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Everything posted by tamaith

  1. that my friend is an excellent find.
  2. is there supposed to be a link?
  3. yeah the cooler was the four yo 's grandpop's.
  4. i saw that on fox news . i know its not funny but....
  5. history of a nurse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtppPplFd1g
  6. haha nice...
  7. thanks jpi, yeah i work for a private company that does dialysis runs mostly. once in a blue moon we go to the e.r. 99.9 percent of the time we don't go lights and sirens to the e.r. and never to a call . i have worked with techs that during transport to the e.r. the pt is getting worse so he/she tells me to putt the lights and sirens on. and yes never " make" other cars go into an intersection and still follow all traffic laws
  8. i was looking into to work within to start and see how it goes maybe even just do it on the side if possible. i found an online course for 295.00 i know i know online booooo , no good. its from a guy named michael tillman and his comp is called amdecon. http://www.amdecon.com/trainingcourse.html the way i see it is this , most courses cost up to 2000 so if i take his course and like it i can always go to a real life course , if i don't im only out 295 not 2000 still out money but not as much. i checked with the better business bureau and the company recieved an A but they are not reg with the bbb ( don't understand)
  9. i have a question about # 18. i agree its the drivers responsibility to get everyone aboard to and from dest. safely but isn't the tech in charge? i was told that if the tech tells you to go lights and sirens , you go lights and sirens. Is it different with private vs 911 ?
  10. Hello, does anyone know about the crime scene clean up biz? I am currently looking up info about it online, but as we all know the internet is like a bathroom wall anyone can write anything. I was wonder if anyone knew somebody in this industry, and if so what does he/she say about it?
  11. training division based out in texas used to have the program. I believe the min required hours was increasing. with that said, im not sure if they discontinued the program temp to adjust their curriculum . I know you would have to go there for boot camp and do the ride time and clinical times.
  12. well class went good. the instructor lent me a book during class but had to give it back. so now i have to contact someone else about getting a book i can keep since i paid. it was case study after case study. and p.a.t. used in every study. the instructor said the main thing between pepp and pals is pepp you assess and pals is more, if you see THIS than do THAT. at the end of the day we took our test everyone passed. one thing that wasn't clear is that once you pass do you get a card? or just the con ed credits?. i was the only one who did transport. so the instructor would say when im sure you've been on calls where ... in my head i was thinking nope. great class and i think it was also a motivator to get out of transporting or at least do some vol. Thanks for all the advice.
  13. class is tomorrow . i just studied the p.a.t. watch some vids on cpr. and assessment and took 3 con ed courses online dealing with peds ( each about 25-30 min) . i just getting flustered / nervous cause i never deal with peds since i do transport. but i figure pass or worse case i fail. i coming out with more knowledge than i went in with.
  14. thank you. ours is done in one day. i believe its 8hrs long. i talked to someone from the rescue squad who is hosting the course and said 15 ppl from their station are attending and got their textbook last wk ( which is when i was supposed to) i will study those key points you mentioned thanks.
  15. has anyone taking a bls pepp course? i am taking it soon, and never received my textbook for the class. i notified the instructor but never got back to me. any suggestions ? i plan to just go over the peds section in my emt b book.
  16. hahaha no i don't work for advantage, but i do know them, actually they are one of the few , and i mean few companies in phila. that have a decent amount of americans working for them. at least that i ve seen. but you're close.ha.
  17. flight thanks for the heads up. crotch, i m currently trying to find that out. I really really hope not. don't get me wrong i think its excellent if someone can speak multiple languages but, one of them must be english. also the majority of them don't take the nat reg exam, they are very content on being first responders and emt b state cert only. then they save up money and open their own company. i have had plenty of them say why would i want to be a medic or nat cert? i can just work more hours and/or with two companies and make the same amount of money. if i became a medic i would have to deal with blood and disease. my response is why did you even become a first responder or emt b? and then tell them that this is only a small stepping stone you can t just stop your education here, this is only the begining.
  18. vent, you're right about the schools. the instructors in my basic school told us we are not here to teach you how to be an emt-b . we are here to teach you how to pass the state exam. i work with a guy who said when he first became an emt in the late 70s everything was hands on. he left the emt field a few yrs later to do other work making more money. he retired, and decided to be an emt again. he said now nothing is hands on, everything is just classroom/textbook. flight are you serious? its funny you said texas because me and one of my friends were thinking of moving down there. both nremt b, happy to take a crossover test if needed. we saw an ad on career builder where they are looking for emt s to deal with national or state disasters. obviously we know that we would have to go through a ton of training but i think it would be worth it. i believe experience is priceless
  19. thank you for the comments. i agree communication between the partners is key. unfortunately , the problem is not mechanical its in the pt care. the tech will ask his/her partner for help/get or do something or slow down. and they have no idea what you are saying. they just look at you and shake their head yes or say no. sorry dust no females and no africans here. cos , yeah imagine that, me not an english teacher ha.
  20. yeah def do the llc or inc. that way as previously stated you pesonally don't get sued. i too love the idea esp making it able to run on cell phones.
  21. I m wondering if anyone has had language problems with their partner. what i mean is you speak one lang and your partner speaks another. sounds crazy i know, but where i am it happens. I am in an area saturated with bls private companies ( new companies popping up left and right) at least 50. 90% of the companies are owned by ppl from one country( i rather not say which one) needless to say a very good portion of the first responders and emt's ( basic) are from that country and they really don't understand or speak english. However the majority of the pt's do speak only english. Sometimes you get partnered up ( no set crews) with someone who barley speaks/understands english. you tell the boss that the language barrier is to much, what happens when i need my partner to do or get something and he/she has no idea what i m saying. so now you're putting your cert on the line cuase you can't do your job properly. the boss replies you have to teach him/her english. you say no that is not my job. now you can leave the company and try another company but like what was said earlier its the same with the vast majority of the companies in the area. you wonder how did they get certified when they can't speak or understand english Im just wondering basically if anyone has had a situation where there is a language barrier between the his/her partners? what did you do? how did you handle the situation or what would you do?
  22. ok so , 1) if it was an ambulance ( not to beat a horse to death) but where was the tech? 2) im guessing a pts vehicle is like a wheel chair van and/ or paratransit. how can you not see the person? 3) how do you pick someone up and then just forget they re in the back ? what distracted the driver to make him/her forget?
  23. i have never done cpr yet. i did/ do however love reading bout everyones experiences now if any of the above happens i hope i wont get as freaked out.
  24. lmao haha
  25. haha good Lord
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