Sir Andrew
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#2 in a heart beat friends are worth more than all the money in the world What would you do if you could Party all you want and not know where you are going after death OR Play it safe and know you are going to heaven?
One thing you have to remember is that your ideas of what a 'bullshit courses' is not the same as the next person. How many years was it from the time you finshed HS to the time you trained as a Paramedic? We do tend to forget things. Would a teen be more likely to remember a 'government class' or all the fun parties they went to? Whats the harm in some classes to brush up on what you learned years ago?
Well since I asked the question I thought I should be the first to answer it I went thru and found one class from each poster that I would want in my paramedic corse if I was training now I did not pick one from my own since that would be silly since I think all the ones I have should be in it Fundamentals of US and State Government 100: This course will provide the student with a fundamental level of knowledge of US and state government. Government history, branches of government and the basic process of each branch are primary topics of study. (Chbare) Professionalism 101 Preparation for the work force to include ethics, interpersonal relationships, professional attire, and professional appearance. (Spenac) EMS116 Behavioral Emergencies 1 (Lone Star) Crisis Intervention (Triemal04) Rescue Scene Management- 2hrs This class will be to teach students to deal with different types of scenes and their safety on the scenes. They include Multi Casualty Scenes, Fire Scenes, and Rescue Scenes. This class is not to teach the student to be a rescue technician or a firefighter, but rather to expose student to what will happens at the scenes, and how their involvement impacts the scene. (Mateo_1387)
Spenac what class would you want to take the most if you have to pick 1 from any of our post (not counting yours) any one else is also free to answer
What we need to do now is take the best classes from each of us and build the Greatest Paramedic Course of all time. then we need to find a college or hospital/college that will take it and teach it on a test run and see how it makes for a real life paramedic degree (I say degree since if we take the best of all of out post will will have enough class for at least a AS if not a BS)
Congrats Chbare and Spenac great job with your ideas for classes and courses looks like the best men won Rats Ruff guess that means no date for you LOL
Yes Congrats to the winners thanks for taking part and make it so much fun for all of us And thanks Ruff it has been a lot of fun and I know I personaly have learned from it
[align=center:2f96583f7c]Bachelor of Heath Science In Pre-Hospital Care Paramedic Level[/align:2f96583f7c] This program is designed to give students the skills needed to work as a paramedic in the pre-hospital field and to have confidence Students will acquire skills in all areas of pre-hospital care, as well as foundational knowledge in the field of heath science. [align=center:2f96583f7c]GENERAL EDUCATION CORE - 68 HOURS [/align:2f96583f7c] PSY 100 General Psychology 4 Quarter Hours An overview of the factors affecting behavior including topics related to theories of learning, the senses, perceptions, nervous system, emotions, personality theory, motivation, abnormal behavior and therapy, and social psychology. Prerequisite(s): PSY 111 Interpersonal Psychology 4 Quarter Hours Topics include assertiveness, customer relations, teamwork, problem-solving/conflict resolution, business and work ethics, organizational development/skills, employment rights and responsibilities, equity and cultural issues, decision making, motivation, and self-esteem. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 HED 250 Stress: Awareness, Understanding and Management 4 Quarter Hours This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the psychological, physical, and social understanding of the stress response. The course will explore the divergent ranges of the human stress response, while emphasizing the use of positive stress in an medical setting. Opportunities will be provided for students to learn concrete scientific measures, gain practical insights, and adapt viable stress management techniques. The purpose of this course is not to advocate any one particular technique, but rather to enable students to make informed decisions about stress management approaches toward enhancing health. Prerequisite(s): MAT 104 Mathematics for Health Sciences 4 Quarter Hours This course covers computations and measurements essential in the health science professional fields. Topics include: units and measurements, ratios, solutions and dosages. Prerequisite(s): MAT 012 or MAT 051, if needed. MAT 109 Mathematics for Advanced Airway 4 Quarter Hours This course covers topics in intermediate algebra and emphasizes problems and applications in Advanced Airway. It includes such topics as: algebraic representation, factoring, approximate numbers, significant digits and scientific notation, first and second degree equations with applications, ratio and proportions, square roots, radicals and exponents, logarithms, graphing linear equations, vectors and the metric system. Prerequisite(s): MAT 104 ENG 101 English Composition I 4 Quarter Hours Students learn to use their experience and ideas as subject matter for essays and to analyze topics in depth. They also become acquainted with the process of writing, from pre-writing activities to producing a final, proofread draft. The purpose of, audience for, and structure of the essay are explored through readings chosen to stimulate ideas for writing and demonstrate varied style. Grammar and syntax are discussed as needed. At the end of this course, students take a departmental essay examination that requires them to compose, draft and edit a thesis-centered essay of at least 500 words. Prerequisite(s): WRI 115 Communication for the EMS Professional 4 Quarter Hours Prepares students to be effective communicators in the workplace. This course includes fundamental techniques and formats used in EMS Reports and technical communication. Clear, concise, factual communication is stressed through a variety of applications including letters, memoranda, medical and technical proposals, medical reports, and research writing. