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Everything posted by MedicMal

  1. Congratulations on getting accepted into a program!!! I attend Durham College and am just about done. I had an awesome experience there, but I'm sure most people would say that about the program they're in/attended. I love the small class size, the ability to practice anytime I want (all hours, any day), the teachers are great and are always willing to help. I know Durham and Centennial have VERY GOOD reputations. Georgian just started this year, so not sure what it's like there. I would say take into consideration of where you would like to eventually work. I see you're from Barrie, so if you want to live at home while you attend school, then go for Georgian. If you have any other questions feel free to ask, Good Luck, MedicMal
  2. Well actually, PCPs (In Ontario) which are considered BLS can administer Nitro. :roll: MedicMal
  3. What do your medical directives say? I know in Ontario we're not allowed to give Nitro if the pt has had viagara within the past 48 hours (some services say 24 hours). The 2 drugs combined can be very harmful. Without getting into lots of detail, basically both drugs are vasodilators and when combined can make a pt very hypotensive. MedicMal
  4. no no, I wasn't making fun of her LOL.... She was telling us because she thought it was the dumbest thing she's done.... she was laughing with us. Sorry if it came across that way. Talking to patients was actually the biggest milestone for me to overcome!! Just ask my preceptor LOL..... I was a mute for my first few shifts. MedicMal
  5. HAHAHA All of these are hilarious...... I was in class today and a few classmates started talking about stupid things they've done/said on the road. This one girl said she was on the scene of a Code 5 (obviously dead) and she walked up to the pt and said "Sir, how are you today?" MedicMal
  6. hehehe I'm Snoopy
  7. HAHAHAHAHA That's a good one!
  8. so would the best thing be to just leave it on? thanks, MedicMal
  9. hahaha apology accepted I don't mind at all MedicMal
  10. vs-eh I think he's dissing you :shock: But yes, in class we're taught to use the KED on non-serious patients, but on the road I've never seen it used. I don't have much experience under my belt, but I think it's ok to not use a KED if you're careful about holding c-spine and not jiggling the patient around. MedicMal
  11. Hey, ever find out what was wrong with this patient?
  12. so are you saying you want us to do your assignment for you?
  13. Hey everyone, just wanted to hear from other paramedic (PCP and ACP) students that are going to school here in Ontario. How is the strike affecting you? What have your teachers told you as far as if it's gonna affect you graduating or getting a job? All I've been told is that we'll be fine as long as we've gotten our preceptorship hours in and can be "signed off" by our preceptors (which I have). Let me hear your opinions MedicMal
  14. so what does PASTMEDS stand for? thanks
  15. any more news on this? MedicMal
  16. Welcome Back Woody MedicMal
  17. Has anything more happened? MedicMal
  18. LOL thats a funny video MedicMal
  19. It's all about the Littmann steths around here. I've never seen a medic use anything different. MedicMal
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