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Everything posted by tamaith
At Ut- i think you answered your own question on that .
i think it would depend on what you were going for ( comedy or reality ) trauma the tv show seems more like the producers / writers were going for the comedy. don't get me wrong comedy is my fav but with this i would rather see what really goes on. i know its been discussed before but something like cops. i never saw the show paramedics i will someday. i think they should bring back rescue 911.
greg mortenson?
im sure i will get slammed but, he would not get my vote, first its to early. second, what has he done to be awarded the prize?
so at one point the max was 8 lpm. wow. thank you.
i knew i could count on you dust. i believe the states the person was talking about where ( and i could be mistaken) but i think maybe conn or new york.
Black Triage Tag Expectant, unconscious and not breathing. Yellow Triage Tag Delayed, entails non-life threatening injuries. Red Triage Tag Immediate, entails life-threatening injuries. Green Triage Tag Minor, entails minor injuries. this is wrong?
thank you everyone. i had heard through the grapevine that back in the early 90's some states had the max allowed set at 8 lpm
Hello, Does anyone remember a time when the MAX amount was 8 lpm? sorry for a nasal cannula
ok. yeah they don't use anything to fill the port. place it on the ground, fill , next..... the owner of the company has been notified by the staff about the equipment but doesnt' really do anything. so i think the staff is tired and thinks maybe if the company would get a visit then maybe the problem would get fixed.
thank you for your help.yes i don't wont to give my name or cert # ( anything that would come back to me) i understand private bls transporting owners are doing it to make money ( its a biz) but when the equipment is not working or shortage of the equipment the owners are putting a huge risk of danger to the crew and the pt's. the crew may loose his/her cert not the owners most of the owners are not even emt's . so they pay a fine or company goes under the following wk they apply under a new name. sorry for the rant. it just pisses me off sometimes that there are owners would rather save maybe 5,000 so to speak a year than put it back into the company . just so we are on the same page, when you say only 1 size of each o2 delivery size is required you mean 1 main o2 and 1 port . if thats the case half the time the main is empty partially because of staff bieng to lazy to change ( which is blows me away) but also i have visited that base and the main o2 is empty on the ambulance because there are no full ones available. one more thing while its still fresh in my thoughts. hot fills. is it illegal or just dumb to fill the port without placing the empty port while filling up in a trash can with cold water? i ve seen some ppl fill the port o2 using the cascade system without placing the empty in some sort of barrier in case it explodes. what is the proper way to fill a port ? how long should it take in general? i ve seen companies fill it 2 min and place in the ready to use bin.
missing is broad sorry. 1 or 2 n.c. & nrb ( adult) o2 main empty no full ones at the base ( staff will grab extra port) no ped bvm. no pen light. no cleaning supplies to clean equipment ( b/p cuff stretcher) no long cervical collar only 2 universal. staff told me they get yelled at for not leaving on time when they are trying to refill the ambulance as best as possible . cause they will be late to pick up a pt. no red bio haz bags. b/p cuffs that work. seat belts for crew some work some don't. horn / manuel siren / ligohts, some work some don't. o2 keys harnest for on board suction.(no support it will just dangle in the air then eventually fall off.
i agree , it depends on place of employment. while in emt b school i did my ride time with a 911 company that are busy, but after each call we went back to base. i currently work for a private bls company that has pre sched runs ( dialysis) and we stay on the street the whole shift.
Hello, I have a question. How do i report an ambulance company that is making the employees ride in an ambulance that should be out of service. ( missing equipment), in Pennsylvania. I could not find a helpline.
is night work the only shift available? are you looking into 9 1 1 jobs or transporting? i can only speak on the transporting, private company. where the night shift doesn't effect you , well me personally. if you are worried about the night shift maybe look into private companies where most shifts are 0500-1700.and yes always lift with your legs and arms. ive seen a lot of ppl use their back when lifting and then complain of back pain.
thanks everyone for the comments. i think im done with this post. trust me def a learning experience ( pt did survive) as far as whats on our bls ambulance. gauze, tri- bandages, pen light, o2 ( main, port) occlusive dress, suction, bp cuff / steth. no monitors . unfortunatly the majority of the private bls companies are just in it to make money. they supply only the min of supplies needed to pass inspection. also i now have all the e.r. numbers in my cell. in fact i had to go back to that same e.r. today and yes i did call on my cell phone. thanks again for all your input.
