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Everything posted by watervliet2193

  1. I say keep fighting. Its not a matter of being a cowboy, but when a situation thats a normal safe scene goes to hell and your getting shot at with no cops around i dont want to just have an O2 tank to defend myself. As long as it is concealed from view I think it a good idea, as long as education and qualifing goes with the right.
  2. I think it important to keep up to date with legislation and to inform the politicians that I have elected how I feel on the matter and how it would affect our services. Luckily the reps in my area are very big supporters of the emergency services. I think people stop their choice in how govt operates when they vote, IF they vote, that's another issue. As a veteran its important to due my part as a citizen, others have died to give me that right. If someones complains about how things are done, they should not do it unless they willingly make their opinion known to those in power.
  3. I was put in a similar situation, I thought long and hard about the matter. I finally decided to at least give it a try once to see how he acted, how I reacted, to see what he wanted, etc. Atleast I would not wonder the rest of my life. It is atleast worth a try, if you you do decide to go I would go somewhere public, just in case. Not everyone deserves a second chance, he may earn it though.
  4. Smoke more, drink more, womanize, turn of everything and go camping or a 4day road trip.(Not while drinking though, as we at EMT City do not support this type of destructive mannerisms.)
  5. Im not saying its toatlly out of the question but trying to better myself while working is all the stress I need right know. It would not be fair to her.
  6. Fire side is paid on call. Your pay depends on the level of lcensure, for instance my highest liscense is Fire Officer II= $13.00 We are paid for the first hour than in Half hour increments/
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