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Everything posted by praying4bonnie&scottl

  1. To answer the question from ems1997 they both suffered major injures they are healing slowly and they both have a long road ahead of them. Bonnie injuries were worse then Scotts but his were pretty bad as well the news did not report all of the injuries they substained.
  2. As a really close friend of the family it hurt me to read what all of you were saying and I know it will devastate Bonnie and her family as well as Scott and his family. All I was asking is for everyone to keep the matter at hand important and not placing blame before the truth is told. Bonnie and her family are not placing blame on Scott and neither should anyone else. Everyone involved needs the support of others. I understand bringing to light the importance of safe driving but there is no need to bash anyone involved in this accident. And again PLEASE KEEP THEM BOTH IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ok first of all i would like to express my concern for that fact that no one knows what happened inside that ambulance to make the accident happen so do not sit here and make assumptions. In time the truth will be told and i'm sure that alot of people will be saying sorry for posting the comments. second is that only half of what is being posted is true the family is not releasing all the information because as much as they would like to keep everyone informed they do not want rumors started when they do not have an actual diagnosis as to the extent of Bonnie and Scotts injuries or recovery time. All of you that sit in these forums and bash the emt's involved remember this one day both Bonnie, Scott and their families and friends will be reading these and would you like for them to read how ignorant people can be instead of just thankin god they are both alive you would rather bash them and their profession seeing all these posting only makes the family and friends more stressed. secondly if you were to get sick or injured the first people you would call would be the ems profession. so people PLEASE lets keep our focus on what is important and that is the recovery of Bonnie and Scott. please keep the families in ur prayers.
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