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 CRT 100 Critical Thinking for the EMS Professional 4 Quarter Hours Critical Thinking presents reasoning and problem solving techniques. It begins with a description of the thinking process and proceeds to examine areas such as identifying and defining problems; understanding the roles of medical evidence, interpretation, and perception in reasoning; distinguishing between belief and knowledge; technique for organizing information; and methods for building and analyzing arguments. Prerequisite(s): SPE 220 Public Speaking 4 Quarter Hours The aim of the course is to provide the student with advanced experiences in the preparation and analysis of oral presentations for professional, nonprofessional and medical situations. A detailed study of the principles and theories of public speaking is made. The course includes the presentation of student speeches. Prerequisite(s): EMS 110 The Law as it applies to EMS 4 Quarter Hours Topics covered are laws to protect EMS professionals, laws to protect patients, laws to protect the work place. Has 40 hours of classes and 15 hours of labs covering such topic as court trials. Prerequisite(s): EMS 101, WRI 115 MGT 211 Management and Supervision 4 Quarter Hours Investigates the developmental role of the modern manager. Areas covered in the course are planning, decision-making, forecasting, goal-setting, motivation, communication, staffing, and utilizing problem-solving concepts through group simulation and case studies. Prerequisite(s): EMS 101 Introduction to EMS 2 Quarter Hours This course is covers such topics as. What is EMS, the history of EMS, EMT and paramedic’s rolls in the EMS. Also has a video of BLS and ALS calls to give students an understanding of what being a paramedic is about. Prerequisite(s): HED 240 First Aid, Safety and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation 2 Quarter Hours Students in this course acquire knowledge essential for safe living, including the causes and preventions of accidents. The students learn the practical skills of first aid and cardio pulmonary resuscitation. Students are eligible for certification provided they meet Red Cross standards. Prerequisite(s): EMC 100 Emergency Medical Care 4 Quarter Hours This course is a training program to provide the students with the necessary basic skills and knowledge to deal with a broad spectrum of illness and injuries in the pre-hospital care phase of emergency medicine. Upon successful completion of the course, students will take the National Emergency Medical Technical Certification Examination. Once certified, and upon completion of certain fundamental core courses, the student will be eligible to take the advanced paramedic level courses of the program. Prerequisite(s): HED 240 SUR 101 Urban Survival for the EMS Professional 4 Quarter Hours This class teaches basic urban survival skills like how to defend yourself from attacks, Understanding extraction skills for both cars and buildings. With 40 hours of classes and 25 hours of hands on labs Prerequisite(s): EMS 102 ALS Ambulance Operation 2 Quarter Hours This course is covers such topics as. ALS ambulance operation, ASL Equipment, safe driving. This course has 20 hours of class and 10 hours of lab/drive time Prerequisite(s): WRK 291 Professional Career Strategies 2 Quarter Hours Covers all phases of securing employment in a required seminar. Major topics include resume preparation, interview strategy, job application, job search action planning, personal appearance, and coordination of the graduate's employment search activity with the College Career Services Office. Students on degree programs may complete the seminar requirement any time during their final two quarters. Certificate students should attend in their last quarter. It is offered on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status . [align=center:2f96583f7c]SELECT TWO COURSES FROM THE FOLLOWING:[/align:2f96583f7c] PSY 250 Child Psychology 4 Quarter Hours In this course physiological, motivational, emotional and intellectual aspects of behavior from birth to adolescence are studied. Students are taught how individual, social and cultural factors affect children's development. Prerequisite(s): PSY 100 HED 202 Drug Use in American Society 4 Quarter Hours This course examines the use of licit and illicit drugs across cultures within the context of personal health and wellness. The historical, pharmacodynamics, psychological, emotional and social aspects of licit and illicit drug use, as well as drug abuse, will serve as the foundation for this examination. Prerequisite(s) HED 215 Habituation and Addiction and Their Prevention 4 Quarter Hours This course covers causes of alcoholism and drug abuse. It discusses ways people are introduced to harmful substances, social and personal effects of alcoholism and drug abuse, prevention, and rehabilitation techniques. Methods and materials for professional students are given special consideration. Prerequisite(s): SOC 161 Health Problems in Urban Communities 4 Quarter Hours This course analyzes the relationships between economic and social factors, and the delivery of health care services in urban communities. Attention is given to community needs related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, mortality