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Everything posted by JET EMT

  1. Hey everyone, I know I have been MIA for quite awhile, As some of you may remember, my wife Janice was diagnosed with lung cancer in July 2009. Well after being given the all clear on April 30th, she began having neurologic problems and back & neck pain in early May, then on May 12th she had surgery to remove a ruptured disc in her neck that was pressing on her spinal cord. While that did help the neck pain some, it did not relieve the neurologic problems (Tremors in both arms and hands, Dizziness, and severe headaches and syncope when standing up, and weakness in her legs) so about a week after surgery they did a lumbar puncture and discovered that the cancer was back in the CSF and in her brain. This past Saturday, June 12th, Janice lost her battle and passed away. I am attaching a copy of the obituary with memorial info. for anyone who may be interested. Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers back when we began this journey, I will try not to be such a stranger in the city from now on. Thank you Janice's Obituary.doc
  2. The good news is that my wife is done with chemo and starts her last 10 day round of radiation tomorrow on her brain and right adrenal gland. Then hopefully remission. The bad news is that now that she is nearly finished with the bulk of her treatments, I was layed off from my day job as project mgr. last Wed. (Happy New Year!!!) I am hoping to get on with Medic as an EMT-B and get into their Paramedic program, It is a big pay cut, but it is following my passion for helping people, which my job was actually holding me back from because of the pay check. Besides, I was ready for some vacation time after all Janice's treatments and appt's. Anyway, Please wish me luck.
  3. Hey Terri, Thank you, Yes, it is a great early Christmas, and definately something to be Thankfull for this week. I saw your post about the rough time you are having, and just please know that my thoughts are with you as well, remember, "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it"
  4. I have been MIA for a while. Things have been a little crazy around here for the last few months, and I have missed the city. Janice has had some rough times with the radiation and chemo treatments, especially the last few weeks, but the radiation is over with now and she has one more 3 day round of chemo on Dec 1,2,& 3. The doctors are fairly confident in a long term remission at this point, which is miraculous considering that in late July, she was in extensive or stage 4 small cell lung cancer. Janice and I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers, and ask that you continue, They are working.
  5. I just have one question for NBC, Who did they get for technical advisers on this "show"? It sure as #*## wasn't anyone in the EMS field. It looks more like 90210 with uniforms and strobe lights. I think that even the visual affects were better on Emergency, some 35 years ago. What happened to technology? It would make a good training video though, just have students and probe's pick out all the mistakes and protocol snafu's. That part of it is rather entertaining at least. Just Sayin
  6. My wife and I just wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers and well wishes, and ask that you continue. And special thanks for the many good ideas for fund raising and assistance programs. With the help of my mens bible study group, we will be implimenting some of these ideas in the comming weeks. Update: She startes the 3rd round of chemo today, she had a Power Port implanted last week which they accessed for the 1st time today, and it worked great. She is very glad to be rid of the picc line that she had in her arm since she was in the hospital in July. Her doctor is very pleased with the reduction in the tumors so far. Everything seems to be going according to plan so far. She goes for a follow up pett scan in the next week or so, as soon as they can get it scheduled. Thank You All again for your kind words and prayers. It's great to see that this brotherhood we call EMS is alive and well here on emtcity.
  7. Hey Everyone, My wife Janice and I need prayers! I haven't been on here much lately, My wife is battling lung cancer. She has Small Cell Lung Cancer which is in the extensive stage, due to the fact that it is in both lungs, both adrenal glands, lymph node in the right side of her neck, and outside the lungs on the medial sternum. She begins her 2nd round of chemo on Monday. then Radiation sometime in the next 3 weeks, Probably with the 3rd round of chemo. We need prayers, Also, if anyone knows of any good sources for financial support, I am open to suggestions. Thanks, Jim
  8. For anyone who has not heard, The Captain of the merchant ship that was being held hostage by Somalian pirates off the coast of Somalia is free, and three of the four pirates that were holding him, have died from "Accute Lead Poisoning" ie shot and killed by American Military Sharp shooters. The fourth pirate is in US custody on board the USS Bainbridge. Way to go!!! to Captain Phillips, and all the Navy personell and agencies involved. HAPPY EASTER
  9. Every time someone says the "Q" word. Or when I have something important to get done. And you are correct Jake, there is no such time incrament as 24:01. Marinal time or Military time as most call it, ends at 23:59:59 and begins at 00:00 hrs. Just Sayin
  10. There are three points to be made here, first, yes, you need to use a strobe flasher and controller to have a "strobe" effect, and you should be using LED lights, not incadecent trailer lights. Second, No matter how many lights you put on your POV, only about 10 % of drivers are going to notice them or heed them and move over for you, running emergency lights on a POV does not give you any special right of way, you still have to abide by all traffic laws in most states. Third, you should Never park your POV upstream of an accident scene, always park beyond the scene whenever possible, or out of the way. Only larger emergency vehicles ie: fire trucks, rescue trucks or at least police vehicles with a full compliment of lights, should be stopped between the scene and oncoming traffic. Be Trained, Be Safe, and Be There for the Next Call!
