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Everything posted by Christopher.Collins

  1. This is where I do my Nick Cage, "Bringing Out the Dead" impersonation. "There are no good fires, people get killed in fires." IMHO, the only good shift is a quiet shift. Is it hard to keep up with skills if your not using them? Yea, absoloutley. But as I tell everyone in my fire dept who keeps begging for calls... if we go on a call someone is having a bad day. Ok maybe thats cliche but who cares. I come from an area where call volumes are on average 2,000+ a year (which is much compared to many others) and am now in a department that makes maybe 200 a year. Im deffinatley not complaining. As far as not making a difference every call... ummm define making a difference. Perhaps you should say your not going to save every patient? Im generally not cocky or arrogant but I consider every attempt I make at helping someone to be making a difference. Not trying to chew you out or give you a hard time brother... just throwing my perspective in.
  2. Kind of ironic that we are technically on a social networking site... but it is missing something. Lets see so far today: I regreted eating all thoes hot wings and pizza at 3am, a few times. Thought God was trying to talk to me but realized that they were testing the tornado siren. What would you expect when you hear a booming voice in the sky with no public event or emergency scene near by? Watched Forensic Files Watching the Chronicles of Riddick Thinking about getting some leftover pizza and a beer Excessivley played Mafia Wars on facebook Argued with a freind that the AK-47 is better than the M16A2 Ill be back with more!
  3. Had a simmilar experience as the OP except replace the "broke down" car with a 30' boat in the middle of I-95! PPE is definatley not something to take lightly. I stopped at a wreck once, only because it was an ejection and the vehicle rolled on the pt and there was no one there... well no one worth a damn. Yea plenty of bystanders pulled over (on this 2 lane 65mph highway) but the most any one person did was park in behind of the engine block in the outside lane. Anyways to my point... Im holding c-spine on the pt trying to get a hx, FD and EMS arrive so short handed they asked that I stay. So they try and lift the vehicle with two sets of jaws shattering one window in my face and then I took a knock to the head from the passenger door. NEVER EVER GO LIGHT ON THE PPE!!!
  4. First of welcome to the city. There is as you have already noticed a great wealth of knowledge from around the world. As far as looking for a job Ive heard all to often the best company to work for (career wise) is not the one whos always hiring. Of course however you have to start somewhere. But for that big career, its one you have to look for. Im particularly drawn to Acaidian Ambulance. They are based in Louisiana and have began setting up shop in some other southern states. They are a commercial service but seem to be very reputable. As far as what you can do for them... everything from ground transport to fixed wing (plane) and rotary wing (helicopter) transport. You can even be a paramedic on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Depending on what you want they hire everything from dispatchers to RNs. As far as reputation among employees, its the ONLY company I have never heard a negative about Acaidian from people that work there or have worked there... and I have spoke to quite a few. I have never spoken to employees of any other given company without hearing at least one bad thing. Best of luck. ~Chris
  5. To answer your first question... a lot of us have our weaknesses. For me its smells; especially vomit (oh that ones great if they just drank some wine and topped it off with a pasta dinner). Your human, and humans have defense mechanisms against bad things... including things that may not directly or physically harm us. Honestly, you wont find your kryptonite untill you see for yourself. The second question is up to your state and the school. Some states dont teach EMT-I very much or at all, some dont teach EMT-B anymore. Here in Tennessee they phased out EMT-B and grandfathered existing certifications. Pretty much though the difference between an EMT-B and EMT-I (EMT-IV as in [intra Venous not the roman numural 4] in Tennessee) is going to be a little more on pharmacology (medications), learning and performing IV's, and advance airway procedures (LMA). I would contact the people who teach the specifc course and speak with them... because its different everywhere you go.