rates, prevention and education. Guest lecturers and workshops are presented. Prerequisite(s): [align=center:2f96583f7c]MAJOR CORE - 122 HOURS [/align:2f96583f7c] SCI 530 Pharmacology 4 Quarter Hours Fundamental principles and concepts in pharmacology are considered. Particular attention is given to drug action and interaction and to the effect of drugs and toxic substances in the human organism. This course is required in selected programs in Allied Health Sciences; available to all other students for elective credit. It is recommended that students complete HIT 103, Medical Terminology I, before registering for this course. Prerequisite(s): HIT 103 . Co-requisite(s): HIT 203 HIT 103 Medical Terminology I 4 Quarter Hours This is the first part of a two-semester course which includes a development of medical terminology in a logical sequence. Medical terms are used in a limited number of body systems. Special attention is given to presenting medical terms in their proper context as related to: anatomy and physiology, pathology, clinical procedures, laboratory tests and abbreviations. Prerequisite(s): HIT 203 Medical Terminology II 4 Quarter Hours This course is a continuation and advanced study of medical terms. Basic fundamentals of word analysis are applied in a continued study of medical terms by body systems. Medical terminology is applied in case reports, X-ray reports, operative and diagnostic lists, drug descriptions and other medical contexts. Prerequisite(s): HIT 103 BIO 235 Microbiology 4 Quarter Hours Study of microorganisms with emphasis on bacteria. Host-parasite relationships, immunobiology, bacterial nutrition, physiology, and genetics are investigated. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week Prerequisite(s): CHE 118 Fundamentals of Chemistry 4 Quarter Hours This is a one-semester course designed especially to meet the needs of students in the Health Technology Programs. Topics include modern atomic theory and an introduction to the molecular basis of matter through the study of chemical principles and reactions. Lecture and laboratory are integrally related. Prerequisites: BIO 211 Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Quarter Hours Basic course in human biology stressing chemical and physical principles governing body structure and function. Study includes organization and functions of the cell: development, histology, support and movement, neural control and integration. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.. Prerequisites: high school biology and high school chemistry, or equivalent, or department permission BIO 212 Anatomy and Physiology II 4 Quarter Hours Continuation of BIO 211. Includes consideration of basic genetics and human reproduction as well as details of organ systems directly related to metabolism and homeostasis. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO 211 or permission of the Department Chair. HIT 110 NBC Response Training & Technics 4 Quarter Hours This class covers such topics as NBC response, technics for dealing with a terrorist attacks, dealing with hazmat. Also covered is the psychology skills needed to deal with the psychol. trauma of an attack Prerequisites: EMS 263 Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support 4 Quarter Hours This course contains both basic and advanced pre-hospital trauma concepts and skills, emphasizing the need for rapid assessment of the critical trauma patient(s), treatment for shock and hypoxemia and rapid transport. Prerequisites: EMTP 103 Intermediate Life Support And Airway 4 Quarter Hours A preliminary course for entry into the Paramedic Program, the ILS/AW Course will each the student the skills or airway management and the recognition and treatment of shock at the Intermediate Level. Course work includes basic and some advanced pharmacology, assessment/management of the cardiac patient, basic EKG interpretation, drug and fluid therapies. Prerequisites: EMTP 115 Intermediate Life Support Clinical Practicum 6 Quarter Hours The focus of this clinical course is the development of advanced airway skills by intubation of patients in the OR, observations and participation in the care of patients in the Emergency Department, to include IV therapies. Students will also spend time observing and assisting with treatment of paramedic care in the field setting EMS 261 Advanced Cardiac Life Support 6 Quarter Hours Developed by the American Heart Association, this course delivers to the student the ability to recognize and manage lethal/non-lethal dysrhythmias, acute myocardial infarction (MI), pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, stroke, and electrolyte imbalances along with other cardiac related conditions and management. Prerequisites: EMS 264 Pediatric Education Paramedic 6 Quarter Hours Designed especially for the pre-hospital provider, this course serves as the standard of care when handling acute medical illnesses and trauma sustained by children. Comprehensive study of trauma care, burns, chest/abdomen/extremity/head trauma. Other focuses include: developmental differences between children and adults and equipment/ procedure modifications needed for children. Prerequisites: EMS 262 Pediatric Advanced Life Support 6 Quarter Hours Also developed by the American Heart Association, this course delivers to the student the ability to recognize and manage advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) specifically targeted at the pediatric patient. Management of lethal and non-lethal dysrhythmias, electrolyte imbalances, pediatric specific drug dosages and with other cardiac related conditions and management. Prerequisites: EMTP 111 Paramedic Applied Principles I 6 Quarter Hours Topics covered in the classroom portion of this course include: roles and responsibilities. Medical/legal issues , ethics, pharmacology, communications and documentation, review