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Everything posted by tamaith

  1. yeah i was also thinking of going to try to work overthere myself. i know on that website you provided you have to have a recomandation of your present employer. unfortunatly mine doesn't speak/ understand english to well. my boss is russian. like many private ambulance companies here in philadelphia. i already have my dual citizenship usa/ irish and my irish passport.
  2. cork? really i never heard that be called the rebel county. i always wanted to visit there. ive been to west ireland ( galway, sligo, rosecommon)i know thats where the big fella mick collins was from.
  3. greetings from the usa, my cuz was living in limerick working with the fisheries. which rebel county? since some may argue that there are 32 rebel counties. but im guessing you are from one of the 6 northern perhaps derry. but welcome aboard slan go foill
  4. wow i never heard of a 2wk class for emt b or a 3month course for medic.
  5. tamaith


    i hear the mid west is in dire need for ems.
  6. wow good for you. i am taking bupropion. i was doing good than relapsed. but keeping at it . i quit for a year and a half last time i took it. i have a prescription for chantix but heard ppl committing suicide from it. so i passed on that one.
  7. well im sure the nremt p is going to be a lot harder than basic. for me the nremt b was tough. but there were some questions that repeated. just asked in a different way so that helped. i just kept in mind to always start with the abc's. good luck
  8. just got my results and i passed
  9. thats great you're coming out of the military and plan on going to medic school and im thinking of joing the military ( guard) to get money to go to medic school
  10. congrats.... yeah i took my nremt b exam and yes i found out that pearson is very tight security as well. very pleasant ppl my i add. i took it fri evening and still waiting for my results. i found it a lot tougher than the states. there were questions about cylinder sizes. which i didn't remember learing in school. my test shut off at 105 questions just hope i passed.
  11. i agree with djmedic, every call you gain experience. may just be a little but it's something.
  12. first of all, this discussion is about working for philly fire rescue. which i do know about. secondly i am not trying to say that all philly cops are " hardcore" as you put it. i do on the other hand believe that a police officer in a large city is going to have more experience and deal with more " drama" than somebody in a small town or suburb. as far as the tv show cops i really don't watch the program. i am not saying that there are no overweight cops here.and also i am not going to say that there are not any overweight firefighters. how many philly cops and f.f. have you met and discussed their calls. i live in the city and work in the city i see alot. some of my friends/ are on the p.p.d. and some are on the p.f.d. so i listen to their stories and tell them what i have seen as well. so until you live here or talk to those men and woman on the job, which i do on a regular basis you have no right saying they they don't do a lot of work or put up with some bull. i am not trying to take away from your prior career, but like i said before i lived in a small town for a few years and they honestly did not put up with even 2% of what the ppd puts up with. as far as a suspect being a suspect, is true to some degree if you are referring to treating every call the same no matter where you are, from what i have been told by cops. it depends on the location and degree of crime. what i am referring to is, lets say cops come to a house in a bad area for disturbance call. 95 %of the time they are going to have their guns out. where if cops get the same call in a decent/ upper class area they are less likely. again this is what i have been told. so you are saying that what you have watched on the tv show cops is how you judge the ppd.? i think the last time they filmed an episode here was in the early 90s haha. times change and not for the good. plus there is a lot of editing going on.haha you're funny. do you have any idea how many kids are carring guns now . and it not even just the kids. right now there is an opperation going on here where the ppd team up with 17 different federal and state agencies and go out to certain areas and do bust. so you can't judge something today what you seen on cops years ago.
