*How long has she been experiencing this onset (excluding the back pain x2 days)?
*Provokes / what if anything makes more comfortable? 1/10 scale
*Onset/provoke, location/radiation of the back pain? 1/10 scale
*Any follow ups since treatment for the UTI? If so results/info?
*Last vomit... how did it present?
*Blood in stool, urine, vomitt? (If any output or on attempt)
*(If a hospital) Why is patient being transferred?
*Last visit to PCP, any known information from visit
*Any known liver problems (not given in history but perhaps its something new awaiting test results)?
*Monitor vitals (full work up including EKG) and (compare if taken by facility or first responders). If a nursing home (or other non-emergency facility) any info on patients normal mental status and vitals
*Bring family member (in regards to mobey's comment on if patient is reliable for info)
*If patient is not being transfferred to a hospital, reccomend that we do so (Ive brought people to dialysiss appts. that shouldnt have been at a simple dialysiss facility). Transport Code 3 if any signs/symptoms appear to be severe or jaundice is new (beyond simple abdominal pain as hx may be irrellivant to this case)
Ive flat out taken the word routine out of my dictionary. I dont blame dispatch, its not always there fault... but I feel your pain. Im sure we all do. I get a call to a nursing home; the usual fall and "lift assist only." Ummm ok they just wanted a lift assist for an obvious tib-fib break in which the foot was 90 degrees in the wrong direction.