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Everything posted by tamaith

  1. thank you. doc
  2. thank you. just read them
  3. i can change my views on some topics and i have in the past.
  4. tell me what you really think of me dustdevil. are you going to jump on me too for saying how i feel about something. what if i jumped on you for some of your beliefs? don't worry i wont do that cause i wont sink that low.
  5. where can i find forum rules?
  6. ok i will look into it no i don't have a training officer. i was hoping to do this anonymously so that my boss doesn't find out it was me if we loose the pt. ( less money in the bosses pocket). but it needs done . this pt s residence/ hygiene is awful... im not talking about not showering for a few days either. and i believe his 1 yr old grandson lives there as well but don't quote me on that.
  7. thank you for all the comments / suggestions it s a dialysis pt. i figure i call after the pt returns to house so the agents can see how this pt is living.
  8. i don't mean to offend anyone if i have im sorry. it appears that you are very offended by my opinions and my grammar but i will never apologize for how i feel about something.
  9. i never said anything about a basic being the highest level during a 911 call. the 50 plus private bls companies in my city don't do 911not to mention the other 40 or so right outside the city limits. there are two main types of dialysis. and tens of thousands of pt s in my city and yes i do know that most don't go by ambulance. you seem to always under mind me. and yes i always talk to my pts find out how long they have been going, why they are going etc.
  10. lets face it basics will not go away. no private company is going to pay 20 plus an hour to do transports to and from dialysis. would you or any of your medic co - workers want to dialysis or 911 calls?
  11. i got my official drivers license in jan of '08 took evoc in june of '08 then got hired by a private company and 2wks later i was driving an ambulance. my evoc course was in a school parking lot not on the street, unfortunaltly . i naturally tend to drive slow i've been in the back with some who are driving over the speed limit and pt's and myself are bouncing up and down. i do say something to the driver tell him/her to slow down. i think some don't realize that when you are in the back you feel every bump and Lord knows there are a ton of pot wholes and divits in the street where i am. i like the idea of putting the emt in the back so they got an idea of what if feels like when you go fast or hit the breaks etc...
  12. hello, has anyone here ever have to call / report to dept of human services or dept of aging? if so was it done anonymously what was the reason?
  13. read your text before class starts. make flash cards/ notes on what you read. good luck.
  14. excellent...
  15. i agree i would like to hear their story. also get the police there to assist you to gain entrance.
  16. the question was do you have a problem with homosexuals? yes or no? ( explain yourself)? that was the question right? explain yourself...to me means opinion. does it matter if the last thread was in oct of 2007? how i write on here and how i write on my pcr's are different but thank you for your concern. do you use proper english every time you write or talk? I don't know one person that that is proper 24 hours a day 7 days a week . i never once said i would not be able to tolerate having to work with a person who is gay or work on a pt who is gay.
  17. is this a spelling contest / english class no i was asked my opinion and i gave it thats all. i guess you are better than me since it seems you can tolerate everyone you come across.
  18. hmmm this is a touchy subject to say. if they can do the job fine just dont hit on me. i once had a gay hit on me and i litterly through up. my personal preference would not spend 12 hours in a ambulance with them but i think mick jagger said it best you cant always get what you want.
  19. thank you so i guess i do have some insight of prehospital care after all. good night.
  20. ok well tell me this is emt b one of them? just a simple yes or no?
  21. i know this is a discussion board but thanks for the reminder. i don't claim to know everything by any means there is a ton of info i need and want to learn in this field but yes i can honestly that as an emt b i do have a little not a lot but a little insight of prehospital care there are 4 levels i recall to prehospital care in ems first responder, emt b, emt I and the third emt p.
  22. What you will learn and do as a basic will not prove any real benefit and actually lead to you harming patients." so you didn't say what you learn as a basic will not prove any real benefit? i got the above from your statement. and you still have not explained how i as an emt b can harm a pt. unless of course i drop them
  23. it is what you said and thats how it came across but no sense of arguing to me its water under the bridge. if i did get a surgical cert for basic rib spreading i d prob make more money than i do now. :roll:
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