thanks for your input texas. first of all the chief complaint was shortness of breathe. when the dialysis unit calls for a private bls company to take their pt to the e.r. they believe its non life threating. otherwise they would call 911 when we were asking what inr meant we were assessing the pt. of course the pt comes first. when we assessed the resperations at the time we arrived the resp were 22 not to say that that can't be anything . cause anything can turn into something. pt didn't start deteriating until a block from the hospital. as far as the communication problem yes i know its a problem. my partner and myself didn't have the e.r. number in our cell phones and we can't call hospitals with our radio's so what we do is have our dispatcher call for us and or the pick up location calls it in for us. thats the system they ve been doing for years not a good one obviously . sad to say thats one of the very few out of many hospitals i don't have in my cell.. its over with. its a learning experience and thats it .
to be honest i have no idea what those are. the only tubes i know about for suctioning are rigid and flexable . from what it looked like they baged the pt. then had a tube down the throat. i couldn't get a good look cause the amount of ppl i just know the container was full of blood.
thanks tni. i don'tknow can anything reverse it? i read vitamin k may help. not 100%if pt died but im guessing er staff had a full suction container of blood. when we left. so im guessing pt did but .....
absolutly right vent. chalk this day as a learning experience. just like everyday i learn something new may not be much everyday but i do learn something on every shift. the pt. last vitals that were taking by my partner. b/p was 110 / ? ( not sure) pulse i believe was 40 something and wk resp: 22 i believe. to be honest i forget the vitals exact numbers. and im not going to make them up . vitals were monitored during transport. transport time 6min. pt was following my partners comands during transport. 2 sets of vitals were taking by ems. but again i forget the exact numbers. pt started to decline a little bit about a block from e.r. about a min or so while waiting to be seen by staff my couldn't find a pulse and with that thats when the one doc came over and he/she couldn't find a pulse. staff said to put pt on bed and then they took over. could als taken pt instead? possible. pt status didn't change from the time we got to dialysis until about a block away from hospital. then pulseless about a min or so in the e.r..
ok my partner wasnt actually screaming at the e.r. staff while asking for help. we walked in. they saw us. ignored us. we waited for about a min. asked for help.( pt is now unresponsive.). they looked at us. ask for help again. no one paid attention. asked for help. person on the phone said charge nurse is on the way. partner could not get a pulse . now raising his voice . but still not screaming. asking for help. finally a doc from across the e.r. was walking over and ask what we had. he couldn't get a pulse. he yelled code. and thats when evryone started paying attention. it might not seem like it. but we have nothing but respect for the staff that work in the e.r's all around the world. again just frustrated maybe its my lack of e.r. runs but i just don't understand why one doctor would look over at us then just ignore us. while we are trying get the pt to wake up. as for the inr. thing that was at dialysis. it was the rn at dialysis who just walked away. and we asked the rn very politely /respectfully. the one nurse at the e.r. was great though she explained what inr was and told us that there was no way of us knowing what inr was since we are basics and that we did good since we asked and not pretend like we knew what the r.n. at dialysis was talking about.
all the nurse told us that pt was not responding, eyes were closed. i would think though a nurse would mention a fib for cardiac condition. under control or not its still a condition. as for the second call we have tried to get our owner to make it so we ( crew on ambulance) can call on our radio's but won't do it. for whatever reason i don't know. the dialysis unit always calls for us. yes i understand its the ambulance that usually calls but in our situation im stuck. 99 percent of co workers don't have e.r. phone numbers in their personal cell phones. sometimes we will have our dispatcher call for us unfortunaltyl most don't speak good english. also for the screaming... a doctor looked right at us while we were asking for help but just sat back down in his/her chair. compressed air? i couldn't tell you all i know is that its very popular at the dialysis units and nursing homes. you are right nursing homes rarely have r.n s mostly just cna's but this one had r.n on the name tag. i am just in all. again i really don't see this type of work i predomintaly just do dialysis transports so to me this is all new.
yes i know that there are different reasons for sycnope and not every one is caused by the same thing. could be epilepsy , tia, hypoglycemia etc. i was laughing cause pt had a history of synocpe that s the reason why the pt is in the nusing home. that is what was written on the piece of paper (transfer sheet) the nurse wrote up. but if somone goes unrepsonsive for 60 seconds wouldn't you mention that the pt has a history of syncope? and don't get me wrong i mess up too Lord knows im not perfect nowhere close. but to me that just seems like really important info. just a frustrating day.
