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Everything posted by tamaith

  1. hello, I would like to get some advice/ opinions about a new job opportunity. first a little back round on me. I am an EMT -B working for a private company doing transporting ( non 911) mostly to and from dialysis but do some runs to the e.r. my boss and co-workers are great ( like a little family we are). A co-worker came up to me yesterday and asked if i wanted to work in the hospital where he works as an emt b in the stroke ward. like any opportunity there are pro s and cons . first the pros : no stair chair. 401 k, more experience, partial pay of tuition ( medic or nursing school). cons: hour drive each way. my current boss will demote me to part time even if i work 40 hours there,which means i loose health insurrance. less time in ambulance ( where i love being). I m also weary of it not working out then do i go back to my current employer and beg to make me full time again. i know above i said my boss is great, but my boss is also strict. I also know if you get to comfortable you'll never grow. before this i was looking into vol one day a week with a 911 company to get experience. i love being in the ambulance, but a 401k would be excellent. My co worker said he brings home about 100 to 150 more a week working full time there then i do working full time at my current job. any ideas or suggestions i would appreciate thank you.
  2. darn i wish i was a flight medic.
  3. i agree pats and gino's overated.... i personally like jims or i found a new place at 16th and dauphin. little corner store. 2.75 for a chicken cheese stk. not bad and i like to see others react when i enter cause im white. but all joking aside i would of kept the food in the front and if it goes cold then it goes cold.
  4. i would treat him/her. i would treat anyone that needs help no matter what. but.... i sure im going to get heat from this , i would also make a note to tell the receiving staff that he or she is an illegal IF i know for sure the pt is an illegal. i would have to be 100 percent sure and not just think the pt is.
  5. i think the pt should be immobilized . the pt may have damage and just doesn't feel it at that time. better to be safe than sorry.
  6. i too am looking to take the nremt-b exam. some say its not worth it cause if you go to another state you have to take their exam. to me its worth taking are you using any study guides or just re-reading your text. i am hoping to take it in the next month. good luck.
  7. video resume's are increasing. i was suppose to do one in college in one of my health classes but ended withdrawing from the class so i could grad early. already have enough credits to grad.
  8. thank you to all who responded now i got one more question. cover letters. correct if i am wrong. i was told that cover letters should be brief only a few sentences is that right?
  9. hello, I am currently updating my resume. I am wondering what everyone thinks of putting certificates that you earn from con ed courses in the resume is appropriate? I wouldn't put all of them just maybe 3 or 5 a couple from trauma and a few from medical. also any do 's or don't 's or resume suggestions would be appreciated . thank you.
  10. if i had a girlfriend or wife i would shower her with love 365 days of the year not just one maybe thats why im single ha.
  11. 28 to 21 cards
  12. its possible. thanks i agree all ambulances should have them on
  13. holy smokes... thanks. it says for authorized bls services. any idea of what that means? does that exclude private owned? it shouldn't . i don't understand how the ambulances pass inspection then. unless they were on there during inspection then taking off. but that wouldn't make sense either.
  14. no, our ambulances do not have aed's on them. i think they are not required for bls in pa. i personally would like to see them on the ambulances . in order to take emt b class you have to be certified in cpr/aed. so every basic in pa knows how to use them why not have them on? unfortunately most owners of bls companies that i am familiar with only will do the bare min requirements to pass inspection to save money.
  15. spen where are you located thats awesome
  16. most basics here( phila, pa) start out at 11 or 12 per hour. and medics i THINK range from 17 to 22 our cost of living might be higher also.
  17. i see philly medics all the time . since thats where i am from and work . i think it may be a case by case thing all of the stretchers i ve seen have port o2 and i believe heart monitors i could be mistaken though with the heart monitors but i know all of the ones ive seen have o2 on them. and ive seen hundreds of them. i would say out off all the times ive seen medics arrive on scene i think 90 % were a load and go 10% stay and play. but again ive never did ride time with them so i can only say what ive seen.
  18. in PA. all you need is your reg drivers license and complete a course called emergency vehicle operation course ( EVOC) which is one weekend long.
  19. dust, ctx quoted me and then said the next time a basic whines... therefor i took that as ctx saying that i whine thats how i figured.
  20. the way i see it is basketball is normally a high scoring game and baseball and hockey are normally low scoring so when a baseball or hockey team wins 6 to zero ( hockey) or 15 to zero ( baseball) to me that's equivalent to 100 to zero in basketball. do those wining coaches get in trouble in other sports no they and the team get praised and ppl say congrats, job well done. i don't think the coach should get in trouble
  21. I am speechless too because how do you figure i am whining about my job or doing dialysis runs. I love my job.
  22. ok yeah we got wheelchair vans maybe it just hasn't reached pennsylvania yet or at least philly.
  23. ok i just never seen a stretcher van before. do they have them where you are. not trying to be a smart you know what im new to the field and different places have different things.
  24. what will happen to those individuals that are bed bound and need transport to dialysis?
  25. there has been a bunch lately near me in bucks count , pa http://wjz.com/watercooler/ufo.bucks.county.2.915245.html
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