of airway management and advanced techniques, paramedic patient assessment overview, advanced cardiology and EKG interpretation. Prerequisites: EMTP 117 Paramedic Clinical I 10 Quarter Hours Students will gain practical clinical knowledge through observation of cardiac patients in CCU, assessment and treatment of patients in the Emergency Department, and communications through observation at dispatch. Prerequisites: EMTP 221 Paramedic Applied Principles II 6 Quarter Hours The foundation knowledge that students will be taught will address assessment and treatment of the trauma patient and various traumatic injuries, assessment and treatment of general medical patients. Lab sessions will focus on development of the psychomotor skills necessary for the student to be successful in the field setting. Prerequisites: EMTP 225 Paramedic Clinical II 10 Quarter Hours Students will gain an understanding and skills through observation at the Emergency Dept., Medical Examiner/Morgue, Children’s Hospital, respiratory therapist and/or the Kidney Center. Prerequisites: EMTP 231 Paramedic Applied Principles III 6 Quarter Hours This course will focus on gaining knowledge of special patients and situations, such as behavioral/altered mental status disorders, OB/GYN, Geriatrics, Crime Scenes, Abuse and Assault, Multi-cultural issues, and mass-casualty incidents. Lab sessions will focus on development of the psychomotor skills necessary for the student to be successful in the field setting. Prerequisites: EMTP 237 Paramedic Clinical III 10 Quarter Hours Students will gain skills through participation and observation in a variety of clinical settings. These include: labor and delivery, Geriatric Center, & Police Department. Prerequisites: EMTP 239 Paramedic Field Experience I 10 Quarter Hours Students will enroll in EMTP 239 each quarter in which they are enrolled. This course will give students an opportunity to observe and perform convergent analytical and psychomotor skills learned each quarter under the supervision of a skilled paramedic preceptor in the field setting. Prerequisites: EMTP 240 Paramedic Capstone Exam 2 Quarter Hours All students who have all course work in foundation knowledge and skills must complete a culminating exam. This exam will emulate the National Registry Exam, and is used to assess the student’s overall learning in the program. The examination will be in three parts: two written and a practicum skill component. This course is graded based on passing all skills requirements and written exam scores. The exam is in three parts: • Examination preparation day – 8 hours • Practical Examination – 8 hours • Written Examinations – 8 hours Prerequisites: This is the Final Exam Cost is about $75 to $100 per quarter credit hour for a total of about $14,250to $19,000 Since this course is an accredited college degree makes it so that students can get scholarships, grants and federal loans My sources are: Bellingham Technical College http://www.btc.ctc.edu/ Capital Community College http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/index.htm Borough of Manhattan Community College The City University of New York http://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/j2ee/index.jsp Baker College http://www.baker.edu/
So we know its not Dust since Adim has been here since that post
Sorry I can't answer this since I am not a medic or EMT
Thank you Ruffems. I personal think this is where the truth is about want "steps" need to be taken for the EMS profession. I think what needs to be done is find out what classes that Most EMTs and Medics feel a "degree" would need. I can see both points about Degree vs. Non-degree the need for better Training/Education I can see every one feels is good (at lest that is what I am getting from reading the post here) Yet not sure a degree is need just college level class and more training time both in and out of the class room. So I have more questions What classes do you feel would be good for EMT-Bs? What classes do you feel would be good for Medics? What classes would you requrie if you were to setup an EMT-B training program? What classes would you requrie if you were to setup an Medic training program? If it was your job to hire EMT-Bs what would you wish you could test/do before giving them a job? If it was your job to hire Medics what would you wish you could test/do before giving them a job?
Yes Eydawn thank you for your input not only is it helpful to this topic but also has helped me in picking classes for my non-EMS degree (web Design) so I don't just take what classes seem easy or fun but what classes will give me the best over all education that I can then aply to all areas of my life. And for the rest of you I have some questions What do you wish your training classes would have coved more indeepth? What did you have to study on your own to beable to pass the test? What did you have to learn once you were working as an EMT that you feel should have been part of your class? What do you wish your training classes would have coved more indeepth? What did you have to study on your own to beable to pass the test? What did you have to learn once you were working as an medic that you feel should have been part of your class? Are there any skills that you feel should have be recovered as in medic class that are your basic skills? Are there any skills that you feel would be helpful to you as a medic if an EMT-B knew them? Now please don't talk any thing about college vs. non-college but just your basic training classes.
*Sir Andrew looks around at all the heavy cross fire and wonders what on earth did he start here, and to think that he believed all EMT/Medic were on the same team. *Sir Andrew runs and finds a safe place to hide from all the fire P.S. I am sure glad that if I ever train as an EMT I have no plans of working the field with any of you...