  6. Welcome to EMT City and the wonderful world of Emergency Medical Services! My name is Chris and I will be your guide this evening. The in flight movie is EMT Class 101, we are currently out of air sickness bags and all emergency exits have been welded shut for the sake of our sanity. Ahh, Im just messing with you, sorry. Anyways lets see how I can help you out. My name really is Chris though, that part isnt a joke lol. Well depending on where you are an EMT-Basic is pretty much advanced first aid, throw in some backboarding and spinal immobilization and unless you live in Connecticut possibly some intubation with combitube or LMA and pharmacology. Dont sweat it though, its not too bad. As far as the 10x more comment, dont worry, class isnt going to be to bad. Your real experience is going to be on the job. You will be taught and tested on basic scenarios... worry about what your taught but remember (to yourself and not in class) that real world EMS is different. Just make the grades in other words. It has its moments but a lot of what you see will be determined by where you work and what kind of company you work for. Its actually kind of hard to answer. As far as how hard you take the things you see or if it gets easier, thats really dependant upon you. In six years Ive seen some crap (which respectfully shall go unmentioned) and none of it has really phased me. Some people will judge you based on that, thinking your not human to not be disturbed by this kind of stuff... but really you cant let it get to you or you wont survive this way of living. Feel free to drop me a message and I may get into it a bit more with you on this question. I wont really get into war stories though, sorry but its not my thing. Generally speaking, yes to the first and second part. Ill try and break this down to two responses. It will be hard finding a job fresh out of EMT "school" as most REAL companies want experience. Its kind of a double edged sword if you will. Your easiest way to find employment is to start with a commercial agency... for example AMR (American Medical Response). A lot of companies that will hire someone who is green will be commercial services or in some cases companies with a bad reputation. Dont be discouraged by this though, a lot of us suck it up and work for a crappy company one time or another. You will probably be doing a lot of non-emergency transports for such places. This would include nursing homes, doctors offices, dialysiss, pyschiatric, rehab. Most 9-1-1s you will catch will probably be minor traumas and drunks. As far as continuing education and employment that shouldnt be a problem. Try to find a job that has both BLS (Basic Life Support) and ALS (Advanced Life Support) service... as an EMT your BLS and as a medic your ALS. A company that does both will like to hear your intentions to move up. Dont nessecarilly count on them paying for you to get your medic. If they do chances are they wont front the money, you have to pass the class first... and then work for them for a set ammount of time before they will reimburse you. By all means ask away. But please continue any questions related to this subject in this forum. Just to keep things easy and organized. There is a great deal of knowledge here from around the world so dont be shy. As they told me in my Army days, the only stupid question is the one not asked. Welcome to the city and best of luck in your career path and schooling. ~Chris
  7. Thanks I heard about that and congradulations!! Did they cut you loose by yourself yet or are you precepting for med control? Thats great to hear, Im sure you have a burden off your shoulders now that you are able to do more. Hope everything else is well. Im hoping to go for medic soon but I have to get my damn TN EMT first. It sucks that they just cant accept the fact that Im a certified EMT regardless of where, considering Ive been active within less than a year and its still valid.
  8. HOLEY SH*T!!! Regardless of who was right and who was wrong, what we see and what we dont see... if these cops had half a brain they would had have noted what agency the ambulance was and unit number and contacted the company. Im sorry, Im not trying to be a hater of cops. I have the upmost respect for them. Unless this ambulance was driving erratically for a period of time there was no reason for this to happen. Not with a patient in back and deffinatley not in public like this. Maybe they didnt know there was a patient on board... but maybe once they figured that out they could have come up with a better course of action to resolve the situation. Im not saying my brother EMSers didnt do anything wrong, and if they did they should most deffinatley be held accountable. But the cops handled this (at least based on what we have been told and shown) like a bunch of frigging jack a$$es.
