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Everything posted by TDP

  1. P.S Just check the IPs
  2. You've been in EMS this long and your crying over this? Are you serious?Don't take this in offense,but don't we have bigger fish to fry?
  3. It could be worse I guess,she could be suing because Mcdonalds served her "hot" coffee.
  4. Maybe she should pay attention to where she's walking?Dumb ass. Common sense isn't common anymore,in fact its a rarity.
  5. 10.75 is a kick in the nuts
  6. edit date "March 2004 and October 2008" up in high prarie. The news is sometimes in accurate. They are running audits back to 90'
  7. So I took the time to ear in on some evening news and this is what I heard. I know this doesn't affect most of you unless you have utilized the hospital in such a way where you needed an IV,but the majority of you administer IV's. What's your thought on this? Authorities aren't speculating on whether it was the lab techs or the nurses,and who knows how they will be dealt with. This is absolutely revolting.
  8. Out of interest i've gone through these books as they interest me lots: Tintanilli's emergency (black and red book) lol Lange cardiovascular physiology 6th edition Lange endocrine physiology 12 lead ECG the art of intrepretation (Garcia) biology concepts and connections (campbell) mostly academics
  9. In terms of education they want you to have atleast 2 years of post secondary,preferably in law,some other small certs like a firearms license,cpr etc. In terms of power they have, I would say they are very similiar to the RCMP/Canadian Coast Guard as they are all federally ran, and regulated. Security guards just have a card that says they are security officers and have passed a clearance. Peace officers are a bit higher and go through a bit training/POPAT tests from my understand. Here is a link I hope you find useful. CBSA-ASFC
  10. I wouldn't throw all of those jobs into one pot as they are not all the same and require different levels of knowledge. As a Paramedic,RN,LPN are not the same. Apples do not equal oranges.
  11. this person was canadian?or
  12. I don't really know if this is suppose to be a joke or not,but I do know someone who is pregnant and i'm not going to say who it is. You'll just have to figure it out for yourselves
  13. Those were my thoughts.
  14. I found this article interesting because its really amazing when you look at the Emergency Medical Services 50 years ago and how things have really changed in a positive way I think. Anyways,feel free to read the article. Harrow ambulance/funeral service closing
  15. you probably need some sort of working visa to i'd assume?
  16. Hope everyone has a safe,delicious holiday.
  17. i'm pretty sure he works for Edmonton,but not 100%
  18. So,someone today had asked me a really interesting question in which I wasn't really sure how to answer in terms of physiology. I guess this is one of those "why does the heart beat"kinda questions but there must be reasonable explanation somewhere. Maybe I should be talking to a clinical physcologist. Anyways,the question was,why does happiness/sadness make an individual cry? What triggers the physiological response? Does an excess amount of serotonin/phenethylamine in the synapse trigger something to flip the dump switch on the eye ducts for them to release the watery fluid over the pupil?Is it some sort of protein? I'm interested to find this out. I haven't asked anyone in the institution yet,but I will come Wednesday. What are your thoughts?
  19. I've always wondered how aviation standards compare as to US vs Canada. As for flying in the United States, the country itself obviously has by far way more transports of the critically ill patient when comparing to little brother, Canada. In terms of accidental death and or crashing, it would be interesting to find out how standards differ and or if crashing is user error (which I doubt). And which are Emergency Medical Serivces birds falling out of the sky so often. We know ambulance's get into alot of accidents as well also,but really which is safer when considering the probability.
  20. How did the vehicle land on it's side? Chances are,not a waste of anyone's time or resources. Sounds pretty serious to me.
  21. click here for the link
  22. Don't they teach WHIMIS over there?
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