[align=center:0f8cc66465]"A Paramedic's Prayer" As I perform my duty, Lord, Whatever be the call Help to guide and keep me safe, From dangers big and small. I want to serve and do my best No matter what the scene, I promise to keep my skills refined, My judgment sharp and keen. This calling to give of myself, most do not understand, But I stand ready all the time to help my fellow man. A word of thanks I might not hear, but knowing is enough, That I have helped just even one To go on to live and love. A Paramedic's Prayer Lord, You know what lies ahead of me this day. The calls I will be asked to respond to, And those who find themselves in situations they never imagined And see no way out. For them I humbly ask that you would speed me on with attending angels At my side guiding every decision and procedure To all who plead and those who cannot, I pray to be a Good samaritan As they look to me for help and rescue. Help me to save as many as I can, And should mine be the last face they see, I pray they will have looked into eyes That reflected You love for them In Jesus' Name Amen. Paramedic's Prayer Dear Lord, let me receive the sick and traumatized with an open and giving heart. Give to my efforts success so that life may continue, if it be your will. Without you I cannot succeed. Let me have no purpose except the glorification of life. Grant that the sick that you have placed in my care be abundantly blessed, and not one of them be lost due to any neglect on my part. Help me to overcome any temporal weakness so that I may serve to my fullest capacity. Let me always reach out to all in joy, compassion and with a loving heart. Why God made Paramedics When God made paramedics, He was into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." God said, "Have you read the specs on this order? A Paramedic has to be able to carry an injured person up a wet, grassy hill in the dark, dodge stray bullets to reach a dying child unarmed, enter homes the health inspector wouldn't touch, and not wrinkle his uniform." "He has to be able to lift three times his own weight. Crawl into wrecked cars with barely enough room to move, and console a grieving mother as he is doing CPR on a baby he knows will never breathe again." "He has to be in top mental condition at all times, running on no sleep, black coffee and half-eaten meals, and he has to have six pairs of hands." The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands...no way." "It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God replied. "It's the three pairs of eyes a medic has to have." "That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. God nodded. "One pair that sees open sores as he's drawing blood, always wondering if the patient is HIV positive." (When he already knows and wishes he'd taken that accounting job) "Another pair here in the side of his head for his partner's safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, "You'll be alright ma'am when he knows it isn't so." "Lord," said the angel, touching His sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow." "I can't," God replied. "I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk out from behind a steering wheel without incident and feed a family of five on a private service paycheck." The angel circled the model of the Paramedic very slowly. "Can it think?" she asked. "You bet", God said. "It can tell you the symptoms of 100 illnesses; recite drug calculations in it's sleep; intubate, defibrillate, medicate, and continue CPR nonstop over terrain that any doctor would fear... and it still keeps it's sense of humor." "This medic also has phenomenal personal control. He can deal with a multi-victim trauma, coax a frightened elderly person to unlock their door, comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily paper how Paramedics were unable to locate a house quickly enough, allowing the person to die. A house that had no street sign, no house numbers, no phone to call back." Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the Paramedic. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told You that You were trying to put too much into this model." "That's not a leak," God replied, "It's a tear." "What's the tear for?" asked the angel. "It's for bottled up emotions, for patients they've tried in vain to save, for commitment to that hope that they will make a difference in a person's chance to survive, for life." "You're a genius!" said the angel. God looked somber. "I DIDN'T PUT IT THERE" He said. Author Unknown One White Rose A call for help goes out at three, Setting off pagers all over town. Somewhere, an unknown 1050 And the dispatcher cannot calm down. Rescuers leap out of their beds Leaving with no backward glances. They can only guess what's ahead As they leave in fire trucks and ambulances. The ambulance departs the station As the dispatcher repeats the address. "The injured require extrication, And most of all ALS." inside, they feel so empty, Not knowing what awaits. Also, unsettling urgency-- They're responsible for other's fates. Dread reaches out icy claws As they hear the latest news. Officers are requesting the "jaws" And even more backup crews. Firefighters are also on the way-- Hearts racing, a touch of fear. "Jaws of life, what's your ETA?" Less than a minute, now they're here. The police were first on the scene Controlling and directing traffic And updating the rest of the team (Although the sight makes them sick.) The scene is a wicked nightmare, Broken glass and plastic litter the ground. There's twisted metal everywhere And the odor of ETOH all around. The images are horrifying, grotesque Lit by red and blue flashing lights. Worse than anyone had guessed-- It will haunt them of many nights. One young man, on his way home, Didn't see the stop sign. The mini van he T-boned Couldn't move in time. 20 years old-too young to drink He'd said he was sober-- it was a lie. he left the party, his friends didn't think That he'd be DUI. Crushed and slumped against the wheel Was the driver of the van. Dead of injuries he didn't feel, An innocent family man. Crumpled against the passenger door Lay his broken and battered wife, Her cries faded and were no more As she passed out of this life. A scream echoes on the icy breeze From out of a shallow grave Despite the efforts of the EMT's It will be a