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Everything posted by Christopher.Collins

  1. There is no need... you stated in this very thread that its about discrimination not sexuality... so which is it?
  2. They do not have to be harrased by someone of the same sex. Sexual harrasment can be caused by a person of the same or opposite sex. Reffer to the first bullet point of my previous post: Ok, I get that... and I know you were talking about hiring. But originally you wernt talking about just the hiring process. And then you continued to say gays have no rights (in general) well, apparently they do. If the victim can prove that they were fired for their sexuality then yes they do have protection. Sexual harrasment is a form of sexual discrimination as highlighted in my previous post and is illegal. And this movie came out when?
  3. This may or may not cover a hiring process... but discrimination against sexuality and sexual orientation I believe would fall under this rather vague blanket statement that I highlighted below. http://www.eeoc.gov/types/sexual_harassment.html Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following: *The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. *The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or a non-employee. *The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. *Unlawful sexual harassment may occur without economic injury to or discharge of the victim. *The harasser's conduct must be unwelcome. It is helpful for the victim to inform the harasser directly that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop. The victim should use any employer complaint mechanism or grievance system available. When investigating allegations of sexual harassment, EEOC looks at the whole record: the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances, and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. A determination on the allegations is made from the facts on a case-by-case basis. Prevention is the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers are encouraged to take steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring. They should clearly communicate to employees that sexual harassment will not be tolerated. They can do so by providing sexual harassment training to their employees and by establishing an effective complaint or grievance process and taking immediate and appropriate action when an employee complains. It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on sex or for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under Title VII.
  4. So what Type should I get if I want the air bags (that lower the back for loading and unloading) up front to? Specifically if I want to be able to controll them simultaneously and indavidualy while static or going up and down the road?
  5. Crotchity I specifically mention discrimination still happens in all forms today... a couple of times no less. I get the point 100% But if its about discrimination and not sex, why is your OP specific to homosexual males?
  6. Ha, yea Ive gotten the ice treatment before. Told to go out back and shovel the side walks and stairs because our banquet hall was rented out that night. Return to the front of the station to see two captains and a leutenant adding water to the snow and blue paint of my Eclipse. Lets just say that I was not going be held responsible for failing to go on a call because my gear was frozen in my car under 1-1/2" of ice. ~~~~~ Anyways... I hate being a party pooper as I do like to have fun but depending on what you or another person is doing something that starts as a joke can become worse. My former Chief jokingly knocked me upside the head once, the way his hand connected it cupped over my ear causing a perforation to my ear drum. Needless to say I was a bit pi$$ed regardless of knowing he didnt mean it.
  7. The only thing I dont get is why you would want a Type-I vs. a Type-III or visca versa? Im pretty sure the only difference is the cab and box arnt connected.
  8. Now respectfully, Im not going to say that it was your intention or how you truley feel... but you say you dont mind then say its a little weird when a gay male is talking to a significant other. How do you feel when a gay female does the same? How do you feel when a hetero person is doing the same? If your uneasy, your unseay, it dosnt mean your against it... but indirectly it is still discriminating in its ways. You think they should hide it or they have to hide it? Not implying that you think they should... just asking for clarification. I know, Im not denying that it happens. For that matter Im not denying that discrimination of any kind still occurs today involving employment and promotions. Its called EEOE (Equal Oppurtunity Employment/Employer). And I believe that its law for EEOE information to be posted in any place of employment to inform persons of their rights. And I have yet to apply somewhere that does not claim to be an EEOE. This dosnt mean people actually comply to it... there is plenty of red tape to deny someone employment without getting caught discriminating against them. For instance if you didnt want a (non-english speaking) immigrant working for you, you can legally make an employment requirment to communicate well in english. But fact of the matter is it is illegal to discriminate against a person. Anyways crotchity, Im not saying your opinion is out of line and Im not saying that something like this is or isnt a problem. To me its just something that can go unmentioned. Your asking in your OP if it still happens against homosexual males... discrimination happens against everyone still! If you were asking for ways to address discrimination then I could see it post worthy...
  9. We opened the bay door and left in a flash...
  10. I wont say it dosnt happen because I dont know. But it IS illegal in the states... unless you join the military, they for some reason have the legal right to ban it. I do know of quite a few homosexual males in EMS, private, volunteer and municipal... they do their jobs just as well as anyone else. In terms of conversations you may overhear and be uncomfortable with, either leave the room or tell them you feel uncomfortable. But if you do the later of the two... make sure you do the same with the heterosexual couples otherwise it is discrimination. With all respect Crotchity, this thread is a little out of line in my opinion.
  11. God, I cant believe Im about to go there... but for the sake of the holiday season and that there seems to be way too much tension on this site latley, I give you without further adeu: West Side Ambulance; Unit No. 9mm!