ok 2 stories true stories that happen to me and my partner today. for anyone that doesn't know me i am an nremt b that works for a private company that 99.9% of the time just does dialysis transports. once in a while we ( the company) will get " emergency" calls to a nursing home we have a contract with to take the pt to the emergency room. first nurse today . we get a call to go to a n.h. for an 82 yo male who is unresponsive.vitals are stable. no s.o.b. coa x 2 no jvd. no pain. no deformities/ abnormalities. my partner ( the tech) starts to ask the nurse what is going on ? nurse states pt was unresponsive for 60 seconds and now is sitting in the wheel chair on 2 lpm via nc. partner ask for the paper work and goes through it while getting info from nurse. nurse stated pt has a p.m.h. of heart problems but doesn't know what they are. my partner said wouldn't they be in your chart book on the pt. nurse: yeah i dont see them. partner: ok well what else can you tell me of the pt. nurse: pt has a history of a - fib. partner again ask nurse you don't know what cardiac problems pt has . nurse : no. partner: any other p m h we should know about ? nurse: no. as soon as we get on the elevator partner says to me: pt was sent here cuase of a history of syncope. i started laughing . partner says to me while the i was asking the nurse i was looking right at the big words primary diagnosis SYNCOPE. wow. so the nurse couldn't figure out that a-fib is cardiac and maybe the reason ( not saying it was/ or is ) but maybe the pt had a syncope episode . maybe thats why the pt was unresponsive for 60 seconds. the nurse couldn't even tell us that the pt had a history of syncope. clueless or lazy? 2nd call dispacted to dialysis unit for shortness of breathe. 63 yo female. had a full treatment. on 3lpm of compressed air via n.c. coax 1 nurse states pt is coughing up blood. resp 22. i appologize i forget pulse and b/p i do know they were both low. nurse stated that pt's i.n.r. is 6. and on the blood thinner coumadin. partner who i respect a lot and has done 9 11 for over 10 years and now doing transport ask what is i n r. the nurse looks at us starts to laugh and walks away. partner says no i really don't know what that is.please tell us. nurse doesn't answer. pt s condition is declining in the ambulance we pull up go to the er. where a nurse is on the phone. and a doc next to the nurse.. where i am ems has to wait for e.r. staff to acknowledge ems and pt. pt's eyes are closed. and now unresponsive in the e.r. partner asking for a nurse 4or 5 x each time voice is getting louder and louder. nurse on the phone says ohh the charge nurse will be right over. the doc looks at our pt and sits back down. partner now pretty much screaming hey can someone help over here who is better than me. finally another doc comes over feels for a pulse but doesn't feel one. so now after about 3 minutes goes by before we get help from staff . pt coded and was bleeding internal. er staff suctioned a lot of blood out of pt. my point here is why couldn't the nurse at dialysis tell us what inr was? lazy? i can't blame to much on er. dialysis always says that they will call the e.r. for us since we don't have the e.r phone numbers in our radio's/ nextels since our boss has it so we can't dial reg phone numbers. ( why i don't know). er stated they( dialysis ) never called so they had no idea somebody was coming in. no i don't know 100% that the person on the phone was a nurse. i think so but not 100%. but why wouldn't the doc help us? why did another doc from across the other side come over to help when there was a doc right there? anybody have experiences like this before?
hey, i am a nremt b ( emt-. unfortunatly at this time i am stuck doing transports usually dialysis transports. once in a while we will get a call from a nursing home that wants to send someone to the e.r. for shortness of breathe or chest pains. of course if we see something on the street and first on the scene we will stop and do what we can. but for right now im am not doing 911 calls and can only blame myself for that. i have to get uncomfortable in order to grow. so in your opinion since i really just do transports and only an emt b do you think i have any chance of going over there and getting a job with an ambulance company or doing your ( eire) 911. also i would want to go somewhere in or near galway if possible since that is where the majority of my cousins live now and would want to be near them. do you know if there is any exchange programs? also last but def not least. perhaps the most important. in your honest opinion what are the chances of an american doing ems over there. and wheather doing ems or not im going back to the motherland of eire. to beautiful not to.