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Everything posted by Tech217
Sounds like something I would do, rdelisle! Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you to Laura Anne also. I gotta say, if somone is going to go up on a roof for the purpose of shouting things, I might not have much sympathy when they fall off!!! :tongue:
So how do I get my five points back, Dustdevil? :bounce:
As excited and nervous as I may be coming across, I definitely understand this. And I see myself as the kind of person who truly can keep my cool on scene, for sure. Clearly it has to be that way, and I have a hunch this will come naturally to me. It's the anticipation leading up to my first run that has me going crazy!!! LOL. Thanks for your kind words, Dwayne, they are much appreciated! And I will certainly let you all know the story of my first run!
Thanks, FireEMT. In fact, you just reminded me of something that happened back in one of my classes. During a lecture, one of my instructors had to leave to take a call. We were all wondering why he wasn't in that much of a hurry to get out the door (in other words, why wasn't he "running"???). He said to us, "If I trip and fall because I was running and injure myself, what good am I to the patient?" And that proverbial lightbulb went off in all our heads! LOL. Sounds like you had an interesting one, CBEMT. I'd have to say trauma center if the fall was unwitnessed, especially if it was even closer than the other hospital!
WOW. Hopefully since my status here is still listed as "newbie" I can be forgiven for posting in the wrong forum. I also hope to be forgiven for discussing my first "call," where clearly I meant to discuss my first "run." Again, I'm a newbie all around, and I guess it certainly shows. :oops:
Okay, new day, therefore a new Song of the Day is needed . . . . "Springtime," by Mike Pfeiffer & The Associates. (They can be found on my MySpace page for anyone who is curious . . . ) :wink:
Hmmm . . . yeah . . . let's go out there and help our community, but only if we have a nice, pretty truck to ride around in. Not the folks I'd want pulling me from a vehicle. I'd prefer a squad that actually gave a damn.
I appreciate the honesty Dwayne, and I also can appreciate the silliness! And I don't mean to be too eager, 4cmk6. I'm just excited. And I can't help but think that there were other new EMT's out there this excited when they first got started as well.
Ya know, I'll take whatever I can get on that first call!!! :D/
Sounds perfect!!! :-k
I'm curious to hear stories about your very first call as an EMS worker! I have my very first shift as an EMT Friday night (that's right, I'm that new) and the best part about the anticipation is wondering what my very first call will be. Tell me your stories, please!
"Do You Realize?" by the Flaming Lips.
Holy cow, I had no idea that Steve Buscemi was once with FDNY. Very, very cool. You know, I didn't even think about Pratt's brother, that's a very good point. There was never any verbal indication that he'd be on the ambulance, but I suppose that will make it all the more shocking if he is. Well now I'm even more convinced that it was Sam on board. This would create an intense storyline for Pratt next season - dealing with the guilt of letting Sam get on board, and losing his brother at the same time.
Yeah, I think Abby and Luka are moving away also. Which means that Abby was a safe distance from the ambulance before it exploded. I think Sam was inside the ambulance, personally. Pratt seemed very intent on going with his patient, therefore we were supposed to think he was inside. But I bet he wasn't.
Richard B - you are so right. Alas, I let it happen anyway and found myself attached. :oops: Given that there is only one season left of ER, I hope no one is too attached to folks like Abby, Luka, Pratt, or Tony . . . . . at least one of them is bound to "check out" before it's all over.
I too used to be a huge ER fan, Wendy. This is shocking to most people, but what did it for me was the death of Dr. Romano. The whole helicopter thing was ridiculous, and I actually really like him!!! I thought he was a very complex and interesting character (and I always wanted him and Dr. Corday to hook up, LOL).
My favorite medical reality show is probably Trauma: Life in the ER. Non-medical reality show . . . . . probably Dancing with the Stars, LOL. :cheers: Do we consider that "reality TV" since it isn't a bunch of people arguing with each other, or sleeping with each other (wait - that's exactly what it is!!!!) =D>
I'm very GREEN here. And by green, I mean new in every sense of the word. I'm a new EMT and I'm new to EMT City. Yet I have all kinds of things to say about this, especially because I also aim to be a firefighter in the near future. *sifting carefully through my thoughts* Okay . . . . mom did all the work. All the hard (labor) work. Newbie firefighter assisted with encouragement, and the paramedics seemed to get very little credit in this story. I guess I'm going to come across as sounding very neutral, but I think I just am. Aren't we all out there for the same reason? To help people and serve our communities? What's really a shame about our chosen profession (whether medical or fire) is that someone always gets overlooked. If the firefighter happens to be the first one to aid the woman in labor, the medics get overlooked. If a paramedic steps into a burning building to help pull out an injured person, the firefighters will probably be overlooked. I think it's simply because in each situation, the firefighter and the medic are doing something out of the norm. There's less interest when a medic delivers a baby, or when a firefighter runs into the burning building, because that's more of what the general public expect. I totally understand wanting proper recognition to go to the proper people, but we are all in this together! Who knows . . . your day of recognition might be today! Or tomorrow! Or the next day!
I think I agree with you, Adam. People seem to think that nothing really ever happens in the back of the ambulance. But we have to get them there alive in order for the ER docs and nurses to treat them anyway, don't we? They'd all have far fewer cases to work on if it weren't for folks like us. Give us a camera for a day and let us do a little "hamming." We have plenty to brag about too!!
I agree with what most of the folks are saying here, there are a few factors to consider. If I go back to my training, I remember the VERY FIRST thing we always have to consider is our safety. Is the vehicle in a place where you won't be hit by on-coming cars? But assuming we already know to consider that, the airbag is the next thing to probably consider. But let's say that's been taken care of by the FD . . . . what I immediately thought of was C-Spine. Having no equipment, and knowing my tendency to want to do something, I would have stabilized C-Spine myself, and then obviously continued to do so until the patient was strapped and secured to a long board.[/font:8cc5296870]