  12. So Im assuming that this thread has nothing to do with a pink Caddilac (wagon) ambulance with chrome spinners, a system and tinted windows?
  13. I remember thoes forms, and they are still used today. I see them mostly in instances now where a patient wants to be transfered to a hospital closer to home when the one they are currently in can provide the care they need. Generally what happens is the billing department would provided a (estimated) quote prior to picking up the patient, along with one of thoes forms. We give the form and quote to the patient and explain that medicare most likley will consider this transport unnessecarry and most likley will not pay for it. From there the patient can sign the form accepting financial responsability in case medicare will not pay or they can refuse transport and choose to stay where they are. I have never seen this in the field... but since I was usually one to volunteer to do long distance transfers, Ive often used that form.
  14. 10 Great Low-Tax Places to Retire Emily Brandon, USNews.com Dec 18th, 2008 Full-time work is often taxing. Retirement shouldn't be. Picking a retirement location with low taxes gives you more cash to spend exploring the surrounding scenic beauty, taking in the local nightlife, or hoarding your hard-earned dough for future expenses. Kicking less money up to Uncle Sam also helps retirees on fixed incomes better cope with food, gas, and utility costs. More from U.S. News & World Report » How to find a Low-Tax Place to Retire » Photos: Low-Tax Places to Retire » Best Places to Retire Americans will spend more on taxes in 2008 than on food, clothing, and housing combined, according to Tax Foundation President Scott Hodge. This year, Americans worked 74 days to pay their federal taxes and 39 days more to cover state and local levies, the Tax Foundation calculated. There's not much you can do about the federal taxes if you want to live in the United States, but the state and local tax burden varies considerably by location. The most expensive state and local taxes are typically sales and excise taxes (14 days' pay), property taxes (12 days' pay), and income tax (10 days' pay). To find low-tax places to retire, U.S. News cranked up our Best Places to Retire search tool. We sifted through more than 2,000 U.S. places to find locales that have relatively low taxes but also offer amenities important to retirees like a reasonable cost of living and fine recreational and cultural choices. Many of the low-tax retirement havens have no state sales tax, like Billings, Mont., or no state income tax, like Sioux Falls, S.D. There's nothing like zero tax to make your retirement dollar go further. One low-tax retirement gem, Stafford, Texas, a suburb of Houston, eliminated its property tax in 1995. Texas is also one of seven states with no income tax. (The others are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.) Stafford also has the lowest sales tax in the Houston area. Seniors looking to maximize their fixed income may also want to give Manchester, N.H., a look. There is no sales or traditional income tax, but New Hampshire does levy a 5 percent tax on interest and dividend income above $2,400 annually ($4,800 for couples). Residents ages 65 and older pay tax only on amounts above $3,600, and that's outside your retirement accounts. Withdrawals from retirement accounts are not taxed in New Hampshire. Many retirement locales offer tax perks specifically for seniors. Nashville-Davidson County, Tenn., the home of country-music (and state) capital Nashville, for example, was the first jurisdiction in the state to allow homeowners ages 65 and older earning less than $35,390 in 2007 to freeze the amount of property tax due on their primary residence in the year they qualify, even if tax rates increase later. The frozen dollar amount will rise if the owner sells or makes improvements to the house. If the house drops in value and the current taxes become lower than the frozen amount, homeowners pay the lower amount. And like New Hampshire, Tennessee also doesn't tax earned income, just dividends and interest. Low-tax towns don't have to be dull. Doral, Fla., is home to the Doral Golf Resort & Spa, which hosts a PGA tournament every year. And Henderson, Nev., Las Vegas's less glittery cousin, is only a short drive from the Strip, Hoover Dam, and Lake Mead. Businesses often flock to tax-friendly cities. And thriving local economies are sure to help retirees find second careers and start small businesses. The business-friendly tax structure of Spokane, Wash., is key to attracting prime technology jobs to the area. After work, retirees can stroll along the Spokane River, which runs through the center of town, or hike in the nearby mountains. Some cities, like Cheyenne, Wyo., try to slash their budgets rather than increase taxes. In October, Cheyenne Mayor Jack Spiker announced a hiring freeze on nonessential personnel, a reduction of out-of-town travel, and a review of equipment expenditures. "Just like taxpayers, the city needs to tighten its financial belt during these times of economic uncertainty," he says. By leaving vacant positions open until the end of the year, the city estimates it will save $3,160 a month per entry-level employee and $5,050 monthly for each vacant mid-level position. Perhaps the most tax-friendly state for retirees is Alaska. The geographically largest state in the union is the only one without any kind of income or sales tax. The city of Juneau levies a 5 percent sales tax, but seniors ages 65 and older who have lived in the city for at least 30 days and plan to remain indefinitely in the state can get a Senior Sales Tax Exemption Card for a $20 application fee. Those over age 65 may also be eligible for a senior-citizen property tax exemption on the first $150,000 of assessed value. All Alaska residents with at least one year in the state also receive annual Alaska Permanent Fund dividends. The payout was an unusually high $3,269 in 2008, but even more typical dividends have been nothing to scoff at, ranging from $827 to $1,964 over the past two decades. This dividend may be taxed as income on federal tax returns.
