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Everything posted by tamaith

  1. @usmc, I was thinking the same thing. I never had an e.r. staff member take my stretcher from me. We bring them in , give the report, they tell us what bed, we transfer the pt, we leave.
  2. Would anyone not take cover if being shot at while treating a pt.
  3. yes you're right some say it also violates the 10th amendment . healthcare is not one of the powers delegated to the gov't. last i checked/heard there are 36 states ready to file a lawsuit against the govt as soon as the president signs the bill. 36 states, to me that says something.
  4. I am hoping that since this bill will not go into effect for another 4 or so years, that the new admin will through it out. I also wonder about the ppl whose religion does not beilieve in medical treatment, what they think .
  5. Maybe enroll in an online medic program? Is your dream career not being a medic? I could be reading this wrong but it sounds like you re saying if you go to medic school you kiss your part time job( dream job) goodbye.
  6. I just got done working 22 hours so i am a little tired. Did I just hear in the opening scene that they can't wait for fire rescue? I thought they were fire rescue.
  7. haha thanks dustdevil
  8. From my understanding it was stolen outside a dialysis unit. The suspect was mentally ill and thought the ambulance had drugs but it was a bls unit. I don't know the name of the company, but from what i heard the crew thought some of their co-workers were playing a joke on them. Thinking another crew parked the ambulance around the corner. How true that is i couldn't tell you, just what i heard.
  9. always lock your doors http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/crime&id=7284306
  10. I know this is an old post but , txkat , let me know how you made out in their boot camp.
  11. i would say check with your state laws to see how old you have to be to become an emt. I think Pa is 16. read books, talk to emt's/medics in your area and see if he/she has any ideas. get cpr and aed certified.
  12. just voted for your team . good luck.
  13. The post was not for any specific language ( spanish, russian,etc) and remember it was just a question. Also, did you mean ( vent) emt's are not involved in the fd anywhere? or am i just reading it wrong? I have met emt's that do 911 that are not connected with the fd. How do you know it s not 911? Vent, i believe you when you say there are hospitals that don't speak english as the main language, but if you look at my original post you will notice it says pennsylvania. Im not sure if you are from pa or not but pa is a very conservative state, and even though i have not been to every hospital in the state i can say from what i heard and read that the majority of the hospitals here english is their main language.
  14. sorry couldn't find where i said ppl who don't speak english are unintelligent.
  15. nobody is saying that ppl who don't speak english are not intelligent
  16. thank you 4c6
  17. all i asked was if anyone in pa has heard of the state giving the test in other languages. but to answer your questions yes there are first responders who drive and emt's who tech. I have no problem with patients that speak other languages other than english. we were never taught in emt class about interpreters , and most of the companies around me don't discuss that with their employees. if the driver is a first responder it is not his/her job to assess the pt. he or she does not know the questions to ask or what to look for. here in pa the first responder pays a certain amount of money and then becomes a first responder, no class.
  18. what if the driver and the pt speak the same language and the tech speaks another language?
  19. no, i only speak english. and yes extremely frustrating
  20. i am sorry vent , you are right it was not you it was firemedic, sorry. it was not me claiming any mafia ran pa ems that was someone else making that claim.
  21. to lisa, sometimes the driver will try to give the report even though he/she doesn't have all the info and is not in the back with the pt. it is very common where i am that one only speaks english and the other doesn't speak english. vent, thank you for the heads up on dl's being offered in different languages. why are you dodging my previous questions ( how is it racist, what would do...)
  22. racist to complain? well you are entitled to your opinion. I was just asking about taking the test not dealing with pt's. i think everyone has had a pt that doesn't speak english ( in the usa). how would you communicate with your partner if you spoke different languages? let's say your partner was driving and since he or she can't read english doesn't know that at a stop sign you should stop and drives through and hits a car? or you ask your partner to get something for you or help you out but has no clue what you are talking about what do you do ( time is ticking)
  23. vent , i probably did post something last year. In my eyes they are asking what the equipment is and used for ( could be wrong). I highly believe they are smart individuals and will someday master the english language. I am just confused on how the passed esp the medical part of the state exam. I have seen some of them in action where no questions were asked on a medical call and no report giving to the receiving hosp staff. I am sure that there are some emt's that speak english do the same and i don't know how they got by either.
  24. I have a question to everyone in pennsylvania. I heard a rumor at work that non enlgish speaking emt b students are allowed to take the exam in their native language. I have come across several emt b's that only know a handful of words in english. They will ask questions such as what is a blood pressure cuff? what is a pulse? which leads me to think that the rumor may be true. Does anyone know any truth to this horrific rumor? Thank you
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