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Everything posted by Christopher.Collins
Yea... but what I mean, at least how I interprited it, is you need to drink alot of it so your kidneys dont filter it completley. This way enough of it gets put out to make your pee glow.
While I swear on my grandmothers grave that Ive never tried it... I hear you can make your pee glow in the dark if you drink thoes calyium light sticks. Its gatta be a big one or a few of them though supposedly, so it dosnt get all filtered out. Dont know if its true... but Im sure theres one brave sole here willing to try and report back?
Takes the fly swatter and starts chasing "Mom" then leaves it to hide the evidence... :twisted:
OMG Doc you just made my day
I just wanted to wish you luck on your screenplay. Gatta say that your getting info from people like us rather than just using hollywood jargon and drama ala Third Watch style is kinda nice. Hope it works out. DUDE YOUR A STARGATE FAN TOO!!! Wow... more and more the SciFi world comes out of the closet lol.
Leaves it, I have enough drama right now... leaves my sister-in-laws busted up PT Cruiser thats probably not even safe in a junkyard.
Preventing Super Medic -itis ... ?
Christopher.Collins replied to Barefootedkiwi's topic in General EMS Discussion
Timmy if you dont mind my elaborating on this a bit... when you listen to someone who is teaching you something you already know, NEVER say you already know how to do it. Even if you really do know... it comes off as cocky and arrogant. Ive learned it the hard way. Just listen to them teach it over again... there may be more than one way of doing things (better, easier, etc), or you may just learn something you didnt the first time. By the way best of luck with class and paramedic life. I think the fact that you asked this is a good sign that youll be compasionate and considerate of others. -
Takes both but removes the walnuts and refridgerates the cider... leaves my last sheet of fabric softener.
Try going into a yahoo chatroom and asking all the sex bots the best way to treat a person with a 1 3/4" diameter PVC pipe thats 12' long jammed through their left lung... Enough said
Collier fire-EMS merger may get resuscitated Monday
Christopher.Collins replied to CBEMT's topic in EMS News
Cost and need aside... it'd be delaying further care. Its one thing to have an ambulance held up because of outside factors.... its completley different to send medical units there with no means of transport, just because they want an assesment before making the call. edit: Especially if that patient NEEDS to be at a hospital 5 minutes ago. -
I found this in todays local paper... its a comment regarding a neighboring city (of my town) banning novelty lighters:
Field Clearance of C-Spine; Help me if you can
Christopher.Collins replied to paramaximus's topic in Patient Care
Here, its call med control or wait for the medic... even if its the patient who just fell 8' and is running around flailing. -
Walmart guy "resusitation"? (Vid inside!!!)
Christopher.Collins replied to vs-eh?'s topic in Patient Care
Latest news has it that the victim's family is sueing Wal-Mart, the mall its attatched to and the police department. -
EMS in the Obama Administration
Christopher.Collins replied to UMSTUDENT's topic in General EMS Discussion
Id just let it go dude... probably a joke, at least thats how I interprited it. -
EMS in the Obama Administration
Christopher.Collins replied to UMSTUDENT's topic in General EMS Discussion
Couldnt agree more Dust... I look at all these big new fancy toys popping up around my area and while Im greatfull we have them, what difference does that command post make when my choking on mustard gas a$$ is being hauled off by some burnt out (probably from poor finances leading to personal issues) medic in an ambulance thats had its rear axel replaced a dozen times and twice was pulled O.O.S for exhaust venting into the cab? -
Have you ever ............. be honest now.
Christopher.Collins replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in Funny Stuff
I have a strict personal polocy against 1) Messing around with co-workers on and off the job 2) Dating or being married to co-workers (but I completley respect anyone else's choice to do so) 3) Messing around at work (including volly stations) with anyone. This should be grounds for immediate termination IMHO. Theres a whole bunch of things I could say to specify messing around... cuz its kinda broad, but Im sure its not nessecarry. We are all mostly adults. Nothing against dating/marying peers in the same line of work, I just wouldnt do it with someone in the same company. My only issue with people in the same company is if they start gettin all touchy feely and kissing and all that crap while on duty. Personally I dont think any couple should be allowed to work the same shift unless they are not working on the same rig or department. -
Even if you dont work with them... ever... I always find it good to know the the shift/crew that works before and after yours. While you should always check your own rig... it helps to know whos reliable for restock, who isnt.... whos a total pig and dosnt bother cleaning... who will be kind and reliable enough to help you if you absoloutley need it (i.e your partner bounces at the end of a shift before either of you cleaned the rig).