  15. Initially I skimmed through this article... when I got to the bottom and saw Terrorism as a career with growth I was shocked :shock: I guess Al-Queda is officially hiring! Perhaps it should have read Anit-Terrorism? Ahead-of-the-Curve Careers 13 Cutting-Edge Careers, Viable Now and Poised for Growth by Marty Nemko, U.S. News & World Report Cutting-edge careers are often exciting, and they offer a strong job market. Alas, the cutting edge too often turns out to be the bleeding edge, so here are some careers that, while relatively new, are already viable and promise further growth. They emerge from six megatrends: Growing Health-Care Demand The already overtaxed U.S. health-care system will be forced to take on more patients because of the many aging baby boomers, the influx of immigrants, and the millions of now uninsured Americans who would be covered under Barack Obama's promised health-care proposals. Jobs should become more available in nearly all specialties, from nursing to coding, imaging to hospice. These health-care careers are likely to be particularly rewarding. Health informatics specialists, for example, will develop expert systems to help doctors and nurses make evidence-based diagnoses and treatments. Hospitals, insurers, and patient families will hire patient advocates to navigate the labyrinthine and ever more parsimonious health-care system. On the preventive side, people will move beyond personal trainers to wellness coaches, realizing that doing another 100 pushups won't help if they're smoking, boozing, and enduring more stress than a rat in an experiment. The Increasingly Digitized World Americans are doing more of their shopping on the Internet. We obtain more of our entertainment digitally: Computer games are no longer just for teenage boys; billions are spent by people of all ages and both sexes. Increasingly, we get our information from online publications (just look where you're reading this), increasingly viewed on iPhones and BlackBerrys. An under-the-radar career that is core to the digital enterprise is data miner. Online customers provide businesses with high-quality data on what to sell and how to individualize marketing. Another star of the digitized world is simulation developer. Ever faster Internet connections are helping entertainment, education, and training to incorporate full-motion video simulations of exciting, often dangerous experiences. For example, virtual patients allow medical students to diagnose and treat without risking a real patient's life. A computer game, Spore, allows you to simulate creating a new planet, starting with the first microorganism. Globalization, Especially Asia's Ascendancy This should create great demand for business development specialists, helping U.S. companies create joint ventures with foreign firms. Once those deals are made, off-shoring managers are needed to oversee those collaborations and the growing number of off-shored jobs. Quietly, companies are off-shoring even work previously deemed too dependent on American culture to send elsewhere: innovation and market research, for example. Conversely, large numbers of people from impoverished countries are immigrating to the United States. So, immigration specialists of all types, expert in everything from marketing to education to criminal justice, will be needed to attempt to accommodate the unprecedented in-migration. The Dawn of Clinical Genomics Decades of basic research are finally starting to yield clinical implications. In 2007, it cost $1 million to fully sequence a person's genome. By mid-2009, Complete Genomics says it will do it for $5,000, and some experts predict that, within five years, the cost will decline to $100. That decline will greatly accelerate medical discoveries and already enables a person to determine if he or she is at increased risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and 15 other conditions. Within a decade, we will probably understand which genes predispose humans to everything from depression to violence, early death to centenarian longevity, retardation to genius. Such discoveries will likely give rise to ways to prevent or cure our dreaded predispositions and encourage those in which we'd delight. That, in turn, will bring about the reinvention of psychology, education, and, of course, medicine. In the meantime, the unsung heroes who will bring this true revolution to pass will include computational biologists and behavioral geneticists. Environmentalism Alarm about global warming has made environmentalism this generation's dominant initiative. The environmental wave is creating jobs in everything from sales to accounting in companies making green products, regulatory positions in government, and grant writing, fundraising, and litigation work in nonprofits. Among the more interesting green careers, engineers are working on such projects as hydrogen-powered cars, more efficient solar cells, and coal pollution sequestration systems. But those jobs require very high-level training and skills and are at risk of being off-shored. In contrast, the so-called green collar specialist is off-shore resistant and often needs less demanding training (for example, learning how to do green-building audits). Hands-on greenies might consider a career as a solar installer, a career that will likely enjoy increased demand because of government tax incentives. Terrorism The expert consensus is that the United States will again fall victim to a major terrorist attack. Jobs in the antiterrorism field have already mushroomed since 9/11, but if another attack were to occur, even more jobs would surely be generated. Demand should particularly grow in such areas as computer security and Islamic-country intelligence, but their required skill sets are difficult to acquire. More accessible yet also likely to be in demand is emergency planning.
