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Everything posted by buckeyedoc
taking stuff from hospitals ?(lets be honest)
buckeyedoc replied to tskstorm's topic in General EMS Discussion
I will restock IV supplies that are hospital specific. Having worked in the ER, I know that nurses don't like to have to switch IV extension sets and tubings while trying to treat the patient. Everything I restock is fine with the ER's. Gloves, on an occasion, if we ran out, but I would ask. If they say no, then I don't. Simple as that. Some of the hospitals restock items for you. They will have the items unlocked in the EMS room or close by. I might grab a couple extra alcohol preps or tegaderms. I don't think they'll send out the supply police for me. -
Need help please....personal matter.....
buckeyedoc replied to WannaBEMT's topic in General EMS Discussion
You father, especially, and your family are in our prayers. Here's what google has to say. Cancer of the kidneys from Google -
EMS lawsuit..what do you think
buckeyedoc replied to akflightmedic's topic in General EMS Discussion
This, to me, sounds like someone who just wants money. Her story just doesn't groove with me. If this is true, then I hope they nail the medics to the wall. I am going to fly the B.S. flag on this story. :bs: -
Very true. Funny story. My daughter is 7[sup:c1b3b7636b]1/2[/sup:c1b3b7636b]. One of the girls on her soccer team asked what time their game was next week. Hannah said that it was at 13:15. You should have seen the bewildered look on the faces of the people around. They couldn't do the math. Hannah looked around and said, "Oh, come on people. It's 1:15 PM. Doesn't anyone know military time?" I about wet myself laughing so hard. She says the funniest things. She's too smart for her own good.
Sorry, windsong. I finally beat someone in posting something. I'm always the slow poke. http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...p;highlight=sgt :D/:D/:D/:D/
That movie rocked. The cat part was great. I laughed so hard, I almost vagaled myself out. I quote a lot of movies. I also use a lot of quotes from M*A*S*H (the show, not the movie). Really can't put my finger on a favorite. I just had to agree with Eydawn on Boondock Saints.
Look at the new ambulance NYC EMS just got.<<<look&
buckeyedoc replied to MAGICFITZPATRICK's topic in Funny Stuff
All that's missing is the large vacuum unit for leaf pickup and he's got a deal. -
By all means. How much money has the boxing industry made? How much money has UFC made in the past decade? People are buying up their gear and jumping on the bandwagon of nutritional supplements. They are raking in the money hand over fist. Admin put up a graphic warning so that means if he wanted it gone, it would have already been gone. It's in the funny section because there isn't another section to put it in. Unless you want him to put it in the ALS section so we can all say how we would swoop in and save the day.
Yep, I've got a 12" action figure dressed like Dust with rum and cigars. It's the least I could do with Dust being in the Sandbox and all. :headbang: :headbang: That's for you Dust
Have you ever seen the shrine to Jobu in Major League?
Don't be afraid to look at the private ambulance companies. That will allow you to tweek your diagnostic skills (B/P, lung sounds, blah, blah, blah). Check out the volunteer EMS agencies. This will allow you to gain valuable experience. Don't be disheartened if you don't land a $40,000 a year job as a basic. Some medics don't even make that much. Oh, and about Dust. He's one of the Been There/Done That's that you can gain a lot of info and education from. I've consulted Dust on advice and hope you do the same. I even have a little shrine to Dust in my locker at work. Best of luck with everything. Welcome to the City and learn all you can. Doc
Do you honestly think that EMS providers are the only ones who do stupid things. Granted, these morons were stupid enough to video tape it and then have it posted on the internet. However, have anyone of you seen what doctors and nurses do in their off times? I have. I assure you, EMS providers aren't the only ones who do stupid things....and I could probably win the $10,000 grand prize if I would video tape some of it.
Who was the first president of the United States?
buckeyedoc replied to Redcell19512's topic in Funny Stuff
I would have to do some research. We were in Williamsburg, VA recently and sat through a history lesson. It was a very good explanation, but I was a little more worried about my 2 kids misbehaving than listening to the speaker. -
Here's the site that I use. I know that Ohio accepts these credits. EMS CEU's
PAs and Nurse Practicioners as medical control?