I like the sealed compartment method. If managed properyly it works great it requires alot of accountability. The way we did it when I wore the cranberry shirt was this. All compartments (except for linens, the bench seat and jump kit compartments) and each jump kit were sealed with zip ties that have tabs on them. To seal a compartment you have to complete a check sheet... sign out the needed number of seals from the supervisors office while they are present including your name, date, compartment, serial number on the seal and soonest exiration date of any applicable items in that compartment. You initial the seal/s tab as well as put the soonest exp. date on it and finally seal your compartment. Advantages: *Your name and (in the log book) the supervisors name goes on it *Quicker check of the ambulance at the begining of the shift (If everything is sealed) *If something is missing but the compartment is sealed there is a record of who did it *Additionally, the shift or associate supervisors were responsible for signing off on your check sheets by the end of your shift and filed accordingly. So they in turn are also partly responsible. Disadvantages: *Its kind of an honor system more than anything *A compartment may go un-used past an expiration date of whats inside *A broken seal (depending on the brand) it can be replaced and go un-noticed. A visual inspection alone is not enough so not being fully equiped will fall on your part for laziness... even if the seal was someone else's responsability. I personally feel and pull on every seal as well as check expiration dates before Ill okay it. Generally what I did if all seals were in place, my O2 levels were good, lights, sirens... etc. Id complete my check sheet at the end of each shift. Theres more time to do so and if I use something I dont have to do a second check sheet. I dont see the point behind checking off legitimatley sealed compartments... then later breaking a seal and using something then checking all over again. Plus I like to make sure its all there for the next crew so they cant say it isnt.
Flashlight covered in JEMS?
Christopher.Collins replied to fiznat's topic in Equiqment and Apparatus
I remember the advertisment from JEMS... the one that crotchity posted is the right light. :twisted:It would have had to have been made at least 130 years ago for them to know that!!!:twisted: -
Private EMS service adds FLIR
Christopher.Collins replied to Arctickat's topic in Equiqment and Apparatus
Great idea... would love to hear some more results and opinions down the road. Seeing as Ford is slowly leaving the ambulance market theres something Chevy and GM may be able to contribute to safety as well. Various Pontiacts are being built with heads up displays now, simillar to what you would see in a fighter plane. Your speed, direction... pretty much everything displayed on the instrament pannel is displayed (by a projector) on the glass/windshield. Not so much that it obstructs your view... but just enough that you can check your speed and other information without looking down or away from the road. Its an interesting feature, I played with it alot when I worked at a GM dealership. -
Whats in an Age? An Opinion: Open for Discussion
Christopher.Collins replied to Christopher.Collins's topic in Archives
Wow, sorry I havnt dropped in on this... I forgot I even posted it :oops: Yes in one instance I am reffering to a Leutenant who is 19 years old..., and they by law could not have possibly recieved Firefighter-1 certification sooner than their 18th birthday. Nor could they have been eligable for senior membership in the department sooner than their 18th birthday. By the way Im not talking administrative either, shes a full fleged line officer in command of the ladder truck. My other question is whether or not someone who is 18 is really experienced enough a driver to operate an emergency vehicle? Ultimatley age isnt the issue itself its more so the ammount of experience you can gain in 1 year. cfaulknor your assesment of 40 year old joining is the same idea just older... and I believe I made that reference in my OP that it would still apply to older newbies. -
Remove 12 Lead from ambulances ???????
Christopher.Collins replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in General EMS Discussion
Ok so heres something Ive been pondering in recent times. While learning the equipment in my new fire department... I noticed our BLS ambulance has an old Phillips monitor that we use for our pulse OX and as an SAED. We can not perform cardiac monitoring as EMT-Bs in a diagnostic sense, but the monitor is capable of cardiac monitoring no less. What Im pondering is, would it be benneficial for BLS to conduct monitoring? I dont mean determin what kind of rythm the patient has, just simply hook 'em up and thats it. For instance you get dispatched to a chest pain call... no medic available and your 15 min out from the nearest hospital. Would it help the hospital to have a print out of an EKG taken on scene (for comparison)? Would it help the medic when and if they become available? Granted both the hospital and medic will take their own more than likley, could that first EKG, the soonest one prove important? Other than this I would say continue BLS care by your local protocols. Not trying to toot my own horn, sorry if I come off as a bit arrogant but its not difficult to hook up a monitor. I can remember many a time my BLS rig would have the medics gear on board (from a previous or for the next shift) and if I ever called for an ALS intercept Id be expected to have the monitor hooked up before we even met. And more often than not even working ALS, my medic partner would have me hooking up the monitor. I realize there can be factors where a reading may be wrong and adjustments may have to be made. But it could be something anyone can learn. Medical Assistants, CNAs and EMT-Bs in clinical settings can all be taught this skill. -
Top 10 List of Rules for Student Practicums
Christopher.Collins replied to emtannie's topic in Education and Training
Not an instructor but hope you dont mind a contribution, I believe it to be 100% true. When someones going over something you already know dont blurt out, "I already know that." Shut up and listen again anyways. You may learn something new... or just come off as a cocky and arrogant pri*ck. From there you can quite possibly reffer back to sirdukes #11 rule. -
Im ganna curl up in the back with my Teddy Ruxpin a pacifier and my glock. My partner will assess the scene and initiate care untill PD arrives... then for radio me.
Do you need critical calls to enjoy your work?
Christopher.Collins replied to fiznat's topic in General EMS Discussion
In mom's defense... I see more trauma from gerriatric falls than I do from others. Of course they are more breakable and stuff Always love thoes calls for "lift assist only" where you get on scene and theres a body part so out of place a 4 year old could notice.