  16. I think this guy should come to the forums and read everything we've ever posted about denying 9-1-1 service to "non-emergent" situations. No offense spenac, that wasnt directed at you at all.
  17. Ohhh... sorry I forgot something. This is actually a big thing for you guys in the back, and rightfully so I understand. When I drive van ambulances for some reason I have a bit of trouble judging stops. Itll feel like Im slowing early and enough untill I get to where I should have stopped. And I hate driving over bridges and through open areas, they blow around easily. Im typically more comfortable driving mods... I dont know why. All in all though, its nothing I cant work on though.
  18. Im more the reserved type (second to last option). Im usually really quiet and dont speak much untill spoken to. Part of it is trying to keep out of drama and cliques... the other is Im sometimes too outspoken for my own good. I can be very stubborn and opinionated... and when I see a problem Ill try to correct it, even if its not my own. So typically I just keep to myself. I also dont smile much and have my arms crossed alot, so I look stand-off-ish and unaproachable at times. Truth is Im just physically comfortable that way... Im not trying to look intimidating. Anyways now Ill toot my own horn for a minute. Aside from what I said... most people seem to enjoy working with me. One on one conversations are more my thing than groups... so in the rig with my partner is usually ok. I have never recieved any bad feedback from partners, supervisors or patients in terms of my care... unless you count the occasional lack of self-confidence (which has never caused a negative effect though). I have been told Im a good person and good teacher, that it seems Id go out of my way for anyone, and that I have potential if I just cheer up and believe in myself. So I guess that makes my story one of thoes "I need to love myself more" stories.
  19. Did you determine it was non-emergent after you used all of your portable x-ray equipment to rule out internal injuries? I mean, it was an assult right? It may not have warranted an emergency response from the scene to the hospital... but ummm, yea you dont always know if something else may be going on inside. Last I remember learning as health care providers WE ARE patient advocates. Its not our job to catch the crimminal... but rather than sitting around BSing for the truth you could have just reported your findings and suspicions. I know I wasnt there so Im not ganna purposly act like I know all the facts, but the kid had probably gone through enough, if he didnt want to tell the truth you shouldnt push it, as you said the inconsistancy of injuries spoke for themselves. Not trying to insult... so Im going to post it here.
  20. Hey no problem. Not every area has every type ambulance. And I dont see a need for it to be common knowledge. Anyways... Type I ambulances are built on a pickup truck chassis with a small box. The box and cab are not connected and access from one to the other is usually just a small window. Type II ambulances are small utility vans. Type III (modular) ambulances are on a van or truck chassis with a box. The cab and box are connected and there is usually a small door or hatch access between both. Im not sure if meduim duty ambulances are a class of their own or are Type III but they are generally heavy chassis vehicles like a Chevy C4500 or Freightliner (usually what a public works or DOT dump truck is built on).
  21. Well... sure maybe. But I see more and more people saying they dont want to go to the hospital because they cant afford it. Or drive themselves to at least avoid one bill. Hell, just yesterday I picked up an elderly man with abdominal pain. We were in the midst of a snow storm that made driving an act of insanity... and they still tried to drive themselves. Finally his wife pulled over and called 9-1-1. Bear in mind also that not everyone has insurance... and not all insurance is accepted. Dont forget to sign off on your paperwork why the patient NEEDED an ambulance. Medicare often wont pay up if your patient walked to the stretcher... but also, if you didnt document that your patient walked to the stretcher then it didnt happen, so howd they get there? Not all our money comes from one place. Funds from transports may in some companies go back into medical supplies and pay roll... where as funds for new equipment and vehicles may come from fund raisers, taxes... etc. Sure... I dont think that the EMS system as a whole will suffer from the decline in the economy but surley alot of companies will.
  22. I agree that there should be more hands on learning... but that should not take away from classroom. What good are the things you do if you do not know why you do them or how one action effects another? For instance... if you have a patient who is simply enough hyperventilating. Sure you can get them to relax and slow their breathing. But there are more warning signs than rapid breathing... why are there fingers contracting? How does hyperventilation affect the body as a whole? What measures may be needed if this progresses?
  23. JEMS did a write up on magnets in one of their issues this past summer. Untill then I had no idea what a doughnut magnet was... or that a firing pacemaker could even be reset out of hospital. Nothing I was ever taught or remember reading. Never seen anything like that around here. But then again, at the BLS level in Connecticut, you cant do anything. We cant even administer asprin anymore.
  24. Well, when your re-routing traffic past a closed road... you cant exactly slam that on their car like a maglite when they try to run over your buddies. :twisted: And I wouldnt reccomend blinding the driver at the same time.
  25. Since I struggle to find new ways to feed my ego I will only say this... I was born being proud of myself!
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