third life they cannot save. Curled up in a heap The child is discovered in the wreck. He may have only been asleep-- Except for his broken neck. The young driver staggers form his car, Bleeding from a cut on his arm. He watches the scene from afar As he's suffered no major harm. An officer sees him standing there And gives him a breathalyzer test. Ignoring the boy's glassy stare Says; "Son your under arrest." When hopes of survivors were almost gone And it seemed pointless to try They heard a sound that drove them on-- A weak and scared child's cry She looked like a porcelain doll With pale hair and a button nose. Skin so white, body not hurt at all-- Like a lonely white rose. They pulled her free and began care Of this child of barely three. Fortunately, she was unaware That she'd lost her family. Hours later, the street is clean-- All traces of tragedy gone. Rescuers slowly depart the scene But memories don't fade with dawn. The boy is taken to jail, Where he beats his fist against the tile. His mother cannot afford his bail, And so he'll remain until his trial. His mother, with eyes downcast, Had tried to leave but he'd caught her. "What's wrong? What is it?" he'd asked. She cried and said "Vehicular Manslaughter." For 17 years, the man had cried Consumed with guilt and sorrow. At times, he wished he had died So he wouldn't face another tomorrow. At last, he was being released From years and years of Hell. The pain of the accident never ceased And never would, he could tell. As soon as he was out, he found the graves Of the people he had killed. Their deaths haunted all his days And left a void that couldn't be filled. He is laying flowers on the ground Next to each headstone. He hears a voice and spins around And discovers he's not alone. Behind him is the one he didn't kill. He shares the anguish she knows. Drawn her against his will, He gives her One White Rose. Author Unknown EMT Prayer LORD, Grant me the wisdom so that I may treat those of your children that lay at my feet. Let my hands be gentle, sure and swift to impart to them your sacred gift. Let me see only a patient's need not their color, race or creed. Help me always to be my best even when it's on my hours rest. Grant me the insight to understand why patients of mine are going to die. Let me remember that when they do there is a wonderful life in Heaven with You. Lord, if in the time of duty I should fall help my family to hold their heads tall. For it was You who decided that I should be one of your chosen few, an EMT. -Author Unknown- [/align:0f8cc66465] P.S. I was not sure where to put this post feel free to move it if you need to
[align=center:bec0d2ff0c]Murphy's Law of EMS The First Law of EMS: All emergency calls will wait until you begin to eat, regardless of the time. Corollary 1 - Fewer accidents would occur if EMS personnel would never eat. Corollary 2 - Always order food "to go". The Paramedical Laws of Time: 1 - There is absolutely no relationship between the time at which you are supposed to get off shift and the time at which you will get off shift. 2 - Given the following equation: T + 1 Minute = Relief Time, "T" will always be the time of the last call of your shift. E.g., If you are supposed to get off shift at 1900, your last run will come in at 1859. The Paramedical Law of Gravity: Any instrument, when dropped, will always come to rest in the least accessible place possible. The Paramedical Law of Time and Distance: The distance of the call from the hospital increases as the time to shift change decreases. Corollary 1 - The shortest distance between the station and the scene is under construction. The Paramedical Rule of Random Simultaneity: Emergency calls will randomly come in all at once. The Rule of Respiratory Arrest: All patients, for whom Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation must be provided, will have just completed a large meal of barbecue and onions, garlic pizza, and pickled herring, which was washed down with at least three cans of beer. The Axiom of Late-Night Runs: If you respond to any motor vehicle accident call after midnight and do not find a drunk on the scene, keep looking - somebody is still missing. The Law of Options: Any patient, when given the option of either going to jail or going to the hospital by a police officer, will always be inside the ambulance before you are. Corollary 1 - Any patient who chooses to go to jail instead of the hospital probably knows your driver. The First Rule of Equipment: Any piece of lifesaving equipment will never malfunction or fail until: You need it to save a life. The salesman leaves. The Second Rule of Equipment: Interchangeable parts don't, leak proof seals will, and self-starters won't. The First Law of Ambulance Driving: No matter how fast you drive the ambulance when responding to a call, it will never be fast enough, unless you pass a police cruiser, at which point it will be entirely too fast. Paramedical Rules of the Bathroom: If a call is received between 0500 and 0700, the location of the call will always be in a bathroom. If you have just gone to the bathroom, no call will be received. If you have not just gone to the bathroom, you will soon regret it. The probability of receiving a run increases proportionally to the time elapsed since last going to the bathroom. The Basic Principle for Dispatchers: Assume that all field personnel are idiots until their actions prove your assumption. Basic Assumption About Dispatchers: Given the opportunity, any dispatcher will be only too happy to tell you where to go, regardless of whether or not (s)he actually knows where that may be. Corollary 1 - The existence or nonexistence of any given location is of only minor importance to the dispatcher. Corollary 2 - Any street designated as a "cross-street" by a dispatcher probably isn't. Corollary 3 - If a street name CAN be mispronounced, a dispatcher WILL mispronounce it. Corollary 4 - If a street name CANNOT be mispronounced, a dispatcher WILL mispronounce it. Corollary 5 - A Dispatcher will always refer to a given location in the most obscure manner as possible (e.g., "Stumpy Brown's Cabbage Field" is now covered by a shopping center) The First Principle of Triage: In any accident, the degree of injury suffered by a patient is inversely proportional to the amount and volume of agonized screaming produced