  13. dust " here" has a lot to do with it. i have no idea where you are from or where you were a cop. but i am gathering it wasn't a big city like the size of phila. pa. i could be wrong like i said i don't know where you were a police officer. i lived in a very small town for a few years where there was about 10 cops where the most they have seen was a bar fight or car accident. but the most of my time here on earth i have and currently live in the city of phila, pa. where cops are dying left and right. where they are being assaulted, shot at, having to physical fight the suspect who is high on God knows what and out weights the p.o by 75 100 lbs. trying to get the cops gun to kill him/her. yes firefighters do have to carry a lot of weight from equipment but to say philly cops don't have hard work mentally, emotionally and physically is nuts. you can not say all cops nationwide don't do hard work. you still didn't answer my question i asked earlier have you ever lived in philadelphia and seen what the cops here go through on a daily basis? and yes i have seen firefighters close to 300 lbs. yes mike i did read the opening post thats why i responded. and no you are not a firefighter just because you do 6 wks. you are a medic within the firedept. they are two differnt unions. a firefighter is an emt b , but a medic is not a firefighter
  14. http://www.phila.gov/fire/about/about_empl..._paramedic.html i know ppl that are philly fire medics as well and not once did they say that they are firefighters why? because they are not. they are paramedics within the fire dept. the medic program in the fire dept is 6 wks while the fireman program is i believe 16wks. they might learn a little about fighting fires in the 6 wks but that doesnt mean that they are firefighters. i took a class in that talked a little bit of nutrition i don't call myself a nutritionist. every firefighter that goes through pfd academy becomes and emt b though that's the first 6 wks of the academy. there are firefighters sometimes on the ambulances doing a rotations because there is a shortage of medics in the pfd. but they either 1. drive or 2. on a bls ambulance. yes they do get a lot of b.s calls and do run their butts off. oh and thanks for calling my city which you don't live in a dump.
  15. dust , i REALLY hope you are kidding about being a cop is not hard work. esp in philly. have you ever lived here? and no im not talking about a day or weekend trip either. NO she does not have to be a firefighter to run with philly fire rescue. here are the steps. she would have to go to emt b school. the two main emt b schools here are jeffstat ( which i recomend) and star tech. after the completion of the course she then goes to paramedic school . jeffstat again is better from what i have heard and cheaper than star tech . jeffstat medic program is about 12,000 while star is around 25,000. during that time she would do ride alongs with philly fire rescue for i think 3 months. after completing the medic program she then applies with the fire dept. and does their ems program. after that then she's in. but like dust said, right now i am 99.9 % sure there is a hiring freeze. but from start to finish ( basic to medic ) it will prob take about a year and a half or less. emt b is about 8 wks the medic program is around 11 months. but the medic program is only offered once a year. so it depends on when she finishes basic. during that time in btwn. more than likely she would run with a transporting company. although some companies that do als will hire a basic right out of school.
  16. p.a. doesn't and i think jersey doesn't either ....
  17. i have to say when i drive the ambulance i drive slower than most of my co-workers. once in a blue moon i may go over by 5 mph if and only if i don't have a pt in the back. i ve seen some drivers in the ambulance drive over medians and then i asked what the hell are you doing there response don't worry about it were are in an ambulance.... to me that's b.s.
  18. hahaaha at island emt
  19. spenec, thats the problem im a male and so is my doctor.
  20. has anyone seen this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snpc21XjUG4 im not a fan of cnn im more fox news but this is nuts.
  21. i don't know if this counts or not but i have never had a doctor put the stethoscope on my skin always on my undershirt.
  22. yeah , i dont have any vacation time yet my current job starts giving vacation time after a year so i got about 4 more months to go i do appreciate your advice and everyone else's
  23. just an update: i gave my resume to my co-worker and he is going to give to the h.r. dept. i figure why not, if they call me in for an interview, excellent and go from there. If they don't call me in, well they're not the only hospital and there are plenty of different avenues to go down.
  24. dust sorry for the misunderstanding. i would loose my health insurrance from my current transporting company im not to sure if the hospital gives insurrance to pt or only ft employees something i have to ask.also i would go to medic school not nursing. and as fire mentioned above i have to do what is best for me. what is going to take me to the next level. my co worker said basically what i would do at the hospital is assist nurses, cpr , take vitals, transport pts to different floors. learn how to to iv's and and take blood. and hook pts up to heart monitors. he also mentioned that would get paid while in training ( one week). i feel like i have to make a move , my skills are slipping away since dialysis trips are 99 percent of what i do. just don't want to burn bridges or seem unappreciative to my current boss esp since i just got a raise i was even thinking of working 40 hrs transporting and 20 hours at hospital to start to even see if i like the hospital setting. i would be considered part time at the transporting company since i would have a second job. but still have my foot in the door incase the hospital doesn't work out.
  25. thanks fire, i would love to work for philly fire rescue. which i know means going to medic school. i just saw an ad for frankford hospital to work up at sesame place. i think i might go for it. sometimes i just feel like i " can't " screw over my employer esp since i just got a raise. but i got to train myself to stop being " nice" and do what i want to do which is 911 and stop thinking i don't want to hurt others feelings. does that make sense.
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