  9. Hello everyone. A lot of you know me already but there are a lot of new names here since Ive been gone so Im just ganna take a second and re-introduce myself. My names Chris, Im 24 years old and reside in Collierville, TN (USA). Prior to falling off the face of the earth and dissapearing from here I was living in CT and in a bad relationship which became a bad marrage, which lead to the afore mentioned statment. Anyways Im here now, without her and very happy. I am a Firefighter/EMT at a near by volly department and have been in Fire/EMS for about 5 and 6 years respectivley. It started off as a hobby, just something to do and it became a passion. I have worked and volunteered for municipal, commercial and private services and frankly dont have a preference... regardless of what many others say or think we are all here to (for the most part) do the same job. Im seeking EMS as a career and plan to get my medic and eventually (hopefully) my RN. Look forward to getting reaquanted with you all and getting to know the newbies. Take care and stay safe.
  10. Sounds to me like Twitter is a tell everyone your whole life networking site just like facebook... I think its stupid that you can read comments people are sending to someone else's page. If you leave a general post for everyone to read yea sure, thats the point... but my girlfriend dosnt need to read about me telling another girl how hot she is. Im just kidding, Im really a one woman guy lol. But the point still stands. No twitter here... and deffinatley no myspace but if anyone wants this heres where you can find me: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile....amp;ref=profile Yea, facebook, the irony lol. Just let me know your from the city, and your name here for quick painless ID for me.
  11. Unless every single intersection in your jurisdicition is an open feild where you can clearly see a couple hundred yards down every cross street... everything about it is wreckless. If you have ever even driven a motorvehicle, or rode a bicycle in your life youll know that sometimes there are obejects and buildins right on street corners. Have you been living in a buble? Please feel free to provide specific quotes from your government and feel free to include links to these quotes... FROM LAWS and OFFICIALS... not disscusions with other peers you work with. Been doing it for six years, havnt killed hurt or endangered anyone yet. EDIT (Added the following to my above statement): To further elaborate, an emergency vehicle in lights and siren respons may, if safe to do so, travel about 10-15 mph above the posted speed limit. A regular motorvehicle may not travel above the posted limit. If they are passing you... and this does happen all the time, then they are breaking the law. It is your responsibility as a SAFE driver to be aware of what else they may or may not do. (End of added statement). Ill be sure to site you as a reference if I ever get pulled over. Finally a semi intelligent statement... its not justified at all though not just on fake runs. In terms of driving we shouldnt be forcing anyone to do anything regardless of an emergency or not. IF they dont want to yeild, the best you can do is pick up your radio and request PD. Very well done sweetie... but ummm hes not concerned about patient outcome. Hes concerned about polution, break and engine wear.
  12. Actually, cars behind a school bus at an RRXing do not legally have to stop and wait for it to pass through. Its safer that they do, especially if they cant see around the bus well enough... but they do not have to wait by law. I dont know about crossings where your at... but where Im from, you cant see miles down a track. The only exempt tracks are inactive ones. I support it 100%. It shouldnt take that much time to evac a bus, I agree... but if youve been in EMS long enough you should know better that crazy things happen.
  13. Hmmm well since your the AAA driving instructor you know better than I would. Ive only driven a school bus, so I wouldnt know. In some states its law so bitch to your congressman not the bus driver. The think about 60 or so kids being killed in the one instance that procedures arnt followed. But again what would any of us know... because we arnt allowed to blow red lights and drive like total jack asses like your company apparently allows.