by that patient. The Gross Injury Rule: Any injury, the sight of which makes you sick, should immediately be covered by 4x4s and Kerlix. The Rule of Funding and Donations: All funding and donations are received in amounts which are inversely proportional to need. The First Law of EMS Supervisors: Given the equation: X - Y = Quality of Care, where "X" is the care that you render and "Y" is the assistance supplied by any Supervisor. If you can eliminate "Y" from the equation, the Quality of Care will improve by "X". Corollary 1 - Generally, Field Supervisors have no business in the Field. Corollary 2 - The level of technical competence is inversely proportional to the level of management. Corollary 3 - Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand. The Law of Protocol Directives: The simplest Protocol Directive will be worded in the most obscure and complicated manner possible. Speeds, for example, will be expressed as "furlongs per fortnight" and flow rates as "hogsheads per hour". Corollary 1 - If you don't understand it, it must be intuitively obvious. Corollary 2 - If you can understand it, you probably don't. The Law of EMS Educators: Those who can't, teach. The Law of EMS Evaluators: Those who can neither do nor teach, evaluate. The Paramedical Law of Light: As the seriousness of any given injury increases, the availability of light to examine that injury decreases. The Paramedical Law of Space: The amount of space which is needed to work on a patient varies inversely with the amount of space which is available to work on that patient. The Paramedical Theory of Relativity: The number of distraught and uncooperative relatives surrounding any given patient varies exponentially with the seriousness of the patient's illness or injury. The Paramedical Theory of Weight: The weight of the patient that you are about to transport increases by the square of the sum of the number of floors which must be ascended to reach the patient plus the number of floors which must be descended while carrying the patient. Corollary 1 - Very heavy patients tend to gravitate toward locations which are furthest from mean sea level. Corollary 2 - If the patient is heavy, the elevator is broken, and the lights in the stairwell are out. The Rules of No-Transport: A Life-or-Death situation will immediately be created by driving away from the home of patient whom you have just advised to go to the hospital in a private vehicle. The seriousness of this situation will increase as the date of your trial approaches. By the time your ex-patient reaches the witness stand, the Jury will wonder how a patient in such terrible condition could have possibly walked to the door and greeted you with such a large suitcase in each hand. The First Rule of Bystanders: Any bystander who offers you help will give you none. The Second Rule of Bystanders: Always assume that any Physician found at the scene of an emergency is a Gynecologist, until proven otherwise. Corollary 1 - NEVER turn your back on a Proctologist. The Rule of Warning Devices: Any ambulance, whether it is responding to a call or traveling to a hospital, with lights and siren, will be totally ignored by all motorists, pedestrians, and dogs which may be found in or near the roads along its route. Corollary 1 - Ambulance sirens can cause acute and total, but transient, deafness. Corollary 2 - Ambulance lights can cause acute and total, but transient, blindness. Note: This rule does not apply in Massachusetts, where all pedestrians and motorists are apparently oblivious to any and all traffic laws. The Law of Show-and-Tell: A virtually infinite number of wide-eyed and inquisitive school-aged children can climb into the back of any ambulance, and, given the opportunity, invariably will. Corollary 1 - No emergency run will come in until they are all inside the Ambulance and playing with the equipment. Corollary 2 - It will take at least four times as long to get them all out as it took to get them in. Corollary 3 - A vital piece of equipment is missing. The Rule of Rookies: The true value of any rookie EMT, when expressed numerically, will always be a negative number. The value of this number may be found by simply having the rookie grade his or her ability on a scale from 1 to 10. For rookie EMTs in the back of a vehicle: 1 = Certified Health Hazard, 10 = Member, ACEP, and for rookie EMTs driving the vehicle: 1 = Obstruction to Navigation 10 = Mario Andretti. The true value of the rookie is then found by simply negating the rookie's self-assigned value. Corollary 1 - Treat any rookie EMT assigned to your Unit as you would a Bystander. (See The First Rule of Bystanders, above.) The Rule of Rules: As soon as an EMS Rule is accepted as absolute, an exception to that Rule will immediately occur.[/align:bec0d2ff0c]
steve_emt_68 I agree with you there that would be a big help to any profession. Since I am not an EMT I don't know that side of things so I was not aware that it was a problem. Just not sure about the shorts I personally would not want to but I can see why people in places that have very hot summers might
Something that you may want to think about when you make that statement how many times are you chasing your Pt. who has a gun trying to shoot you before you can help them? And how many times do you have to fight a fire to get to your Pt. or does some one else do that for you? I know that some of you are FF/EMTs so that last one might not count for you but for the basic EMTs Not that I am saying your job(s) are not worth better pay, I believe they are but I also believe that due to the fact that you are dealing with a human body and life that a better education would be a big help. Please don't think I am saying you are wrong to want better pay. Or that I am picking on you, it's just that I am not an EMT so I look at things in a different way than you would