buckeyedoc replied to somedic's topic in General EMS Discussion
I think that we can all agree that we've come across physicians who don't know their arse from a whole in the ground. Three or four come to mind as we speak. I know 2 PA's who are also paramedics and I trust their judgement long before that of some physicians. I can see where in some very rural areas with a lack of medical staff would benefit from PA medical direction. I don't necessarily agree with NP's being medical control. I know a few NP's. While they are good practicioners, I'd be leary of having them give medical direction over an EMS situation. I work in an area where you can't swing a dead cat and not hit at least 3 hospitals. I have 3 level I trauma centers within less than 30 min drive and several level II centers. We are served by 2 HEMS agencies and both of them have a bird in the county I work in. -
There are times that I find myself looking up review material for stuff posted on here. I read the journals when they come out and try to stay current on all the new techniques and stuff. If there is something that comes to mind that I need to review, I look it up. I probably should spend more time "studying" though. It's nice that I have a partner at work who is going through medic school. He asks a lot of questions and it makes me review.
Who was the first president of the United States?
buckeyedoc replied to Redcell19512's topic in Funny Stuff
Technically, George Washington wasn't the first president of the United States. He was the first Commander in Chief. Just thought I'd throw in a bit of history there. :wink: You should know your audience, like someone said. If you are in an affluent part of town, with homes in the millions, you should ask, "Who tops the list of Forbes richest people?" If you are in the ghetto, you should ask what's the real name of "Fitty Cent". I'm sure they'll know. -
Oddly enough, I know a couple of CSM's that this is very fitting. Not to mention a couple of "Tops".
A crusty old Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. "Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is something bothering you?" "Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature." "The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, "It looks like you have seen a lot of action." "Yes, ma'am, a lot of action." The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, "You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself." The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally the young lady said, "You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?" "1955, ma'am." "Well, there you are. You really need to chill out and quit taking everything so seriously! I mean, no sex since 1955! She took his hand and led him to a private room where she proceeded to "relax" him several times. Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his bare chest and said, "Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955!" The Sergeant Major, glancing at his watch, said in his matter-of-fact voice, "I hope not, it's only 2130 now."
Duty Of Care / Proximal Obligation
buckeyedoc replied to BushyFromOz's topic in General EMS Discussion
My partner and I were on our way back from a long distance run and were in service. We are a medic truck. We passed a rollover in which passers-by pulled the lady out of the passenger seat because of a massive leak from the vehicle. We saw the wreck not long after it happened. There were no PD or FD on the scene and we didn't even hear sirens yet. We stopped and I recognized an RN/Medic from the local ER. She told me that the patient had a GCS of 10. She had bruising around the seat belt area of her chest and some bruising around the abdomen. I was in a district in which I know most of the firemedics as well as most of the command staff. My partner and I initiated care and did what we would do on any other run. We had her packaged up (c-spine and LBB w/ CID's), on the stretcher and in our medic. I started the IV's, had her on O's and on a monitor. The first medic showed up and I knew both of the crew and the asst. chief that showed up. I told them that I would transport if they wanted or turn over care. I'm fine with each. They went ahead and had us transport her and they transported her husband, the lesser of the 2 injured. We both went to the same hospital. The crew was appreciative for our help because their back up medic was out on a run and they would have had to call mutual aid. Now after all that, I am not one who stops on every wreck I see. My POV is a slick-top so that hardly anyone knows that I am a medic. I don't have the volley plate on my car and don't have 1000 fire/ems stickers on it either. -
A crew I work with was transporting an "unconcious" person to the ER. The pt. took 2 IV sticks without flinching. When the got to the ER, the doc put an ammonia inhalant into a 20cc syringe and "bolused" the nostril w/ the contents of the ammonia inhalant. Apparantly, the patient WAS faking and immediatly woke up. Thoughts????
Actually, I spent 2 years in the ED functioning as a paramedic. I can only remember insterting only a handful (pardon the pun) of foleys. Yes, I did transport patients to the floor, but usually if they were on a monitor and needed ACLS monitoring. We had PCA's that did most of the foleys and transports. Most of the time, minor care (aka whinercare) was staffed by 2 medics. The medics had a rather broad protocols in the ED. The traumas and codes were handled by 2 medics and 1 RN...and the doc of course. Don't lump all ED's w/ medics into one group. At most ED's, the medics are glorified techs and I feel that this is a waste of education and clinical ability. Also, I worked as a street medic while I worked in the ED. Actually, all of the medics I worked with in the ED worked on the bus as well.
In one word, THEY SUCK! Ok, I know that's 2 words, but you get the point.
150 mg Amiodarone in 50ml of D5W with macro-drip at 160 gtts/min.