  14. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
  15. Disclaimer: I did not finish reading any posts following these. I know I should know better and Im sure many of you who know me on here can vouch for that. If this part of the discusion has ended I appologize but I just cant leave this alone. I am sorry. Additionaly if I make any course statements, I appologize but this almost offends me and I need to blow some smoke. My heart just sank very deeply. This is the scariest "honest" statement I have ever heard next to a freind admiting she knelt on the chest of a combative patient. Actually this is worse. Whos time are you wasting if your dead? Whos time are you wasting if you cause a major accident and have to delay response elsewhere to treat thoes involved? I was going to let it go when you initially stated you dont stop for red lights... even though you emphasized it. But then you post such an arrogant statements as you did in your post to follow it up? You do not belong behind the wheel of an emergency vehicle. Assume for a moment your approaching this said clear intersection where everyone has stopped. DO YOU KNOW THAT THOES CARS WILL WAIT FOR YOU? DO YOU KNOW THAT NO ONE WILL RUN ACCROSS THE ROAD IN FRONT OF YOU? DO YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO LOOK AT LEAST 50-100 YARDS UP EVERY SINGLE CROSS ROAD AND MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE IS SPEEDING DOWN TO THE INTERSECTION BEFORE YOU EVEN GET TO THE INTERSECTION? You brother are incredibly arrogant. I can only hope that your not nearly as wreckless as the statements you have made. I have held a commercial drivers license for some time now as well as EVOC... and it shouldnt take either to know that you can be the safest driver on the road, your still in danger of others around you. Do you think you have what it takes to be involved in the loss of a life? A former coworker of mine was driving lights and sirens to a hospital... struck by a drunk driver coming around a blind turn. The drunk driver was killed. My friend was not found at fault but to this day suffers from PTSD from the incident. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE? Ok Im stepping off my pedistal now.
  16. Couldnt agree more. On a simillar subject its the reason Im quite outspoken about running lights in POVs. No one except line officers should really be allowed this. Also, we cant forget to mention that there are a lot of times that a call will be downgraded either while en-route by first responders or on arrival by ourselves. Its stupid to drive like an idiot in the first place, but to drive like an idiot for nothing is another story. To digress a bit, arnt a lot of medevac crashes eventually found to be that the chopper was unnessecarry in the first place?
  17. Essentially any accident your involved in while running lights and siren will be your fault. It may get thrown out if it goes to court depending on the circumstances but you will have to take into account civil suits filed by the families (including your patient if already on board)... additionally depending on your company and or union they may just need a fall guy to cover their own a$$. In terms of being stuck in traffic, deffinatley leave yourself some room between you and the car ahead. A good rule of thumb would be that you can see the back tires touching the pavement. This way if you have the oppurtunity to get out you still have room to move around them. You should never back up to make room... and I honestly dont care if you have one of thoes fancy back up cameras, they show you whats their but they still have blind spots and frankly the depth perception sucks. All and all technology is wonderful but should never EVER replace good sound judgement.
  18. Oooh that can be a loaded question here lol. Dont get me wrong though its not a bad question at all, if your concerned about safety during certain procedures it never hurts to ask. First and foremost a few rules: 1. Whatever the cars around you are capable of doing... assume they will 2. ALWAYS STOP AT RED LIGHTS I dont care if you have an opticom system or you have someone bleeding to death in back. 3. If you have your partner or other emergency personel with experience in emergency driving in the right seat then they better be communicating clear or not clear when approaching an intersection... and they better be damn sure (though of course you cant always predict what someone will do). BUT THIS SHOULD NOT SUBSTITUTE YOUR ASSESING YOUR SURROUNDINGS FOR YOURSELF! ~~~~~~~~ First and foremost its best to approach any intersection from as far left as you can move... (POV) drivers who know their heads from a$$es should know to move to the right for lights and sirens. With that said you may sometimes find that the right lane is open... (man I know Ill catch flak for saying this) if I must proceed from the right I turn my siren off and mannually yelp it every so many feet. Approaching vehicles from the right may confuse them and they may cross in front of you... do it as little as possible. As far as going into oncoming traffic this is sort of common sense... they will not always wait for you and youll probably have to wait for them. When clear procede into the oncoming lane SLOWLY... watch for intersections on your left that may be blind for drivers coming off of it and turning towards you. Dont forget to breifly stop when you finally get to the intersection... you may be blocking oncoming traffic at that point but its far better than driving into cross traffic. You may find yourself in situations where there are islands at intersections.... if you can SAFLEY do so try to go around them from the left. Getting stuck behind a car at an island may panic the driver and force them to freeze up or worse drive into traffic to get out of your way. Honestly I can go on but at the moment I need a break. Hope this helps.