Oh no now you have done it now I can’t get the ideas to stop for changing the requirements to a one year college system for EMT-B training. Can any one tell me what kind of classes that you would have if you were to take the medical part of EMT-B training and turn it into classes? Here are some ideas for class that I have thought of • Emergency Medical Communications (With subjects to cover report writing, radio communications and etiquette) • EMS history (as an elective) • Defensive driving • NCB response training (as an elective) • Leadership & Management (as an elective) • Anatomy & Physiology • Medical Terminology • Mass Trauma Skills (not sure of a better name but this would cover the skills needed for major tragedies and how to keep you head in it) • English Comp. • Math (not sure what type of math is needed for being an EMT) • And I am, sure there are others to add to the list One thing that would have to be done is make sure that it’s an accredited program so that they can transfer credits from one school to another. And for people like me that want to get another degree that would have some of the same classes, then they would not have to take them over again. And since this is a new program there would need to be a bridge course for EMT-Bs to be able to move up to the new level of training. Maybe what needs to be done is get a good idea of an over all plan for the new EMT-B training and then see if a state would give it a test try or even just find a college that would do it. Some of the classes could be done as online or distance learning so that people that have to work to pay their way thru school would not have to stop working to do it and could also help to keep the cost down. Sir Andrew the Upright Paladin of the Light May God Bless You
Baby Delivery So Easy an EMT Can Do It
Sir Andrew replied to spenac's topic in General EMS Discussion
Any one think that maybe he was not nervous since it was his own child and he might have been feeling the joy of his child's birth? -
In light of already feeling like fool for opening my big mouth about something I don’t fully understand. :oops: I am going to make one more post and hope I don’t stick my foot in my mouth this time. One thought I do have about making EMT-B a one year college degree is how many people would not become EMT-Bs? I am sure that yes some of the people should not be EMTs at all but I am sure you all know some that have made some great EMTs. With the thought of changing the standards how soon would you have a shortage of EMT-Bs? Maybe the best thought is to do it as a one year degree, but have an internship after six months either in ER or on an ambulance. And maybe some of the non-medical classes such as Math and English could be online so people that want to be EMT-Bs but still have to work another job to pay for it. What type of classes would you think an EMT-B would need other than the basic medical ones? • A&P • Math • English • Understanding a Map (this one is my idea) • Any others? If EMT-B is going to be a college would it be a good idea to let them do IVs (just little stuff like if they are dehydrated they can give them the fluids and stuff like that? Ok I will shut up now unless you think I am being helpful. Please let me know if this is being helpful or just a waste of forum space. :?:
I see what you are meaning and I do understand it but what I am thinking is like for the people (like myself) that don't and/or can't work as a 911 unit other than out ride time, but still have/need to be EMT-Bs for other jobs and such and in a way yes a person does get to try out being a doctor. they have to work in a hospital as non-doctors before they become a full doctor and if they find that the hospital work is not something they can handle then they can change majors. But you would not get that as an option with an EMT so what I would think is make an EMT-B no more then say a 3-6 month college program that can be taken and then let them have their ride time and then if its not something they can do or they just don't make a good EMT they have not spent a full 2-4 years just to find that out. Personaly I would reather work with some one that has had six months of training and find out that they are not cut out for this work than some one that has spent 4 years becoming a medic and then they not getting out since they spent so much to get there. If you see what I mean again I could be wrong since I am not a EMT but from my own thoughts thats how I would do it
What I mean about "trying it out" is not having to have a Lower level that does not take a full two years not that they should not train but not to have to spend a "life time to train" if that makes sence to you. And I guess not so much more levels but more branches to being a EMT-P like "Amhet1" was meaning with like and
As a person just thinking about getting into the field of EMT work I do like your ideas of making the educational requirements more along the lines of NR and true medical profession. I still think that EMT-B should be keep to a much lower requirement then the others since this would alow people to "get their feet wet" and try out if being an EMT is right for them with out having to put their whole life into it. Unless you made a EMT internship for people to try it out, somewhat like when they have a ride time for being an EMT-B but keep it simple. I do like the idea of more levels and other "fields" for EMT-Is and EMT-P. and the Idea of changing it all over to a college system where class credits are transferable. If a college can teach an RN why not make EMTs be a college degree? I would think that one way to do a higher standard is by making it so states do not have the power to take away from the new National Standard Testing, but would have power to add to, and so would cities (such as if a city is in a high mountain area then they can add some skill as mountain survival, and such like that) Now remember this is just a lay-person's thoughts on the matter
Even as much as I like the idea of being ready for any thing I have found a knife that is just overkill http://smkw.com/webapp/eCommerce/product.j...&SKU=W16999 now who could really use a knife like this and at $1,400 I am sure there are better uses for the money LOL P.S. I tryed adding a picture but it would not work using the BBCode and the HTML is turned off
What type of Multi Tool do you use?
Sir Andrew replied to Sir Andrew's topic in Equiqment and Apparatus
Well like I said I am not an EMT yet so don't really use one that way but have used them for years around the house and mini-farm such as cut wire, tree limbs and stuff like that and to work on the lawn tractor. and since I am so used to having one around I just dought I would change that once I became an EMT. may not use it much then but I bet I would still carry it with me Sir Andrew