he wants to learn and expand his assessment techniques (at least I hope he wasn't attacking you ) I know I'm very interested if you have any more to add, I'm always looking to better my skills. Anyways, maybe we should get back on topic!! MedicMal
  20. Durham College doesn't require any rode experience to do their ACP program either. MedicMal
  21. Nate- did you read the original post? I think your attack on John was totally uncalled for! MedicMal
  22. MC Tourist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MedicMal
  23. just use the good old 99 code (other). MedicMal
  24. I agree with Anthony. I don't think people should be over-reacting to this. just my thought, MedicMal
  25. ok I'm having a brain fart, or maybe it's because I'm young and haven't had much road experience. In the future, what challenges do you see paramedicine and emergency medical services facing? Thought, suggestions, input? Thanks, MedicMal
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