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Everything posted by TDP

  1. Tranquilizers work wonders. Glad they got the cubby out of the tree. Things could have been worse,had they not acted on removing him.
  2. That's not the first medical muck up,and it surely will not be the last.
  3. Quote: As we walk past the nursing station a staff member, who doesn’t make eye contact and continues shuffling papers, says, “We couldn’t get a blood pressure.” That doesn’t surprise me, because most staff are incompetent and even if they provided me with a pressure, I wouldn’t trust it I enjoy reading war stories from the frontlines of emergency medicine. EMS providers around the world, publishing their stories,their calls what their life is like in stressful enviroments,the challenges the face on a day to day basis. Cheers Morgan Phillips, I look forward to hearing your stories and look forward to reading your books in the future.
  4. Q. Why does the Easter Bunny hide all his eggs? A. He doesn't want anyone to know he's been f*****g the chickens.
  5. scotty needs to be spayed.
  6. the steelers are delivering a shit kicking, as they should.
  7. dredg - el cielo that is all...
  8. why worry about the future when all you can do is live your life today?
  9. Hire a professional driver and have 2 Paramedics in the back delivering pt care.....sounds great to me. Surely it wont comply with the budget....
  10. I hope things work out for the better. Recently divourced,not the best thing in the world,but it worked for both of us. cheers
  11. When you go sky diving you take the risk of death that might come with. When you play sports,there might be injuries,concussions. When you live your daily life,accidents happen. All in all,it is sad,no doubt about it,but shit happens. Great thing the medics need cups thrown at them,they should have been paying attention right.
  12. TDP

    5 Year old shot

    CISD, perhaps even a chartered psychologist. For everything else
  13. congradulations!
  14. I'll have to agree with you on this one.
  15. and now...... lynrd skynrd - free bird,yes i have 2.
  16. pantera - cemetary gates
  17. good book if you want some englightment
  18. People have lost the meaning of "treat" and everyday food. It's disgusting.
  19. There are no positions available at this time for under the desk. This is a field experiment.
  20. That kinda reminds me of when my grandpa use to beat me with his slipper when he got mad.
  21. See I agree,but I don't. I think people should be able to speak,and show how they feel about situations,especially those in which that they as individuals or as a community will be affected. Sure,throwing a shoe at the "president" is disrespectful,but you have to understand both sides of the story. I don't think a shoe,would hurt anyone considering the hurt "Bush" has put on the world. It sounds negative,but thats my opinion. Sorry if i've offended anyone.
  22. Ok alright. So Mobey,have YOU fallen in love with YOUR PTS?
  23. Poor shane heh :? Thats not good....
  24. what kinda question is this?
  25. stay away from mp3 players, I won't give you any problems....
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