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Posts posted by tamaith

  1. i am anti- abortion with exception of conception during rape. and pro death pent. the way i see it the fetus did nothing wrong. the person who is sent to die did. and usually if you are sent to die you did something so inhumane or evil.

  2. no shortage of emt- b new companies are popping up all the time. as far as medics yes and no in the city yes suburbs not really, in the city. the fire dept runs it so a lot of the time you have the fireman driving and the medic in the back. but now our mayor is closing some stations. so that sux. a lot of the emt -b i talked to don't want to be medics they are comfortable where they are of course they are russian, ukrain and other surrounding counntry immegrints who are not paying taxes.

  3. the medical debt wouldn't go to a collection agency? mess up persons F.I.C.O. score. i was taken by a city fire&rescue ambulance so i just assumed that if i didn't pay i would get served and then pay court fees. plus its the right thing to do. i had a roomate in college who didn't pay a parking ticket and a warent was issued for his arrest. so medical debt doesn't work the same way? learn something new everyday ha.

  4. keep sending bills set up payment plan. i know over the summer an ambulance was called for me for syncope (i passed out twice in 15 min.) i went two blocks to the hospital and was billed 500 i don't have health insurrance so i payed 25/ 50 per month. get insurance info first. if still doesn't pay send out warrent for arrest,or repo man. if get called for that again say no. cause at the same time i don't want to occupy a truck with something like that when i could be using it to transport a real emergency. we all learn from mistakes. all in all this is a good question though.

  5. is the place where para lives dirt poor. i heard of some towns not having money for ems/ fire/ police thats why there are volly s i lived in a one horse town for a few years that there were 3 paid cops and the ems / fire were vollies. also for me where i live( phila) to get into the 911 system either as a basic or medic 95%of the time you have to vol first to get the experience before a company will hire you for a paying position.

  6. dustdevil, were you ever a "noob" or an emt-b or does it go from God to Jesus to you. i am not questioning your education or intelligence im sure you are very educated but it seem like you are always picking on " noobs" or emt - b. did something happen to you while you were an emt- b let it out do you want to talk about it. i thought this site was to help others in ems not belittle them cause you think there question or comment is dumb .

  7. i believe that emt are a good thing. not just because i am one. who would do the transporting ? paramedics? then who would do the 911 paramedics? maybe thats fine in small towns but i know in phila, pa there is already a shortage of paramedics for the 911 system so if emt b's got eliminated that would destroy phila, pa. half of the emtb s will not make it to paramedics not sure if i will it it a difficult career. so you can't just say that all the emtb s will become medics

  8. thank you everyone for their honest opinions. bls stands for basic life support. and im in phila, pa. sorry maybe i misunderstood you with the whole sink or swim thing. and another thing i wanted to make clear is that by no means am i trying to compare an online class / book with the actual class that you pay for. i was just going to try the online thing for a brief intro. i know they are not the same thing. and for textbook i meant a text book that paramedic classes use for instance my emt b class used a book by brady 10 th ed in my opinion that was a good textbook i would suggest someone interrested in becoming a emt to look over it. so what i am trying to say is that are there textbook(s) for paramedic school that i can purchase to look over. or is it set up different then emt class ( which i m sure it is) and no i don't think there are any pre req for entering medic school in pennslyvania but maybe im wrong thats what i like about this site ppl helping others . thank you

  9. so dust devil, your thing is sink or swim ? or am i misunderstanding you? if you can get something free then why pay? if you could get free gas would you pay for it? someone who is serious doesnt' rush into things. well for me at least if im serious i don't like to rush in i want to absorb all the info as much info as possible. a serious investor doesn't just pick the stock, he/ she studies the company in and out listen to conference calls, etc. so you are saying don't take a free class that will help me or give me some backround of how medicine works and so forth just pay for the class without the backround and hopefully pass. and as long as i am dedicated i should be fine. am i missing something? im sure there were students who were dedicated in school who didn't make it. but wish that they had some backround prior to taking the class. im not saying it will save me but it can't hurt. why not work bls for a year understand everthing there is to know about bls before taken the next step. instead of doing bls half arse ...

  10. thats not a bad idea , ventmedic, thanks. i have taking a&p in college, i went for health promotion. i remember someone on here posting hundreds of FREE online classes ( now i just have to find them ) i could prob take those classes and more online for free ( hopefully) and more now and then next year actually sign up for the paramedic class and have a better understanding.

  11. thank you...for your reply. im in pennsylvania, and yes there will be an interview and application to get in. unlike basic school. also this is a little off track but this past dec i moved back home after living on my own for the last 10 years if i would go to school i would have to cut my hours back and stay at home. if i don't then i want to move out and have my freedom ( own place) again asap.

  12. hi,

    i was wondering what ppl thought. i have been a basic ( emt) for 2 months now only doing transporting. i just found out that there is a paramedic class being offered in jan. the class is 13 months long mon wed, thurs class and tues clinical with some sat and sundays. my question is do you think i should go or have more time in the street? honestly i am quite nervous about medic school. i always here classes end up with 25% finishing the course. part of me says go and do it and part of me says try to volunteer with an als company then do it next year. also if anyone knows of any good paramedic textbooks / workbooks that may help i would appreciate it. thank you.

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