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Posts posted by tamaith

  1. thank you for all the responses. after a week of working in the main company i had to sign a paper about the vaccines i had two choices i could either mark the box that said i already have my shots or i refuse. so i asked the person about this who told me to fill it out. because i didn't have my shots and i didn't want to refuse. her reply was i don't know i only hand out the papers. sorry. but after reading my employer still has to provide for me B)


    If the employee initially declines hepatitis B vaccination but at a later date while still covered under the standard decides to accept the vaccination, the employer shall make available hepatitis B vaccination at that time.

  2. hi,

    i was wondering if the company you work for is suppose to provide you with tb and hep shots. i say penn cause thats where i live and the rules may change state to state. i work for two dif private companies and no one is giving me a straight answer. some say the company is suppose to pay for it others say that i am suppose t o pay for it. i asked a couple of ppl on here but i would like to see what others think as well. i don't have health insurance so if need be i just may have to find a free clinic. thanks.

  3. i myself just do transporting now so the pts know that it cost them money. however, i believe in school we were taught not to discuss money / insurance while in the truck with the pt.. i don't work in the er but. i think it depends on the hospital. some may pay for it others will just bill. i know when i was taking to e.r. i made sure everyone ( medics, doctors, nurses ) knew that i didn't have insurance. i had to pay for the ambulance but the hospital hooked me up ( i went for syncope, and had an ecg put on ).

  4. thats messed up. learn from him....cause of his military backround. i would agree if you were in the military . but you're not you're in ems. and you said you got more experience in ems field than he does so why can't your boss see that or is your boss stevie wonder. ( no offense to stevie wonder or any other blind ppl) glad you got a least one person at your squad who has your back.

  5. lady dragon, do you think its because you're female? this makes me think of another question. when if ever do you go to your boss to report such behavior. has anyone had to do so? i know in my company there has been a few ppl that went to the boss and and said that they can t work with certain ppl but the boss doesn't understand english all the time so once in a while they may end up working with each other.

  6. i appreciate everyones response. i have only been in the career for a month and just doing bls transporting.love it. can't wait til i get to do 911 ... so i m still just learning a lot still. i don't want to step on anyones toes / speak up to loud. just yet. i m just getting the feel for how everyone ( dif partners) react or do certain things. and think to myself what i would do if i was in charge. or how i would get to the destination ( i say screw the back curvy ways ,straight direct is the way )

  7. >Subject: From someone serving in Afghanista

    Hello everyone,

    As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted >to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an >hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what >happened.

    He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, >got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the >commander here at Bagram.

    As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew >them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet >the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty >much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out >in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing >basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank >them for their service.&nbs p;

    &nb sp;

    So really he was just here to make a showing for the >American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that >if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would >thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you.

    I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players >or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants >to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how >anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our >great country.

    If this is blunt and to the point I am >sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really >is. What you see in the news is all fake.

    In service,

    CPT Jeffrey S. Porter

    Battle Captain

    TF Wasatch&nbs p;

    American Soldier

  8. hi,

    the hours you guys are talking about , are they the hours for your basic class ? i just graduated from basic school 200 hours. and i was told that if i want to take the nremt-b exam i only have to take the written part if i do so within 1 year of graduation.... how hard is it is it like the test in the classes?

  9. yeah i think its better to be safe than sorry. so what you are saying is that even though there isn't a local / state agent its still a legit company and not to worry. there office is on my way to work so i was actually going to stop in knowing what i know now i prob won't thank you.

  10. hi,

    thank you i was and am looking at that company but , i noticed that when i printed out the form it said my insurance agent and listed his insurance license # in florida and somewhere else but not in pa where i am from that s a little weird i think.

  11. everyone here has excellent points.. why can a black person say whiteboy but a whiteboy is looked as a racist if he says blackboy. why was george jefferson allowed to say honky but archie bunker wasn't allowed to say nagger. why is it all of a sudden african american i don't consider myself european american i was born in america so i am american who is white. they are an american who is black. to me someone who is african american is someone who was born in africa then came over and got there us citizenship. and what country in africa. do they have dual citizenship. i do , but first and formost american. why can they call whites whitebread , cracker. God forbid if you call them something not even the n word something else you are looked upon as a racist and they are looked upon as the victim. and just to be clear i don't feel that all blacks are like this only a few.

    here is a clip from rescue me about racism great clip in my opinion.


  12. hi,

    i am a new emt b and was wondering if there are any good insurance companies out there for ems workers . i would like it in case someone decides to sue me while on the job. God forbid i am trying to help someone and thats not good enough so they sue me. Thank you

  13. hi,

    i don't have any kids so i won't pretend like i know what you are going through. are there any aunts or uncles? when i was a teen i thought i was a badass it took a death of a friend to calm me down so mabye living with his grandparents might be good. sometimes death will calm a person down. i think you can always try it , see how it goes and then if it not working bring him back. or like the one person said boot camp. or scared straight programs. good luck.

  14. ike everyone is saying it all depends on where you work. for me as a basic i make 20,000 i work 10 and 12 hour shifts . i am non 911 i just do transport. everntually i will get into the 911 system. there are a ton of emt jobs in the larger cities. there are prob about 50 or so different ambulance companies where i am from most are just transporting. but its a start. ambulance companies are always hiring because ppl are always getting burned out or moving up. a lot of ppl use emt b as a stepping stone for nursing school. paramedics around me make around 40 - 50 thousand and you can always get overtime. bottom line the larger the city the more oppertunities you have in making money. and the more education you have the better.

  15. i don't know to much about the treaty, but my understanding is that they ( ireland ) are tired of other countries telling them what to do. thats why they are saying no. and if that is the reason God bless them!!!!. again i don't know to much of the treaty. so no i don't think they are being ungrateful.

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