  19. Again thanks all for your responses, it is much appreciated. Vent thanks for going the extra step also... I honestly wouldnt know where to look for some of the info and feedback you offered. Well let me rephrase, I probably wouldnt have understood what I found. They do have an RRT program, yes, but you have to complete the CRT program first. Probably just another way to get extra money. Anyways as stated before I have decided to just go for my medic for the time being. Its something Ive put off for too long now and really want to pursue. My only setback is having to get my damn Tennessee EMT certification first... Im hoping that taking the fast track class wont really matter. Im already an EMT. Ill just have to call the comm college tomorow and set a meeting. Again, thanks everyone. Good to see you all again. Glad to be back in the city also.
  20. Sadly enough the child molestor will get so much more publicity than Mr Cronkite. Sorry for thoes who like MJ but ummm yea Im not sorry hes gone. Walter Cronkite has done so much more. Rest in peace sir.
  21. Thank you all for your feedback. I am seriously reconsidering this school and may just take something at the comm college regardless of their own reputation. Im already an EMT-B in the state of CT and the for the time and cost I will have to invest in for resciprocity (cuz I was stupid and let my NR lapse) and an IV upgrade I might as well just take an accelerated EMT course instead. I should fly through it. Then I can finally go for my medic. Theres another thing I dont get. Yes I understand that generally speaking you have to be an EMT before you will even be accepted into a medic course... but what difference does it make what state Im an EMT in? I mean hell, I cant go for my medic untill Im a TN certified EMT but its not like I havnt been a freaking EMT for almost 6 years. Dont they have backround checks for a reason? They have to do one to confirm Im a CT EMT before I get resciprocity anyways, its not like they wont find out. Ill try not to further open that can of worms though, cuz I remember how a lot of you feel about simillar subjects
  22. First off High Speed (Lone), Hooah! Best of luck in the Guard. Dont know if they use "high speed" in the Navy but in the Army it pretty much means on the ball and/or squared away. Thanks for serving brother. Former CT Army Guard here, untill I was medically discharged. Anyways, I dont mean to degrade anyone, but your one up on many people in our proffesion already. I wont speak for anyone specifically and I wouldnt know anything about Florida, but a lot of us in this proffession are out of shape, and yes theres plenty of proof in statistics and studies. In fairness myself included, after my discharge I lost some of my motivation. Just keep up your passion for fitness. On the other hand dont overwork yourself, at least before a shift on a hot day. I just moved to Tennessee from Connecticut... the weather differences are intense. A heat wave back home is normal here. It has made getting back to shape rather difficult. In addition, I have more certifications and training than a lot of the members of my department that are my age. When it comes to training though I look like just another rookie because this heat kicks my a$$. Your of no use if your tired and worn out just before the tones pop... so pretty much just be concious of when you work out and how much. Though with your military background you may already be used to situations changing quickly. Best of luck in your career.
  23. I second Mobey. Now if the patient seems to be disabled but you are unable to obtain a history for any reason, just plain and simple describe how the patient is presenting to you. Of course you shouldnt say the patient is retarded or (as Ive seen on a PCR) Cou Cou for Coa Coa Puffs... but its not going to be unproffesional to say things like, pt was incoherrant in seech or pt seemed slow to respond and react to questions and various stimuli. Just remember we cant diagnos so saying something like pt demonstrates signs of retardation, though is not nessecarilly wrong nor rudley/malitiously written, how are you to know that thoes signs are secondary to retardation. I digress. If you cant get accurate history... write what you see and what happens. But dont get tunnel vision, what if they are having a TIA or CVA?
  24. That should read; they arent trying to oversell themselves... or in other words over-glorify or try to hide and cover things through compensation, bells and whistles
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