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    Norfolk, England
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    Pain and airway managment

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  1. Jumping gates or stopping on rail crossings goes waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy beyond stupid :shock:
  2. I gave up watching EMS and medical show, as I just keep hurling abuse at the TV because they wee doing it wrong.
  3. Could not possibly say what we call them. But like every were system abuse is on the increase.
  4. Making driving blindfolded illegal doesn,t sound that bizarre to me. Does it mean its OK in the other US states.
  5. Whilst I cant comment on you training, one thing that is common to ems around the world is that a lot of what you learn as you progress cant be taught in the class room. I would advise you to recognise that the classroom only gives you the basics on which to develope your self an em EMS provider. Do that and your less likely to fall flat on yuor face. I have seen and awful lot of newbies (especially FRs) end up looking very silly because theu think they know it all. Were you thinking of making a career in EMS, have you thought about the full paramedic training? Did that make sense to anyone other than me.
  6. There is evan an address on the front of out national clinical guidelines to write to for questions, challenges, suggestions etc. The medical director of the service encourages sensible questioning (rather than obvious moaning and winging) as a way of learnigng.
  7. Dont take this the wrong easy people, but 120 hous does not seems a lot for front line EMS. Does this include, both driving and clinical stuff?? Just trying to understand your system a bit better.
  8. [quote="fiznat I've never actually done this before, called a doc with an ECG and asked for advice. I imagine it would be really hard to describe the ECG over the radio to the point where the doc's determination would be THAT much better than mine. What do you do, sit there and say "...the deflection of the QRS in V1 is negative. It is approximately .17s in duration. There is some minor slurring on the terminal aspect of the wave.... blah blah..." Ihought you guys had telemetry if you needed to discuss an ECG, ETC. If I had an ECG i needed advise about I can fax it to the reciving hospital CCU for advise. I thought you guys had beed doing that for years. We are restricted on what we can do for a patient like this. We cant cardiovert, and we can only use the amiodarone on the unstable patient. This is contry to national resus council guidlines. When I have to have such a patient under my care for 45 mins, it can get a little worrying.
  9. Before any one points it out, I know I put the puntuation mark in the wrong place in my last post. I really must learn to concentrate more when I'm typing. :oops:
  10. Hehe... yeah, anything I preface with, "Go big or go home!" is meant to be taken tongue-in-cheek. Right, Ill try to remember that.
  11. And you would be called in front of your medical director immediately after doing so. It is TRIgeminy. :wink: Good point well, presented
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