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  1. R/R 10 and shallow, labored Narrowing b/p B/P 121/78 on your first inital contact then 114/76 You also note pulsus paradoxus H/PI just eating dinner and started being easily distracted and unaware so son in law called 911 PH/Hx - diabetic
  2. pulsus normal range , and as far as nursing staff no apparent history
  3. Couldn't tell you wasn't my call. BMV was later attatched into ambulance.
  4. No pt. stayed unresponsive during transport to hospital. Intibated suctioned Large bore IV.... but what im trying to get at is what was it that the pt. experienced prior to crash. Diaphoretic skin pale wheezing in lungs bilateraly
  5. Sitting at station watching your favorite episode of American Idol over and over again, when you get toned out to a 86 year old white female with an altered level of conciousnous at the osbournes resturant. Dispatch advises the caller said they were having dinner when the Pt. went into a blank stare followed by not being able to keep the pt. attention. The pt. advises abd. pain radiating to her back and shoulder blades. pt. findings were drops of blood pressure, with pale skin. When trying to ask the pt. questions the pt. goes unresponsive. You would continue how? And what is the pt. experiencing.
  6. Hmm.. lol I think we need to team up together sometime.. !!
  7. Sorry for the delay, I'm sorry I worded my scenario wrong. Upon arrival you get to the pt. That was having labored breathing, responding to painful stimuli. when you pap him. . . After you get him to the ambulance he crashes and goes completly unresponsive. Sorry for the missaccusation..
  8. You were dispatched to a nursing home pt. ... Upon arrivale.. you find the pt. unresponsive completly to any stimulus. .. Pt. Blood press.. norm R/R shallow and apon ausculation you here wheezing.. Pale diaphoretic skin You as the medic put a C-pap mask with in 2 minutes the patients skin returns to normal color and the pt. skin dries up.... What do you think..
  9. Thats good, someone that young would have been terrible if something would have happend..
  10. That would be something to put on paper.. yeah i just shook her bra and she hit me.. sounds like a good idea though.
  11. Here a good way to indicate a non faking unresponsive patient.. run your fingers over their eye lashes.. People who are aware cant help but twitch on an unexpected finger in their eye lashes.. But back to the story ... you guys are right... PT. and her boyfriend was fighting so she would OD.. .. .. Filled a 90 count Rx pain killer in middle of June.. was gone by beg. of July.. Drug addict.,. wanting attention.. My trick to get her to jump up out of my ambulance was inface.. saying to my partner.. " The Pt. went unresponsive get the combitube to shove down her mouth... went we went back to get another alert x3 she made a joke about it laughed at us and left signed release and the local police officer witnessed and signed.. not a tough one but its something.. good job.
  12. Dispatched as a first responder to a 26 y/o w Female , Boyfriend says she overdosed on some pills, you don't know the exact pill at this moment. When you get to the scene the patient is sitting upright in a chair on the front porch. When you start asking her questions she seems alert x3. Answering all questions total alert. Says she don't need hospital.. but you take her vitals anyways. She seems fine when she goes unresponsive and weary, you do a sternum rub and she responds to pain.. you grab the cot and load her up where paramedics start IV's.. She goes totaly under.. but still responds to pain.. She comes together when you say you need to start to tube her.. What is the situation..
  13. OK earlier I couldn't think of the name for the 10 drop of mmHg every beat.. pulsus pardoxus... had it off the tip of my tongue but never came out.. so do you know recent where abouts of this patient and the current state of health?
  14. I wasn't about to read the past 7 pages but smelled the pee...mother breast feds, does she take Rx meds or street drugs?
  15. You had no suspicion of the AA, Abd pain even on palpation,guarded position?, ever have an altered LOC? Narrowing pulses? Blood pressure needle drop 10 mmhg every beat of the heart? Pale, diaphoretic skin, and the syncope episode, I would of had either internal bleeding or maybe even AAA, but with it being a birth defect you say? I would have guessed that along those lines....
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