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Everything posted by rdenman26

  1. All makes sense now! infact i must try the tim tam slamm ASAP.
  2. OK, I did some further study The Australian rissole is generally made from minced meat and pan fried, without a pastry covering, but sometimes with breadcrumbs. (wikapedia, 2007). Does this mean it contains what ever the chef feels like putting in it? Wikapedia also had a pic of a tim tam. We have a similar tasty treat call a penguin. The correct procedure is to either putt the whole thing in your mouth at once, or seperate the two halves and eat the filling first.
  3. 20,000 drunken kids. Is that the schooies things I read about on the QAS web site. I think I could cope pretty well with the beer, beaches and woman. Its the heat that may be a problem, we dont get that much in the UK. I was going to ask for a posting to the gold coast/brisbane, but I have been told its unlikely I would get a initial posting to an urban or costal area.
  4. Do you guys have medical/nursing students ride along with you much?
  5. At the first station I worked at, Brixton in London we had an ambulance with 2 bullet holes in the roof. Thankfully still a rarety in the UK. Most people prefer knives and fists when attacking us. Some cynical people, sugeested the shooting was due to SO19 (londons swat team) sooting one ofthe local 5 times. Brixton was the only area in the UK that I know of were the Armed Response Units are routinly armed. Bear in mind the vast majority of UK police are unarmed (although the CS spray is classified as a firearm), and the units that carry firearms have them lock away in the vehicle untill authorised by a senior officer. But if we needed urgent policehelp we got it in truck loads. There would be batons flying left right and centre. I felt a hell of a lot safer in Brixton than in rural england. I once had to wait for armed officers for an hour in norfolk before we could get to a shooting victim. Whilst Im here does anyone else find the first part of a potential girlfriend/boyfriend they look at is there veins? Or do I need therapy.
  6. Short transport are not generally a problems were I am, as we are a bit short on hospitals here. Buts its not unusual for someone to turn up at the hospital in a car, and for the nurses to ask for our help. There was recently a 999 call the the doctors quarters at my local hospital. By the time the an abulance was availaible and responded, they would have been quicker making the 2 min walk to the emergency depatment for a wheel chair or trolley. The question fro me would be, is there any benifit to the patient in staying on scene longer, rather than moving rapidly to hospital. This would hold true fr any distance. Like others have said I would do what I could for the patient in the time I had with them. If any one critasized the fact that I had not done done something then, they are the ones that would look bad. Most of the people at my local hospital are quite understanding of how we work. Some times the junior Drs can get a bit funny but, they are usually corrected by the nurses.
  7. Well Said!! Is this the same Zippy that regularly causes offense on the ambulanceUK site?
  8. I always thought average normal normal was 4-7. JRCALC (Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liason Committee) have changed the level considered to be needing treatment from 3-4. Although I have come across diabetics who have an altered level of consciousness at 5-6 and a a long term anorexic patient with a level of 2 who was more alert than I am now. So again, treat the patients not the monitor. As to the original question, I would say turn off the pump, and treat as any hypoglycaemic patient. The patient should certainly be refered to expert evaluation, once any emgergency is dealt with. I know that BM refers to blood glucose, but what the hell does BM actually mean. But we seem to have been using the term BM for any blood glucose machine or test strip for so long does any one know what the letter actually mean??
  9. Hello, just wondering how you guys feel about the number of UK paramedics coming to Australia? As Im applying to Queensland I would really like to know. Are there any UK paramedics on the forum who have made the move. How are you finding things. Any comments, advise would be welcome. but can we keep any critasism constructive Thanks
  10. Its interesting to see that australian ambulance personnel have the same problems as us in the UK. Change the accesnt and he could be talking about any UK service.
  12. Does anyone out there know were I can get hold of a copy of the Queensland Clinical Practice Guidlines? I can only find the Victoria Guidlines on the web. I assume they are different for each state for teritory. Cheers
  13. fake all I got was audio!!!! I kind of thought it was, but some of the stuff on the internet made me think aBOUT it for a second
  14. Was that diected at me? Have I missed something?? :?
  15. Thanks Timmy. Trouble is no Im more confused becasue the QAS web site says we have already been matched to ACP. But as you say I should probably e mail the QAS. I was just trying to avoid it in case it made me look forward and pushy. But thanks
  16. Hoping some one can help with this one. I was looking at the recructment information packs on the QAS website. There are a skills and drugs matrix explaining what the different levels can do. On another part of the pack I am told UK paramedics have skills and knowledge equivalant to an ALS paramedic. Here is wear I go confused. I have been trained to do 25 of the 26 listed skills, 7 of which are listed as ICP skills. Plus I can thrombolyse and have been doing 12 lead ECGs for 9 years. I can use 17 of the 27 listed drugs (not much use for box jelly fish antivenem here) 5 of which are ICP only drugs. I can use 7 drugs that are not on the list, but to be fair a couple of these are alternitives to drugs on the list. Can some one tell me if APL is availiable on the skill I can bring above an ALS paramedic? Dont get me wrong I dont expect to walk into an ICP post (thats what I want to work towards) But as far as I can see Im closer to ICP than ACP. Also there are usual EMS rumors flying around about all the things ICPs can do such as cardioversion and RSI. Is any of this true. because it aint on the list the QAS put in the info packs. Also does anyone know if there is any relocation assistance availiable and if there is funding for higher education once in post. And before you start on me bushy, if you cant help please jsut og and have another beer or something. Thanks
  17. now thats why I want to move to australia
  18. Someone tell me that was not real :shock:
  19. COOL, takes me bake to my first day
  20. A! Nice! I assure there is no lack of self esteem just a fair amount of bewilderment to australian jobs being given to foreigners whilst bushy may be entiltled to his opinions, and god knows I would be pissed of if I was told to take a course, ran up 20K of debts and then could not get the job. However comment such as the onw above dont help. They make you sound quite silly at best. Comments such as this one in the UK may well be considered offensive and racist. Bushy despite your grievences is this really the image of your self you really want to put accross. Given that potential employers may be looking at your posts I would suggest its not the smartest move. I hope, most australians dont share this attitude as I was hoping to make the move to queensland, and thougt austalians to be accepting of outsiders who wanted to start a new life there.
  21. The exchange rate would encourage Paramedics to come to the UK as the salary we are offering is £40,000 for 3 x 12 hour shifts I would love to know were this is possible for a paramedic in the UK. In the last year I did 40 to 50 hours of OT per month and still only got 36,000 before tax.
  22. What are you talking about? Have I missed someing, your comments seem quite random in this thread. Surly your not suggesting that we only get 2 r 300 hours of training and education. Please explain!
  23. Thats the funniest thing I have heard in a long time
  24. Arrogan paramedics that think because because they have been doing to job for a log time that they are always right and a less experianced opinion does not matter.
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