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About scoobymedic96

  • Birthday 04/09/1972

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    South Carolina

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  1. GREAT SO NOW I HV NO HOME PHONE LINE!!!!! UUUGGGGHHHH!!!!! for some reason it is out again and all the phones are accounted for and not on so just called TDS n they said 8-12 tomorrow which aint bad it could of been next week but i happy with the morning appointment, this house is driving me looney.....lol

  2. I have heard mix things about hawaii....we may move there next year and i have been warned that they wont hire mainlanders US basically at least that is for the county and fire side but i believe there is private services n i am checking into that to see if i would have a job there or not. i too am a nremt paramedic.....i will post something if i find a job or not. good luck.
  3. Remember the Charleston 9......where red till the end of the month to honor our fallen firefighters....

  4. just thinking of where all my pictures from high school are so i can post them.....hmmmm i think they are in a box thats still packed in my garage....lucky me good thing sheri can come help me find them....lol

  5. just thinking of where all my pictures from high school are so i can post them.....hmmmm i think they are in a box thats still packed in my garage....lucky me good thing sheri can come help me find them....lol

  6. just thinking of where all my pictures from high school are so i can post them.....hmmmm i think they are in a box thats still packed in my garage....lucky me good thing sheri can come help me find them....lol

  7. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I don't know what the pay runs down there maybe vent or the other guys can give u a pay range. The basic start around $9/hr county n private maybe a little more. The medics start around $11/hr county n private $13/hr. remember that our shifts are usually 24 hrs on and 48 off so there is overtime involved too. Now the pay in Houston, TX is better than here in Charleston SC. California and Washington was about $8.50/hr as basics even with some experience. i kknow we dont make much for what we have to spend to stay certified but most of us will tell you that we don't do it for the money, its what we want to do and most of us like/love our jobs. Be Safe
  9. Hi, I have just finished reading alot of the replies and I am suprised no one mentioned NREMT. If you relocate to another state be sure to have taken the National Registry, most states take it. There are some states Florida being one that does not recognize the National Registry but many states will give you reciprocity if you are national, I know I have recieved reciprocity in many states. My husband is active duty so we move every couple of years. I am currently in South Carolina and here EMS is a seperate system in most counties, some cities are FF/EMS but most counties have EMS seperate. I have heard rumors of us needing FF creds but nothin has come of it yet. Right now the state is busy taking skills away from our basics and intermediates and possibly some medic skills as well....,but we shall see what happens later. Our pay here in the counties for basics start just above $9.00/hr for 911 and you can make more with a private service. Paramedic pay with 911 starts around $11.00/hr for new medics and higher if you have experience, private service can start around $12-14/hr debating on the private service. This is an estimate of the counties around Charleston, SC. I have researched some of Georgia's requirements and alot of the counties there are FF/EMS. Washington state, California and Texas all have some FF/EMS systems and EMS system it depends on the location in the state. You may see if you can do any ride-alongs with the city. We do that here occassionally so one can see if EMS is really for them or not. It never hurts to ask. Hope all this helps.
  10. Okay Yall here are some answers to the questions: There will be 3 US put on 3 different trucks in our county. I live in South Carolina. We are doing training at inservice and at our stations. Until we are checked off on it we are not allowed to use it. Only paramedics that have been checked off can use it. So, we will do as many exams as necessarry to get proficient with it. Our protocols havent changed. The US are portable and compact the picture is difficult at first because you constantly have to mess with the gain on it but i am sure we will all adjust to it. I am actually looking forward to becoming proficient with it. So is anyone using them besides us? I am sure there is some service. be safe and thankx for all your thoughts. I look forward to reading more.
  11. Hi yall, I was just wondering if any of yall are useing ultrasounds on your trucks. Are ya? We have just had them rolled out to us in our IST program. Not sure yet if we like them. They haven't been put on the trucks yet we have to be able to locate 3 different organs within 20 secs to be able to use them on the trucks. I am curious as to how they work with the truck moving and how good of a picture we are actually gonna get. So any input yall might have would be great. Be Safe Yall
  12. this is Medic5 enroute with a 50yo female c/o difficulty breathing pt is ao x 3, labored resp @ 24/min 90% room air, wheezing all lobes currently taking a nebulizer atrovent & albuterol mix given 125mg solumed via iv bp: 150/90 HR 115 154/96 HR 105 140/92 HR 95 Sinus tach 18G left AC eta is aprox 15 min any questions or orders medic 5 clear this info not usually given via radio unless asked for by er:this pts hx as follows:asthma, diabetic, htn multiple meds, allergic to asa and pcn this is Medic 5 enroute with a 79yo female c/o chest pain and heavieness pt states 10/10 pain radiating to left arm, hx mi 6months ago normal sinus with PAC's, 12 lead st elevation in II, III and AVL 18G right AC 324mg asa given 2 sprays nitro given with some relief 1/4" nitro paste applied vitals are as follows: 131/81 HR 88 02 95% on 6lpm via Nasal cannula (these were the rest of the vitals during the transport: 140/79 83 96%, 139/79 78 97%, 134/77 87 96%, 138/81 87 97%, 137/83 88 98%) requesting orders for Morphine Per Dr.______ 4mg morphine IV ---- confirm order by repeating it back eta 15 min no other questions or orders recieved medic 5 clear this info not usually given via radio unless asked for by er: this pts hx is as follows: chf, asthma, copd, cardiac stents and bypass, mi 6 months prior, htn. meds plavix, lasix, atenolol, lorazepam, klorcon, nitro tabs. allergic to elavil This is medic 5 enroute with a 85yo male c/o altered mental status in hypertensive crisis pt is responsive to verbal stimuli but is unable to follow commands, pt is at times combative with non specific speach and sounds pts bp 240/122 101 97% room air 18G left AC, bgl 120 sinus tach hx of cva 4 months ago +facial droop to left side with right sided weakness requesting orders for labetolol per dr._____ denied eta aprox 20 min any questions or orders medic 5 clear this pt's info as follows: previous cva's, cardiac, diabetic, htn. meds multiple. allergies NKDA. Vitals 220/110 105 97%, 232/98 105 97%, 222/104 107 95%, 236/106 104 97%, 218/99 103 97%
  13. Hi, If you go to www.nremt.org you can see which states require it and which do not. I don't know of any that take out of country education. Hope you find some. Good Luck.
  14. We are required to respond to any call with lights and sirens but it is a medics choice on use when transporting to the hospital. If they are just a taxi ride then we don't use them but if it is more serious we use them. You asked about hospital to hospital and that also depends on the call. I have ran lights and sirens to and from before without a patient but was ordered to by the doctor since time was a concern....organ transport. I didn't feel it was necessary due to the fact it was 3am and no traffic and the airport was very close to the hospital but that wasn't my choice and there really wasn't a benefit to using them.
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