  11. And just how do! you get Elf Dung out of your carpet?
  12. Hey Sheri, Welcome to the city! A piece of advise given to me when I started in EMS is, Eat the fries first.
  13. My thoughts on this may be a little bias, as I am a member of a rescue squad, we are contracted as a first responder for MEDIC, which is the counties ALS/Transport service and they direct all EMS in the county, We are responsible for rescue and extrications and assisting with on scene BLS care. We are one of only three certified Heavy Rescue Units in the county and our duties include Extrication, High Angle Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Search, Etc. Everyone on the squad is an EMT-B and must get certified as Rescue Tech. within 2 yrs of joining the squad. We do not do any transport, only on scene care. I agree that primary medical care and transport should be left to the Paramedics, and Extrication and Rescue should be performed by properly trained RTs and/or Fire Rescue personel. Thats my 2 cents for what its worth.
  14. Hey Odorono, Mateo gave you great info about MEDIC in Charlotte, they are the only Transport agency in Mecklenburg County with the exception of Mint Hill. So they are very busy. I am with North Mecklenburg Rescue Squad, we are contracted by MEDIC as a first responder/BLS and one of the busiest certified heavy rescue squads in NC. MEDIC has a MEDIC/BASIC truck posted at our station 24/7. Where in upstate NY are you located? I grew up in the Elmira area. I moved to the Charlotte area in the late 70s. This is a great area to live and work in, and being one of the fastest growing areas in the country, we would love to have more qualified and talented Medics. Check out our web site at northmeckrescue.org
  15. Yawl are in our thoughts and prayers, Glad to hear things are looking better, Get some rest and update us as you can. God bless!
  16. Welcome back Cheeky, I haven't had the oportunity to chat with you, but I feel like I know you and your family a little better, thanks to Mr. Cheeky as we have been calling him though your families ordeal. He has been great at keeping everyone informed on your progress, and I think that he was able to gain some more insight into your condition, and what we all do. My prayers are still with you and your little one, Please tell Mr. Cheeky thank you for all the updates, and don't let him become a stranger here, he has certainly earned a place in the city. I certainly agree that it is a big reminder that it can happen to any of us. We see it everyday, but we never want to think about it happening to us. If you want, check out our web site, northmeckrescue.org God Bless!
  17. Thanks "Mr. Cheeky" For the updates, and the good news, One positive that has come from all that you have been through, it seems that you have become a resident of the City, EMT or not. Welcome! Still praying for complete recovery, Jim
  18. Great Job Terri, Thanks for helping this technically challenged old man with submitting my photo. Jim
  19. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. If the baby is showing any signs of congestion or breathing problems, then have him checked carefully. Little ones will compensate much longer than adults will, but they can crash very quickly, it is important to stay ahead of the curve with them. Again, Tell Cheeky that I wish you all a speedy recovery. God Bless! [-o<
  20. Good point itku2er!
  21. I wish I had a $ for every time I have seen this kind of stuff. You can Correct Wrong, You can Sometimes Justify Mistaken, but you just can't fix STUPID!
  22. Ditto, I think that not only should they be charged with willfull, or criminal endangerment on X? number counts, but by endangering an entire community like that, in this post 9/11 era that we live in, it comes very close to being an act of terrorism. Just my rant on the subject!
  23. I agree with Brock completely, Admin. high flow O2 and high flow diesel!
  24. He should have been terminated and forced to repay all the salary that he collected while on "disability". NOT ordered back to work. Jail time would have been appropriate also. Unfortunately, I don't think that there is mandatory jail time for "Stupidity". And on that note, The Chief should be held accountable for poor judgement at least, for keeping him on the payroll and ordering him back to work, instead of firing his dumb a$$. :? :?:
  25. Congrats!! Ec I know thats not an easy road. JET EMT
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